Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon - RunMarathon

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Belfast, Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
21C / 70F
Total Time = 4h 39m 4s
Overall Rank = 1159/1517
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

I flew into Belfast on Saturday afternoon. Arrived to a beautiful sunny day. Settled down in my hostel, and then headed to the store for some essential food. Dropped that off, then went out for chinese at my favorite chinese place in the whole wide world. Ate myself silly.
On Sunday, I went to packet pickup. Somehow, I missed the line in the race info where there was a bus shuttle from City Centre. So I walked. I hadn't googled the location at all, all it said was "upper malone road". I used to live in the Malone Road I (stupidly) thought "oh, can't be that far!". 5 miles and a downpour later, I got my packet. I was followed into the park by the shuttle. Bum. Got the shuttle back to town, dropped my packet off at the hostel, and headed back into town to do some sightseeing/shopping/nostalgia. In retrospect, I should have sat my ass down and not moved at all that day, rather than walk all over god's green acres.
Went to mass at the Queen's Uni Chaplaincy, with my favorite priest in the whole world. He had a fantastic sermon, and I went to confession afterwards and at the end he said, "well, now you'll run a lot lighter". Man he's great.
Next morning, I got up at 7, went down for my granola and yoghurt (my new breakfast obsession), cup of coffee, a jug of water, a jug of water with Nuun Kona Cola tablet in it (sidenote: great stuff, hate the cola flavor). Chatted to a guy from Australia who was also running, got my bum bag and my gear bag, and headed out!

Event warmup:

Walked to City Centre. Dumped my change bag into the van. Did my chi running looseners and did a wee jog to see if my bum bag was tight enough (certainly was heavy enough!).
I think I was practicing for the Boy Scouts with everything I had in my bag...emergency glucagon injection, glucometer, entire bottle of glucose tabs, 12 Apple Cinnamon flavor Hammer Gels, 10 quid, ipod, cell phone, nuun tabs, bottle of water and a partridge in a pear tree.
Lined up close to the 5hr corral, because I wasn't sure how this thing was going to go down. There were over 15000 runners in this thing, because of the wheelchairs, marathoners, walkers, and the RIDICULOUS number of relays. The start was a bit hectic because of all of it. But after we got out of city centre and headed into East Belfast, it had thinnned itself out.
  • 4h 39m 4s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 39s  min/mile

The run went so much better than I thought it would. I was so prepared for the worst. I was prepared for diabetes meltdowns, lost toenails, misery, chaffing, blah blah blah...and none of that happened (ok, some chaffing on the girlie bits and a serious blister on my right middle toe, but whatevs). I hadn't run further than 13 miles before this, and to be honest, I'd kinda been slacking off for the two weeks ahead of this. So I went into it with a lot of trepidation.

I decided to take the first 8 or 9k really easy, and just warm up. Hell, I had 26 miles to run, I figured I had plenty of time. Tried to run slow, let my muscles work themselves warm. Only one problem...I seriously had to PEE! The queues at the start had been massive, so I thought, "nae bother, just go on the course". Well, that philosophy works a HELL of a lot better when you're a lad and the world is your urinal. Turns out the nearest toilet was at the 10k mark! Yikes! I was sloshing a bit by then. Dipped in and did my thing, got out and felt about 10 lbs lighter.

When we got to the Falls Road, I was feeling fantastic. I was really expecting to be really huffing and puffing, but my HR was still normal, and constant. I had an easy stride and seemed to be doing ok taking in liquids. I was taking gels about every 45 minutes (mmm apple cinnamon hammer gel= tastes like apple pie filling!), and drinking a cup at every water station. I had a bottle of water in my bum bag, and was planning on taking a Nuun tab at mile 13.

Finally Mile 13 came as we were up on Cavehill. Took the nuun. Now we were getting into the unknown. I decided to just listen to my body and see how it was going. But it seemed to be saying, "Yeah boss, we're fine!" so I kept going, just constantly taking the same steps. I had basically bathed myself in Compeed in the morning, so no chaffing issues that were readily apparent, although the St John's Ambulance guys were standing out their with handfulls of vaseline (cheers guys!).

Miles 14-16 were uneventful, mostly residential and downhill. No big deal. It was still really overcast, but not rainy, when we got to the lough side bike path. It was eerie because you couldn't see the other side or the city. so I put my head down and kept going. Saw the mile 18 marker and got really really happy. I was still feeling pretty giddy and solid at this point, and was starting to think that I might finish this much better than I had anticipated.

Then we got to mile 19-20...and I was starting to feel it. We came off the bike path and into an industrial estate, where there was supposed to be a powerade station, and there wasn't one! Aiee! I needed sugar and salt at this point and time. The road ahead was strewn with nearly full Powerade bottles. I saw a runner next to me bend down and pick one up...and I thought, "waste not, want not!" and got one for myself. Chugged it and felt instantly better. Deviated from my fueling strategy and took an early gel.

Mile 21 made me feel hopeful. Mile 22 was the "it" mile. I was still waiting for "the wall", and when I passed mile 22 still feeling good and running consistently, I thought I'd been through the worst. We were now onto the Lagan path, and the sun was out. Got to mile 23, and the St John's guys were out with signs and vaseline (cheers again mates!), and I was on my old running path...felt nice to be on familiar ground. But I was starting to hurt, and it was made worse by the fact that we could SEE the finish on the other side of the river!

So we turned and crossed the bridge, took a wee detour into the park (you tease!), and then headed out along the road to perimeter the park. But man, it was SUNNY and HOT and lots of people were out drinking and yelling which was nice but a bit intense at that point. Mile 24 was good, but I was starting to really really hurt. I was beginning to just feel weak mentally, just tired and sore, but I kept moving because I knew my legs would lock up if I stopped.

About mile 25, a relay runner named Wendy came up to me and asked me to pace with her into the finish because we had been leapfrogging for the last 3 miles. It was nice to have someone to pace with, I was really thankful for her company in that VERY LONG last mile.

I couldn't believe the finish. It was MOBBED still! 4.30+ hrs in! Cheers and names and medals and water...kept moving. I couldn't believe it. I had done it. Something I said I'd do back in 9th grade, I'd finally done it, even relatively successfully. Even a day later, it still hasn't sunk in completely.
What would you do differently?:

-Train to distance
-be more careful with the blister block application (girlie bits)
Post race
Warm down:

Went into the tennis courts to get my bag, had the St Johns guys watch me take my blood sugar, which was dead on (w00t!), drank my water, had a stretch, got my bag. Was going to get in the queue for a massage, but it was massive and all I wanted was to go home and have the longest hottest shower known to man. So I got on the shuttle and went back to Belfast. And then I went to the Spar and got some paracetemol and a Kinder Bueno. mmm.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of training.
Fear of the diabetes.

Event comments:

With 15,000 runners, its amazing this went as well as it did. Its really a great way to showcase the city. I got to see parts that I'd not normally see because, well, I'm Catholic. But to run along the Peace Wall and up the Shankill and the Falls...but also to see the ocean and the river and the just shows what sort of contrasts exist and coexist in the place. I love this city, and it does my heart well to be back once a year at least, and it does my heart well to see it flourishing and vibrant.

Last updated: 2007-12-03 12:00 AM
04:39:04 | 26.2 miles | 10m 39s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 1159/1517
Performance: Good
Avg HR: 165 Max HR: 240 (probably interference from another HRM) 3301 cal 1:12.06 in zone, 3:58 below, 3:16.07 above zone.
Course: My breakdown: Start at city hall, head into East Belfast, down the motorway past George Best Airport, back into City Centre, up the Falls Road, down the Shankill, up cavehill, then down to the lough side bike path, up through a industrial estate, then back though the city centre, onto the Lagan bike path, up past and around ormeau park. The official breakdown: Belfast City Hall Chichester Street Turn right Victoria Street Turn left May Street Turn right Oxford Street Turn left East Bridge Street Albertbridge Road Turn right Newtownards Road Turn left Holywood Road Blanchflower Stadium Turn left Sydenham Bypass Bridge End Queen's Bridge Ann Street Turn right Victoria Street Turn left High Street Castle Junction Castle Street Divis Street Falls Leisure Centre Falls Road Turn right Clonard Street Clonard Gardens Turn left Cupar Street Turn right Springfield Road Turn right Lanark Way Turn right Shankill Road Turn left Tennent Street Cross Crumlin Road Hillview Road Turn left Oldpark Road Cliftonville Circus Cliftonville Road Turn right Westland Road Cavehill Road Hughenden Avenue Salisbury Avenue Turn left Antrim Road Turn right Floral Road Whitewell Road Turn left Arthur Bridge Arthur Road Mill Road Turn left Shore Road Turn right Whitehouse Park (now the 2nd entrance which is after the traffic lights/junction with Doagh Road) Gideon's Green Cycle path Turn left onto Dargan Road Dargan Road Turn right Dargan Crescent Turn left Duncrue Road Turn right at roundabout Duncrue Street Whitla Street Garmoyle Street Corporation Street Donegall Quay Oxford Street Turn left Lanyon Place (Hilton Hotel is on the left) Under railway bridge Turn right May's Meadow Side gate, Maysfield Leisure Centre Towpath Turn left Ormeau Bridge Ormeau Road Apex with Ravenhill Road Ravenhill Road Turn left Ormeau Embankment Turn left Driveway to Indoor Tennis Arena and Ozone Complex
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4