Comments: Well, it was tuff. I started as usual but slowed the second mile. The third miles a ruff but I sprinted the last quarter mile to try and make up lost time. What would you do differently?: Speed train more often. Not ware so many cloths even when it is that cold. Post race
Warm down: HA HA, I had to rush home, get out of my wet cloths and bundle up to get warm. What limited your ability to perform faster: lack of hill and speed training, weather, and to many cloths. Event comments: They gave out last years trophies for the winners. I had to take the plate off mine and get a new one with the proper info on it for it said Lake Norman Oct. 2007. I guess knowing that you know why my trophy for the RFYL free 5k has a sail boat on top of it. HA HA I do like the sail boat. :) Last updated: 2007-12-31 12:00 AM
United States
Run For Your Life
32F / 0C
Overall Rank = 147/440
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 3/25
5:30 whole wheat sugar free bread with P/B and bananas.
7:30 banana
8:00 PowerBar Gel
Stretch and run in place