Comments: This was a 25 M snake swim in a 6 lane pool at the YMCA. I seeded myself faster than last years winning time with the hopes that I would be close to the front. Unfortuanetly so did a lot of other people. Some members of the VMI swim team were there and were not happy to be seeded so low (they were between 15-30, including 22 - right ahead of me). The guy ahead of me said don't worry I would not pass him, which was instant motivation to make sure I went by him (I caught him at the 200 mark). Though I passed a bunch of people everyone stayed next to the lane line and really the walls were the only problem. What would you do differently?: Seed myself higher. I heard 15 people seeded themselves at a 1:00 per 100M (:50 seconds per 100 yds). Transition 1
Comments: Very long run from transition to get to your bike. Transition was fine. I stayed with the people I came out with. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Bike
Comments: Jumped on the bike and started pedaling - nothing happened. Looked down and my chain had fallen off. A spectator told me that my race was done and my heart just dropped. Thank goodness another guy told me that it was easy to fix (I had never had a chain fall off). He told me what to do and I fixed it and was off. 5 people passed me while I was messing with the chain and it probably cost me a minute. I was so mad that it happened that I tracked down all five people and were by them within the first 3 miles. From there I was cruising. I did not get passed once the entire time (way different then my other races) and was around 23 - 23.5 the entire rest of the race. Taking out a minute for my chain falling off, I avg'd 23.25 mph - way way faster than I ever have. I thought this was a possibility this race. My last 2-3 weeks biking have been really good and I don't get passed very often on the W&OD trail. I used to get passed by everyone. What would you do differently?: Not have my chain fall off Transition 2
Comments: Fine transition. What would you do differently?: Nothing Run
Comments: Overall good run - legs felt a little tired off the bike but I stuck with it and after the first mile I started to feel good. I did not pass anyone and was passed by 4 people but could tell I was smooth and moving well for me. I did not realize we were turning into the finish until the very end. I would have pushed a little more if I had known the race was almost over. This is a great course to see what you can do on a flat run. What would you do differently?: Push a little harder at the end. Post race
Warm down: Drank powerade and ate 4 huge chocolate chip cookies - the food was really good (Bagels, Oranges, Bananas, Water, Powerade, Cookies, etc) What limited your ability to perform faster: Bike chain falling off Event comments: Great race to see what you can do or try out your first tri Last updated: 2007-06-18 12:00 AM
United States
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 50/265
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 7/44
Woke up at 3:30, ate 2 cliff bars, 12 oz of gatorade, 12 oz of water. Drove 2 hours to Richmond, checked in, got set up and waited to jump into the water.
Light stretching and chatting with the other swimmers