Holy Half - RunHalf Marathon

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Notre Dame, Indiana
United States
Notre Dame Class of 2008
60F / 16C
Total Time = 1h 36m 24s
Overall Rank = 66/387
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

The race wasn't until 10:00. So I slept in and had just a liquid breakfast of 12oz OJ and 1 scoop Perpetuem, also about 12oz of water.. My wife was totally grossed out by this. She ran too, while MIL watched the youngsters who all came out to cheer us on.

Event warmup:

Got to the race site. Secured number and timing chip. Did some short jogs mixed with strides while listening to I-pod (Eddie Vedder's Hard Sun). Stretched and went to the porta-john. Downed a Vanilla Gu and about 8oz of water. Headed toward the front to start.
  • 1h 36m 23s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 07m 22s  min/mile

Started out with the fast guys as I positioned myself toward the front. I had more of an attack attitude today vs. past races. I felt really prepared and wanted to get after it in a big way. I ran pretty hard out of the gates, getting HR up towared target "going rate" of 167-168 bpm. I did sense that I was going a bit too fast and backed off a bit after 5 minutes. Good thing, cause the guy I was running with the 1st half mile finished in 1:27! No way I was holding that kind of pace.

I passed the 1st mile mark at 7:34, thinking I was in trouble, cause it felt A LOT faster than that. So, I just kept on the gas, trying to stay below 169 bpm, thiking that it just wasn't my day and see if I could hold on...

I missed the 2-mile mark but crossed 3 miles in 21:36 (7:12 pace for 3 miles, and 7:01's for the 2nd and 3rd) and was encouraged/frustrated that the mile markers were so screwed up. I then decided to relax a bit and settle in. Quite a few people passed me on miles 4-6, but decided to stick with my HR plan, keeping in the 167-168 range. I Gu'ed at about mile 4.5 and got some water. Just water the remaining 4 stations.

It was a two loop course and passed what I estimated the 1/2-way mark in about 47 minutes. I did the math and figured I could PR and would have to really push to get the 1:35. At about the 7mi mark, it was quite windy and I drafted on this guy for a few hundred meters and made a comment about "using him as a wind block." I then realized that if I was able to talk in a complete sentance that I wasn't racing hard enough. I kicked in it a bit, about 10sec/mi faster and started feeling really good. The next miles went quite well and was passing the people that eclipsed me in the early miles; confidence was builing again.

At about mile 10 the M60-64 USAT National champ and World Champion, Steve Smith, local stud, passed me, but wasn't blazing by. So, I drafted off him for about a 1.5 miles, again adding about 5-10 sec/mi to the pace. Eventually, he pulled away, but I kept pushing. He put the gas on at mile 11 or so, and I just didn't have the legs to hold on. I was able to put a little kick in the last 1/2 mile or so, but I'm sure it was hardly noticeable to anyone but me. I was probably just working harder to hold pace...

I'm pretty happy to PR by 4:15 vs. last fall (1:40:38)

Splits were screwed up due to mile markers, but effort was consistently hard!

dist time pace Avg HR End HR
1 7:34 7:34 162 168
2 14:02 7:01 169 170
1 7:58 7:58 168 167
1 6:30 6:30 168 169
1 6:05 6:05 167 166
1 9:03 9:03 167 167
2 14:22 7:11 168 169
1 7:52 7:52 169 170
2 15:10 7:35 170 168
1.1 7:47 7:05 171 172

13.1 1:36:23 7:21 168

I've made tons of progress with my running in the last year. Running consistently, working in a little speed work (3-4 tempo runs per month) and pushing harder during the race. You learn a lot with each race, gain confidence and begin to push. I haven't blown up yet. So, maybe there's a bit more effort to put forth the next time.

Holy Half Mar'07 (1:52:12)
Sunburst May'07 (1:45:44)
Cleveland Sep'07 (1:40:38)
Holy Half Apr'08 (1:36:23)
What would you do differently?:

Relax and take it easier during 1st 1/2 mile. I was jacked up and went out a bit too fast.
Post race
Warm down:

Lots of walking around. I ate a ton (two bagels with cream cheese, bunch of grapes, a banana, couple cups of gatorade, water. Waited for awards, as one of the guys (ran a 1:27) and one gals we run with (ran a 1:42) got awards (medal and pair of ND Crocs). Fastest time was a 1:11! Went home and made a giant yogurt, blueberry and Hammer Whey smoothie.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not knowing my true splits. I think the first mile shook me up a bit and I didn't settle down until about half-way. Miles 7-11 were very strong. I could use more run endurance to have some kick in the final couple miles.

I was sick most of March and spent 9 days in China in March as well. Was still mildly congested on race day. Breathing didn't seem to be an issue on race day, but was forced to take it easy most of March.

Event comments:

Great race. It has gotten bigger with over 500 runners this year. You really can't beat this race for value. As race entry is only $20. You get chip timing, good post-race food, 5 water stations and 2 gatorade stations.

Last updated: 2008-01-03 12:00 AM
01:36:23 | 13.1 miles | 07m 22s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 66/387
Performance: Good
Course: Double loop course with lots of turns, some trail, some bike path, some street, some sidewalk. Not the best for PR-ing but pretty flat.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5