Comments: I did two swims for the day. Had to run .085 miles down to water and .085 miles (.17 total) back to transition area. Total swim times include the run down and back. We had a team of 5. Second swim was 16.50 What would you do differently?: Need to do more open water swims so I can practice with choppy water. Transition 1
Comments: Need to train more hills. Transition 2
Comments: Very hot and little shade. Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: My bike was great except for the little hill at the end, which caused me to almost ride at a standstill. Lots of lactic acid build-up. My swims were good consider Event comments: They haven't marketed this race enough, since I only heard about it 3 weeks before the race. But it had more than 200 more people this year than last (its first year). Let's get more people out there next year! Last updated: 2007-08-21 12:00 AM
United States
24 Hour Events
95F / 35C
Overall Rank = /250
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/