Cinco Ranch Triathlon - Triathlon

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Katy, Texas
United States
78F / 26C
Total Time = 1h 25m 9s
Overall Rank = 128/618
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 14/62
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:00am since the race was about an hour drive and we were supposed to be racked and marked by 6:45am. Had my usual long run breakfast of oatmeal w/ raisins and a banana. I had a cup of tea as well for a little caffeine boost as the night was spent fighting pre-race excitement. Went thru my checklist a few more times and hit the road.
I get to my assigned space and kindly ask the guy on the other side (whose bike is in my space going under the rack) to give me some room. Thankfully he is cool about it. I am at the end (as I have learned a bonus) and nearer the bike exit than the run exit. I walk down to the water’s edge to rehearse the run from the lake to my bike. Walk down to the bike entrance to see where I come in and how to get back to my spot on the rack. Feeling confident with this I lay down my towel and shoes, put in some baby powder to both cycling shoes (clipped into bike) and running shoes, tape a gel to the bike, and lay helmet and glasses on the bars. I grab my cap and goggles and make my way to the lake for a brief warmup.
Event warmup:

Just a brief 25-50 M swim to loosen up and get used to the water/visibility
  • 08m 3s
  • 400 meters
  • 02m 01s / 100 meters

After the warm-up I am walking around the lake and have the pleasure of stepping in a red ant nest. I look down and see them all over my foot – several bites – not the way I wanted to start the day (I won’t even go into the dog cr@p I stepped in earlier Mad ).
Our wave is 3rd off and I end up more towards the front than I planned and off to the side. The gun goes and I am off. Swimming to the first turn (which is at a 300 degree angle – i.e., meat grinder) just trying to find some water to make a few clean strokes. Some banging of limbs but avoid a kick to the head. After the first turn things open a bit and I start to focus on lengthening my stroke and maintaining good body position in the water. Around the 2nd turn (also about 300 degrees) we have about 100M to the exit. I decide to push a bit harder here as those around seem to be fading. I had taken a comfortable pace but moderately aggressive pace. I do a few breaststroke kicks to loosen the legs and then exit the water
What would you do differently?:

Try and blast the start and get some separation from the field.
Transition 1
  • 01m 2s

4th fastest T-1 - aided by location. Shoes were on bike with some baby powder in them. Swam with jersey on to save time as well.

Squirt feet, step on towel, glasses on, helmet on, grab bike and go…

  • 53m 5s
  • 19 miles
  • 21.48 mile/hr

Having only had a few rides on my bike (2 of 40 miles and 3 of 20) I knew this would probably be my weakest part. I wanted to keep a high cadence (85+) to have legs for the run. Being my first tri and doing only one minor brick I had no clue how hard to push it. I didn’t want to bonk on the run so I tried to stay around 75%HRR (mid-high aerobic). I was passed about 6/7 times on the bike but did better than I thought. I was able to maintain 20 mph for most of the ride and hit 22.5. No doubt I could have gone harder and did push the first section a bit more as it was into the wind (I knew I would get an easier ride on the return even though it wasn’t an out & back course).
Popped a gel around 10 miles and was drinking a few sips of water every 5-6 minutes and then GU20 every 15 minutes (a few big gulps).
What would you do differently?:

Push the pace a bit harder
Transition 2
  • 01m 17s

24th fastest T-2 (location hurt me here as run exit was opposite end)

Feet out of shoes nearing end of route, keep shoes on bike, rack it, helmet and glasses off, shoes on, grab hat and race belt and go…

What would you do differently?:

Make sure both shoe tongues are pulled up before I headed out - cauased me a few seconds as I had to adjust. Squirted off feet - wasted another few seconds with that.
  • 21m 41s
  • 3 miles
  • 07m 14s  min/mile

Legs feel fine, no rubbery feel at all. First thought is I took it too easy on the bike. Since my Garmin stayed on the bike I wasn’t sure of my pace. I just tried to go by my breathing and it felt faster than tempo pace (I knew my 5-K race pace wasn’t probable after the bike). Grab water at the 3 aid stops and take a few sips and pour on my head. Thankfully the water was cold and had some ice – felt great. I was fearing a side stitch but it never came. Tried to push the last mile a bit and then when I could see the finish about 300m away I did my best to kick it home.
What would you do differently?:

Push it a bit harder since I did feel good and while I waited to die - it never happened.
Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not enough bike training

Event comments:

I plan to participate again next year

Last updated: 2007-10-01 12:00 AM
00:08:03 | 400 meters | 02m 01s / 100meters
Age Group: 12/62
Overall: 0/618
Performance: Average
Course: Funky z shaped course. The turns were almost 300 degrees and made the first buoy a bit of a meat grinder.
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Below average
Time: 01:02
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
00:53:05 | 19 miles | 21.48 mile/hr
Age Group: 22/62
Overall: 0/618
Performance: Good
Wind: Some
Course: It was well short of 19 miles - nearer 18.2 (I got 18.13 and gmap'd it at 18.2).
Road: Smooth  Cadence: 85
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:17
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:21:41 | 03 miles | 07m 14s  min/mile
Age Group: 18/62
Overall: 0/618
Performance: Average
Course: Run course was also short - nearer 2.83 miles according to gmap. Out and down through the neighborhood and onto a trail. Staying on the left was a bit counter-intuitive. Drink stations well well staffed with helpful and enthusiastic volunteers.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4