ONE 0 ONE - TriathlonLong Course

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clearlake, California
United States
Total Time = 10h 23m 28s
Overall Rank = 87/117
Age Group = M 30-34
Age Group Rank = 9/11
Pre-race routine:

Hectic. Took the train to San Diego where Jazz82482 met me at the train stop with Ryan. We then picked up the rental car and Jazz headed to L.A. to meet up with my buddy Mike S. While I was happily sleeping in San Diego, Jazz was freaking out because she couldn't find most of her tri stuff and though Ryan and I had forgot to load the car. She eventually realized that the minivan had hidden compartments and that all her stuff was safely tucked inside. Crisis number 1 of the weekend is solved.

Mike and Jazz both left L.A. early Saturday morning and planned to pick me up along the way after I flew from SD to Sactown. This plan has been a source of much stress for Mike since he was convinced the plane would not show up or something like that and I would be massively delayed. Thankfully the plane took off just 5 minutes late and Crisis #2 of the weekend was averted. So Jazz and Mike picked me up in Sactown after I took care of another engagement Saturday morning and we were off. Thankfully Sactown was on the way to the venue otherwise it could have been a nightmare. Mike and Jazz were cool though and seemed to be getting along fine so all was well.

We then proceeded to drive the remaining 2 hours to Lakeport where the race was being held. Both Mike and Jazz were totally stressed about making it ontime and seemed quite nervous about the whole experience. Thankfully we made it to check-in before either of their heads exploded. : )

Thankfully we survived the crisis #3 of the weekend when we checked-in to the race and the hotel and dropped off our bikes. Met a BTer, Gina, who was volunteering at the race. (Gina. It was a pleasure to meet you and we appreciate all of the help!) Once we checked in Jazz realized she forgot her sunglasses so she was freeking out trying to find some glasses. Thankfully there was a skate shop next to the trasition area so she got herself some $12 anarchy's or something else like that. For $12 they didn't seem half bad!

After getting through crisis #4 of the weekend we checked out the pre-race dinner and Jazz oggled all the pro triathletes (male and female but for different reasons). I think she ended up chatting up quite a few of them before the weekend was out but I'll let her explain all about that. During dinner a guy across from us was complaining about how hilly the run course was so we all immediately headed out to check it out. But before we left we got to listen to a couple songs of a high school band of four young teenagers. It was pretty classic since they opened with Jump by Van Halen that was written way before any of them were born and when they started playing a group of four young girls started going absolutely ape shit in the front row. Nice, 13-15 years old and they already have their own groupies!

So we drove the run course and were all floored by the terrain. There was nothing flat about the run! It was all either up or down and there were quite a few short steep sections that just looked like they were going to be murder on the legs.

After checking out the run course we hit Albertson's and got the necessary weekend food requirements. Banannas, Odwalla bars, water, gatorade and beer for after the race (Lagunitas Undercover Ale to be precise).

Headed back to the hotel and put together all of our transition bags for the next morning. Both Mike and Jazz were seemed a little stressed and on edge. Jazz having sunburned the crap out of herself was very worried about how many bottles of sunscreen to put in each bag and what size each should be. After numerous questions I took up residence at the dining room table and worked on some stuff while I was peppered with questions by Jazz.

Crashed out around 11 and woke up at 5:30. Sauntered over to the race start and milled around. It was the least stressful pre-race environment ever since there was hardly anyone around to cause you stress. There were only 150 racers or so and everyone was super mellow and very friendly. Jazz seemed nervous and excited but mostly nervous. She seemed to calm down once we got in the water. Mike seemed good but it is hard to tell with him.
Event warmup:

Walk 0.4 miles to the transition area from the hotel.
  • 48m 23s
  • 3274 yards
  • 01m 29s / 100 yards

Swim went fine. The lake was clean, fresh and a wonderful experience. I could see underwater (unlike Tempe Town Lake) and I didn't want to vomit whenever I might accidently swallow some water (also unlike Tempe Town Lake). The course was well marked and easy to follow and there was plenty of water safety people out checking over everyone. Great swim course!

As for my personal swim, the swim went fine. I was super stiff for the first lap but seemed to loosen up at the start of the second lap. There were so few participants that I didn't really get bumped at all but I also didn't have anyone to draft off of. Exit was a little slippery since algae had grown on the boat ramp but overall the swim was a real treat!
What would you do differently?:

I should have warmed up a bit. I did not swim the two weeks before the race because I have been sick. A little light warm up would have worked out some of the stiffness in my shoulders, neck and arms.
Transition 1
  • 05m 37s

I had all kinds of problems in transition. I'm not really sure why but everything just seemed to get fucked up. I ripped my race number off my race belt trying to get it out of my bag, I dropped my endurolytes all over the ground, my helmet somehow adjusted itself while it was in my bag, etc. It just didn't go well. Oh well. It was one of those days.

For those of you that are wondering the transition was set up like an IM transition with bags for swim to bike, bike to run, special needs bike and special needs run. There was a changing tent available and volunteers were there to help you. The changing tent was a little cramped after the swim (similar to IMAZ) but had plenty of room after the bike (maybe because everyone else had already started off on the run). If you wanted to you could change your clothes.
What would you do differently?:

Just about everything. I'll think more about it and get back to you.
  • 5h 15m 57s
  • 86.1 miles
  • 16.35 mile/hr

The bike course was scenic, pleasant and had varied terrain which made it interesting. In addition, the course was extremely well marked and had numerous volunteers giving directions, watching for cars and manning the aid stations. Overall the bike course was truly excellent. Two laps would be preferable to three but it really was a great course to ride.

Begin rant: I continue to struggle on the bike. Lap 1 I was having huge problems with my stomach. I think I must have taken in a little bit more of my concotion than I intended since I have been using a standard formula for all long races and bikes for well over a year and a half now. I stopped taking in calories for about an hour and just drank water and everything seemed to get sorted out. Lap 1 was also where I realized my back wheel was totally screwed up. I managed to come to a complete stop going up a short but steep incline because my back wheel was rubbing against my chain stay. You would think I would have checked this but of course not so I only have myself to blame. I managed to get that fixed and get on my way probably took less than 5 minutes counting the stop on the hill and the two other times I stopped trying to figure out if it was in my head or if I was rubbing on something. In the end, I was no longer rubbing on the chain stay but was still rubbing the brake so I went with half a rear brake for about 65 miles or so. Fun stuff.

Lap 2 I got my now standard flat. Changed it in less than 5 minutes so no big deal but still not ideal. As usual, other racers and volunteers were extremely nice and checked to make sure I had everything I needed (which I did). I also was getting pelted by bugs and ultimately was stung/bitten by a yellow jacket. The spot swelled a little but seemed to clear up by the time I got off the bike.

Lap 3 was uneventful. All laps were very scenic and enjoyable.
What would you do differently?:

Ride my bike more and stop getting ill. The time is not great but what do I expect given the lack of any consistent training since March.
Transition 2
  • 02m 45s

T2 went fine. No real issues. Changed out of my tri shorts into running shorts since I knew it was going to be a long slow run.
What would you do differently?:

  • 4h 10m 36s
  • 18.6 miles
  • 13m 28s  min/mile

I knew going into it that the run was going to suck and a lot of me wanted to call it a day after the bike and just hang out and watch everyone else finish but instead I started off on the run. I ran most of the first 4 or 5 miles but my hip flexor was giving me a lot of trouble so I started walking more and more. Eventually I met up with a fellow racer and we started run/walking together. There were so few racers out on the course that it was nice to have someone to chat with. Eventually our group of 2 became a group of 4 and later a group of 5. I might have finished a little faster had I not stayed with the group but then again I might not have and I know I had a lot more fun with my new friends than if I had been slogging it out on my own. Thanks Lauren, Julia, Rachel and Michel!

I ended up last in my age group overall (of those that finished), and last for the bike and run. Sweet!
What would you do differently?:

Train some hills. Crap, train period. I don't know. It was what it was.
Post race
Warm down:

Hobbled around and chatted with Mike and Jazz. Jazz was stoked after a great race so that was cool. I finished which is always nice. I then hit up the post race beer which was really quite tasty and we headed to the post-race dinner to watch Jazz get her award. As with all things with the race, the post-race dinner was excellent. There was a tremendous amount of food including massive amounts of bbq chicken and tritip. So I ate and drank and hung out with my gang.

Drove back on Monday and chatted with Jazz the entire way home. Quite cool it was nice to get to hang out with her before she bolts the state for Michigan. Hopefully I can talk her into cruising out for a race or two.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of training since March. Lack of mental toughness and focus and a little stupidity on the bike front. :) This was supposed to be a training day so all things went fine. The best news is that it appears that I managed not to further injure my hip.

Event comments:

The race organizers did an excellent job. The volunteers were amazing. The overall course was very scenic. I especially enjoyed the swim and bike courses. The run course was a little hilly but had nice views of the lake. If I were to do it again I would be better prepared to run hills. I just didn't realize how many hills there were going to be.

Last updated: 2007-06-11 12:00 AM
00:48:23 | 3274 yards | 01m 29s / 100yards
Age Group: 2/11
Overall: 33/117
Performance: Average
Suit: Xterra Vengeance Sleeveless
Course: Two loops of a rectangular course.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Average
Time: 05:37
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed:
05:15:57 | 86.1 miles | 16.35 mile/hr
Age Group: 11/11
Overall: 108/117
Performance: Below average
Wind: Some
Course: Three loops.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 02:45
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Below average
Running with bike
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
04:10:36 | 18.6 miles | 13m 28s  min/mile
Age Group: 9/11
Overall: 87/117
Performance: Below average
I have splits but they really aren't that interesting.
Course: Two loops of a hilly up and down course.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 2
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4