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Event comments: Boston was amazing. I was a spectator last year, and saw the crowds of people yelling, and cheering. It was an impressive sight from the side of the road. However, being in the middle of it all this year, and being the object of the yelling, screaming, and incredible support was truly awesome. The first half of the race was fantastic, and felt effortless. I had to keep telling myself to slow down, and save some energy for the Newton Hills. However, I didn’t feel like I was working at all as I fed off the energy of the crowd. I was high-fiving everyone I could, and just having a blast. Everyone was in good spirits as it was a beautiful day, and the energy was inspiring and contagious. To add to the energy, I was wearing a custom shirt that said “Go Scott Miller!!” on the front, and “You can beat cancer!!” on the back. As part of our quest to create positive vibes for Scott from every source possible, I figured if I could get thousands of people rooting for Scott Miller to beat cancer, it could only help. Indeed, the crowds cooperated, and I literally heard “Go Scott Miller!!” thousands of times. It was truly awesome! I gave thumbs up to as many of the rooters as I could, and got to see Scott and Alex right at the finish line! It looked like the day was going to play out pretty much as I hoped. I didn’t have plans for running a fast time, and just wanted to enjoy the day, create some good vibes for Scott, and enjoy the “Boston Experience”. After cruising through the wall of sound and energy at Wellesley College, it got quiet for a bit, and I realized I still had a hard half marathon to go. By the time I reached Newton, I realized that despite the effortless feel of the first half, I had indeed expended more energy than I was trained for. I started straining, and working just to maintain my current pace, and keep the cushion I had built over my “goal” time. By the time I hit the hills, I was wiped out, and struggled up each one. Fifty yards from the peak of heartbreak hill, my right quad cramped up, and I had to stop and stretch it out before continuing. This was the story for the remainder of the race – fighting cramps, and limping along as best I could. I only got to the finish line by sheer will power, the energy of the crowd, and thinking about showing Scott my shirt at the finish. All in all, it was an awesome experience, and I can’t wait to do it again – properly trained and prepared next time! Many thanks to the B.A.A., the FANTASTIC volunteers (they really make you feel like a VIP!), and most importantly for friends and family who checked in and offered encouragement, and support. Now, let’s all take our collective energy, positive vibes, and support and re-focus it on Scott, and his “marathon” he is currently just beginning. http://scottmiller.cybelledesign.com. Thanks, all! Last updated: 2007-12-13 12:00 AM
United States
Boston Athletic Association
55F / 13C
Overall Rank = 4636/24000
Age Group = 2380
Age Group Rank = 4100/