Comments: I felt like this was one of my best open water swims. I felt like I was in the pack for the majority of the swim, and I sighted fairly well, especially on the long stretch. I didn't feel like I was bringing up the rear this time, and I also passed some stragglers from the previous wave. I drafted off of a couple girls for much of the long leg as well. The bad part came after I rounded the last turn. I kept fighting the drift heading into the finish. I kept correcting to the left but would find myself off to the right every time I looked up. I had no swimmers next to me as they were all better lined up to the left. I was disappointed with my swim time as I thought all was in my favor. Wet suit, salt water, better sighting, better drafting, etc. I hope the course was long as this was not my best swim time. What would you do differently?: Find a better way to fight the current to stay on course. Work those arm muscles to get faster. Transition 1
Comments: Wetsuit strippers are awesome!! I was amazed how winded I was pulling the top part of the wetsuit off as I ran up the steep hill out of the water. I ended up having to walk into transition some to keep my HR under some form of control. A tiny bit of wobbliness putting socks on, and had to try a second time to get helmet clasped. Ran with bike well, and mounted quickly, though. What would you do differently?: Kick less at the end of the swim to have more energy for T1. (Hard to do with the current, though) Bike
Comments: I did exactly as prescribed on this course. The toughest part was getting to the seawall into the wind. I did expect a slight tail wind on the outbound section, so I was bothered my the 17mph average at first because I was sure we would be slower coming back. It turns out the winds were ever so slightly in the favor of the return, and I actually picked up a little time on the way back, especially on the road back to Moody Gardens. I felt like I got passed far more than I passed, but the Half Iron were all starting their second loop when I got started, so it was hard to judge all the bikes whizzing by. There were many quarters also passing me, and even some that looked less fit, but I tried to stick to my plan. I knew I would be winded if I pushed harder. I actually used their second water bottle hand-up, and it went well! I was about out, so I was glad to see them, and the volunteer did great. I didn't even wobble re-filling my aero bottle. I also did get getting my Accelerade bottle from below as well. I have had trouble with that in the past. Riding this new bike was like night and day from my last race on it! I need to re-think my saddle again. I was really fatigued and chafed on the replaced saddle, and I think it is still too wide for body with such an aero position. I had to sit up some on the return to give my body some relief. Max RPM 105 Avg RPM 88 after walking bike around (forgot to check earlier) What would you do differently?: More strength workouts to get faster and get a new saddle. Transition 2
Comments: A great T2. Got bike racked backwards quickly, changed shoes, grabbed hat and race belt, and RAN! What would you do differently?: Nothing. Run
Comments: Shockingly, the run was my best event!! I REALLY wanted to average better than 9:30, and Gerald wanted me faster than 9:15, but I just didn't quite get there. If the mile markers were accurate, I was on a good pace, but if you believe others that the first ones were short and the latter ones long, my pace stayed about the same. I feel I slowed a little, but not tremendously. I definitely sped up for the last .6 by quite a bit. My HR never went lower, so I feel I pushed at a consistent pace. I am curious of the distance shown by those on a Garmin. At the end, I was exhausted and about to collapse. I could hardly get myself to the strap removing spot. Oddly, no one even seemed to notice me that I needed help. Somehow I got over there and then wandered around the chute aimlessly trying to figure out why I didn't have the water and towel I was supposed to. I had to claim my own water and then ask for a towel! I did get my finisher's medal though!!! What would you do differently?: Get pace info on watch back, and make sure I have enough energy to speed up even more! Beat a 9:30 pace! Post race
Warm down: Walked around, waited for David to finish. Once I got him, we got food and massages! We hung around for awards, but that was a waste of time, and we all got sunburned in the process. What limited your ability to perform faster: Strength, more practice. Event comments: This race was as good as last year's, and probably better since we got great weather. The volunteers were tremendous, and everything went smoothly. The whole course had tons of nutritional support, and it was all well marked. You couldn't ask for a better race. Last updated: 2007-12-18 12:00 AM
United States
72F / 22C
Overall Rank = 119/253 F
Age Group = F 30-34
Age Group Rank = 21/37
Got up at 5:30 and packed up hotel room. Ate oatmeal and half of a bagel, got dressed, and checked out of the hotel. We rode our bikes 60 seconds into the transition area and set up our spots. They were pre-numbered, so we weren't in a rush to get there. I had tons of time to kill as the quarter started an hour later than the half, but David ended up a little rushed as they moved up the time transition was closing by 15 minutes.
I did a little jogging to practice finding my spot in transition, but I couldn't warm up much as they kicked me out of transition without my running shoes 90 minutes before my start time as the Half had started. I ended up standing around and chatting a lot. 40 minutes before my wave time, I headed out for a warm-up swim. It was cooler walking in from the rocky beach than when I jumped all at once 2 days before, but the temp was still ideal for my wetsuit. Once I got out, I kept the wetsuit on because I didn't want to have to situate it again, and the surface air was a little chilly with the winds.