Comments: Terrible swim - started out OK but my ability to see the buoys was awful - got confused and felt like I was swimming in zig zags. Did improve a little on the way back in but wow it was a slow swim. What would you do differently?: Stay focused - if I need to stop and really mark out the buoy then do so. But otherwise it was just one of those days. Transition 1
Comments: Averqage T1 but need to focus more. What would you do differently?: Stay a little more focused - basically though my transitions have been OK in last couple of tris. Bike
Comments: I tried harder on the bike but my legs were giving me some bother today. Felt at one point like the left was going to cramp (probably because I was hungry, dehydrated and had already had a hard week of training). What would you do differently?: Eat more at beginning before race - make sure I was hydrated properly. Otherwise it was not a bad bike split - made up some time on the bike from the swim. Transition 2
Comments: Good T2 but spent some time joshing with Carol, Deena and Duane - should have perhaps been a little more focused. Not sure this lost me any time though. What would you do differently?: Stay focused but otherwise it was a good T2 for me. Run
Comments: Not a bad run - definitely not as focused as I should have been but very comfortable (especially since I had decided to talk to people as I ran past). I actually like running in triathlon and this was comfortable for me. What would you do differently?: Probably should have gone with less talking and more focused running but I was enjoying myself! Post race
Warm down: Ummm none as usual. What limited your ability to perform faster: Tired from drive, week at work and training. Did not stay focused when swim went below average when I should have done. Just had a bit of an off day - didn't feel like racing but ended up just enjoying the triathlon and had a good time. (Mind you if I had known I was only 20 odd seconds slower than last year I would have picked up the pace). Event comments: I love racing at Bonelli - like the course, the people and the post-race activities. Last updated: 2007-06-05 12:00 AM
United States
Tri Events
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = F30-34
Age Group Rank = 5/8
Not my usual pre-race routine - we drove up on the morning of the race because I had not booked our hotel in time.
Splash about in the water.