Comments: MAN I WAS REALLY NERVOUS for this swim. I did the sprint the day before and had a horrible time dealing with the constriction of my wetsuit. I had considered ditching the wetsuit then remembered that this is my C race and any practice I got with it is worth it. Overall, I did a good job of starting off at a steady pace and maintaining it. However, about half way through I "rested" by doing the side stroke and had a hard time going back to freestyle. I think this actually hurt more than helped. What would you do differently?: Maintain my freestyle as "resting" actually made me lose my rhythm. For sure, I am joining our local Masters Swim program to get some much needed help with my stroke. Also, will practice with wetsuit Transition 1
Comments: As usual, I could have rode harder and kept my ave above 20 mph. There was a small cross wind that wasn't a factor. Lots of people had flats, luckily I had no problems. Around mile 18 the guy ahead of me lost a water bottle that I almost hit. Other than that it was smooth and fun as usual What would you do differently?: There shouldn't be a problem with me averaging 21 mph+. I need to work bike/run bricks to find a good balance. I am always a little conservative on the bike b/c I am worried about destroying my run Transition 2
Comments: No problems Run
Comments: It was starting to get hot by the time the run started. My first mile was at 8:20 pace which was faster than I wanted it to be. I need to start slower and go faster. I slowed down for the middle portion and sped up for the last 1 1/2 miles. Alternated gatorade and water at the aid stations and that seemed to work well. The sponges were awesome too. What would you do differently?: Start slower and work up to a good pace. I've always had trouble with this. Get tougher mentally to push more on the second have. Post race
Warm down: Drank water and walked around to bring my HR down. Then sat for a few minutes and then stretched What limited your ability to perform faster: The swim is the limiter that I need to focus on. this is part physical and part mental Event comments: I raced the Sprint on Saturday as well so I got to participate for the entire weekend. EndorFun is fantastic. Their volunteers were high energy and organized. They definitely created an atmosphere for the weekend that was fun and made you feel special. They were very responsive before the race and easy to work with. I registered for the Mooseman HIM not knowing it was the same organization, so I am even more excited to race Last updated: 2008-01-08 12:00 AM
United States
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 278/718
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 307/61
Woke up at 6 ate a banana, clif shot bloc and drank a naked juice.