Western Carolina Adventure Race - TriathlonOther

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Hamilton Branch State Park, South Carolina
United States
Kando Adventures
100F / 38C
Total Time = 10h 30m
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

This is actually an Adventure Race. First we ran a few miles looking for hidden points in connected islands. Then we canoed. After canoeing we biked forever :-) Trekked for a short bit and biked back to finsish.

pre-race briefings Fri night and Sat. Start freaking out when told the second canoe cancelled because river dried up so doubleing the run!!! Already supposed to be 10-12 miles of running.

Up until almost midnight plotting points and determining routes between checkpoints! There are no mandatory number of checkpoints and order didn't matter.
Event warmup:

No warmup, will be doing enough throughout the day :-)
  • 3h 30m
  • 1 yards
  • 350h 00m / 100 yards

This was actually canoeing. Probably 5-7 miles of it :-) Time include running around islands looking for hidden check points. Took time to get packs on to run to the canoes and just make sure we had everything! Also took some time debating a checkpoint. We had decided to skip one point because about a mile in canoe in opposite direction but race director strongly recommended doing it. First island out (the one we were going to skip) took a while to get to against the wind and chop. Checkpoint on other side of island so we land partner runs around (faster this way). Of course then he comes back and this is a special checkpoint so we have to canoe around and swim the canoe across a small lagoon!!! This was supposed to help keep us cool, but we didn't need it first thing in the morning! Oh well. PArtner runs up to checkpoint and comes back. HAve to have passport to get it punched :-) We thought we would get flags or something!

WE then head back and go to the other islands. No problem navigating and we did have all our points plotted correctly :-) We dropped the furthest island since we added the other one in. At the time I said it might take close to an hour to get that one point and we could get on the bike in an hour!! This provided us a good laugh later in the day as you will see :-)

We were surpised that we were not more tired after all the paddling.

I had been keeping my pack dry so could put dry socks on before bike. Lots of red clay mud and water in canoe from the islands and stupid swim. So we are pulling canoe up bank and partner lifts front up and pack is now soaked!!! Thanks!
What would you do differently?:

Stick with the plan!!!!
Transition 1
  • 05m

Took our time getting into packs, put socks on back of pack to dry.
What would you do differently?:

nothing, took our time, long day ahead
  • 5h 00m
  • 25 miles
  • 5.00 mile/hr

First head out to find 3 checkpoints close to each other. Miss the first turn (must have been the mostly overgrown trail we saw but figured couldn't be the black road on the map :-) ) This wasn't a big deal other than going up and down hills on overgrown double track and hit a vine full of thorns stretched across the path going down hill about 20mph! That hurt pretty bad and now had blood all over my arm! Alright! Now I am in the race :-)

Found the first 3 checkpoints in about 1.5 hours! Third one was in middle of woods so we had to buschwack wiht the bikes! Then just bushwacked over a hill to find the next trail!

The rest of time looking for small trails and going back and forth. It was very hot now and and I was ready to head back! I was starting to get very over heated, my biggest nemesis! But, partner wants to make one more try to find some checkpoints. We have to head away from the transition area. If we find the one, 2 more are close by. But we have to find a single track trail on other side of creek. We try several kind of trails and they kept dead ending. The we turn up back at the first checkpoint we found! Partner keeps looking and by this time I am really hurting in the heat! I ahve drank so much gatorade my stomach is pretesting. Finally convince hime to go back and look for a few on the way. We hit the single track trail around the creek with switchbacks on the hills. See a post that says 6 miles! Holy crap! We still have to run and it is going on 3 pm! We make a small effort for some of the points along the way but cannot find them. Turns out they were on other side of creek even though plotted to our side. We also missed the zip line so that bummed me out.

Mile 4 to 3.5 takes about 20 mins because of all the up hill climbing. I tell partner at this rate it is going to take hours to get back! We stop a couple times to drink and eat. I started taking some more Enduralytes. I have had enough fluides, but just getting over heated! At 2 miles to go I take a break because I am getting chills and goose bumps! We remember the race director saying there was a cooling station at the transition. So instaed of trying to take a longer break to recover we press on. A few times I am starting to feel like I am going to black out! But it is so hot, I will not just cool down. I want that cooling station!!! I am really hurting bad! Legs are tired but not killing me. Just want to cool down and get off the bike :-)

About a half mile to go the track goes in 2 directions! Across the creek and straight. Well plotted point shows transition on our side of creek and so we go straight. Of course it dead ends! Go back and up another hill! There it is!!!

Second bike back to finish 5-6 miles: The first part is on road. Of course the road starts up a hill! When I first sit back on bike my seat bones are really protesting! Goes numb in a little while :-) Road ends and we have to go along RR tracks a while! More long hills. Just keep moving! I am going to finish no matter what at this point. Finally hit the National Forest park! Couple more miles and a few hills left. Finally make it back to line with about 10 mins to spare! We finish! Turn in passport with punches, get a small cup of cold water and go lie down.

What would you do differently?:

Learn to navigate better on the bike. We did learn a lot from our mistakes for next time though.
Transition 2
  • 30m

At this point the volunteers are worried about me because I have goose bumps all over my arms! And guess what! No cooling station here, it is on run about 4 miles away! I do get my gallon jug of water though. A little shade. LAy down, pour some water over head, lay down, etc!!! Volunteers check on me about 3 times.

Another guys socks are soaked and full of sand! I offer him the socks I am weraing from the bike. They are orange, but the are dry and dirt free. I have another drty pair on pack right! So wehn I go to get them they are soaking wet! So now I am wearing wet socks again! The guy did come and thank me after race so was worth it :-)

Then I hear another team say they have been trekking for 3.5 hours and only got 3 checkpoints! Ok I am done! Then learn we have to ride our bikes back to finish line about 45 mins away! Now I am really done! We couldn't plan the run because you don't get the points until get here at transition. PArtner starts plotting while I am dying! Find out one point only about 1/2 mile away! I am slowly coming back to life!
What would you do differently?:

nothing, had to cool down
  • 1h 15m
  • 4 miles
  • 18m 45s  min/mile

First run in am: We decided to not take our packs for this part. Didn't drink any but plenty of time in canoe to make up for it.

Second run after bike: I decide to get this one point (I wanted a point from each discipline before we finish). But I am trekking (almost means walking :-) ) This is also through woods and up and down hills so can't run very much anyways! IT takse a little while to find the checkpoint out in teh sun! Keep pouring some water over head and drinking plain water now. Stomach ok with plain water. Finally find it and head back!
What would you do differently?:

Learn to triangulate on the fly better!
Post race
Warm down:

This is by far the closest I have ever come to heat stroke! I lie doen for a while and pour soe water over my head. I just can't cool down. There is a lake about 100y away, but took shoes off and can't face putting them back on and can hardly stand up. The food is out about 30 mins later. I force myself to go get some and cold iced tea! Feeling a little better. Use this energy to get to the lake! Ahhh, now I am getting there! Finally feeling a little human :-)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

heat! heat! heat! We have been only running so 5 hours of mountain biking hills ( we also live in FL so no hills to train on). Canoeing was not a problem.

Event comments:

The race was fun and we learned a lot from our first race and all our mistakes! I cannot wait for the next one now :-) Especially in cooler weather! It was 10 degrees hotter up in SC than here in FL.

Last updated: 2007-08-10 12:00 AM
03:30:00 | 01 yards | 350h 00m / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Course: canoeing around the lake to different islands.
Start type: Run Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Medium
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Good
Time: 05:00
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
05:00:00 | 25 miles | 5.00 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Below average
Wind: None
Course: This was some dirt track roads and lots of single track! The single track was fun as following a creek bed and winding and switchbacks around the hills. Second bike back to finish line: Short portion on road, then back in the hills and along rail road tracks back to finish.
Road: Potholes Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering:
Gear changes: Good Hills: Below average
Race pace: Drinks: Not enough
Time: 30:00
Overall: Bad
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
01:15:00 | 04 miles | 18m 45s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Below average
Course: First run: Running around to connected islands and woods finding checkpoints. Took forever to find one of them! Other teams were also having trouble so we weren't missing something obvious. Second run: Throught the woods over 3 hills.
Keeping cool Below average Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3