Comments: I felt pretty good in the swim. I started a bit faster than normal, and had no issues with contact. I got out through surf zone quickly and without incident. Rounded all the buoys good and really never drafted and I wasn't able to catch any waves on the way in. What would you do differently?: Not much really. I swam harder than I have in the past so I'm pretty happy with my performance, we'll see how I actually ranked in my AG and overall when the results get posted. Transition 1
Comments: T1 was quick and smooth for me with no issues. Bike
Comments: No drafting, but stuck with one guy about 20 meters back for the last 8 or so miles. Only 1 person passed me the entire bike segment and he wasn't in my AG so no worries. :) What would you do differently?: Nothing, it was a great effort. Transition 2
Comments: I decided to run without socks afterall, which made for a quick transition, but I forgot my race belt and went back for it, so really lost about a minute there. Oh well... live and learn Run
Comments: I felt pretty crummy starting off. Had side cramps and my HR was high 165 and above for the entire 1st mile. Then I kind of settled down and got my HR under control - down in the high 150's. Then my sockless right foot started getting chewed up pretty good. I grabbed water when at each station even just for a sip. By mile 2 I felt pretty good other than my foot, which was now bleeding and my white running shoe was now pink with blood/sweat mixture. I picked up the pace the last mile and finished very strong with a nice steady climb in my HR the last 8 minutes all the way up to 179 at the finish. I think my first mile was around 10 minutes, maybe more. Then probably 9 or less, then maybe a mid to high 8 min mile. We'll see when the results get posted online. What would you do differently?: Build up more calluses on my feet before going without socks. :( Train more for shorter quicker races like this. Post race
Warm down: Walked around, ate - that's pretty much it. What limited your ability to perform faster: My run ability Event comments: Second time I raced this event and I enjoyed it. I'll do it again. Last updated: 2007-05-14 12:00 AM
United States
City of Carlsbad
69F / 21C
Overall Rank = 190/928
Age Group = 40-45
Age Group Rank = 26/82
Got up early, showered, had some yogurt and water and headed out early to the race. I got my transition set up early and had lots of space.
I went for a short 10 min jog with Bryce and then a 15 or so minute walk. Then ended up standing around for quite a bit before heading down to the water. I did swim for about 10 minutes. The water was really warm and felt great.