XTERRA Scramble - Malibu Creek Trail Challenge - - Run4 Mile

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Calabasas, California
United States
XTERRA Scramble
Total Time = 41m 23s
Overall Rank = 50 FM/146 FM
Age Group = 20-29
Age Group Rank = 15/45
Pre-race routine:

Got there an hour early to avoid parking headaches, so I was able to park relatively close to the start, which I believe helped me compared to my previous races where I arrive at the start with less than 3 minutes before starting time.
Event warmup:

I ran from the parking lot to the starting line, so maybe a 500m jog.
  • 41m 23s
  • 4 miles
  • 10m 20s  min/mile

I really trailed behind on the hills, and that was where the majority of the runners passed me. I did take to walking several times either because a) the person in front of me on the single track was going at the speed that walking is adequate or b) I was dying and needed to walk.

I noticed that the downhills were where I passed most of the people, because the last mile and a half was a gradual downhill and I just sort of let that take me to the finish line.
What would you do differently?:

Really really work on running hills. I have no idea how people can run hills without needing to stop nor slow down.
Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

All in all this was a fun race. Upon finishing, I was at first disappointed because my time showed as 1:11:23. It wasn't until after I returned to my car that I realized the clock reflected the time of the 14 mile race, which started roughly about 30 minutes before the 4 mile race, so my time wasn't accurate.

Last updated: 2007-05-14 12:00 AM
00:41:23 | 04 miles | 10m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 15/45
Overall: 0/146 FM
Performance: Average
Course: The course was pretty fun, much to my surprise, and the ones who were encouraging and supportive were right; I did enjoy it! The course was a "P" shape, or so the MC said. We all started for the 4 mile race on a fire road, and the first mile was pretty wide that was run on the fire road. The 2nd mile was a right turn onto a narrow single track which began the incline progression. We kept on climbing until about 1/4 into the 3rd mile, before slowly proceeding downhill. The last mile was run the opposite direction as the first mile on the fire road, and the finish was about 100m past where the starting point was.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4