Comments: The swim did not feel crowded with about 70 people in my wave. Minimal contact and was able to draft every now and then, this is something I have to get better at. It was only my second swim with my a wet suit and it felt quite a bit different. Coming out of the water I saw my kids and wife and was good to see them cheering me on. What would you do differently?: Do more wet suit and open water swims. Transition 1
Comments: Took my time to high five my kids and wife along the path from swim finish to transition. Did a walk/jog to catch my breath. Sat down to put on socks, shoes, grab by gu's, and strap on my Polar. Should have tried to hustle some, but wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. What would you do differently?: Jog all the way from swim end to bike spot and start. Bike
Comments: I was breathing very heavy for the first 5-10 minutes but calmed down once I was on the sea wall heading down the flat straight road. Got passed by a bunch of people and only passed 3-4 entire ride. I was holding it around 17-18 mph and wanted to make sure I had enough in the tank to finish the run later. I have to look into adding aero bars onto my road bike. Transition 2
Comments: This was the longest I've ever run at one time. My previous long was 3 miles. With my minimal running bacground I had no idea what to expect on a longer than 3 mile run. So after 2 miles I decided to walk everytime my HR got past 180, this way I would not burn out and wind up with a DNF. Got hot by the airfield area between miles 4-6 with no breeze to speak of. Cold sponges were great as was the ice cold towel at the end. What would you do differently?: Work on my running. My goal for this season is to start a running program. Post race
Warm down: Walked around took pictures with kids and got food. What limited your ability to perform faster: More run and bike training. Event comments: This being my 3rd tri was also my longest. It was also my longest run ever. My goal was to try to finish in 3:30 and beat it by 4 minutes. So was happy with the overall race. Last updated: 2008-01-29 12:00 AM
United States
Overall Rank = 515/730
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 64/67
Got up at 4:30, coffee, banana, cereal and biked out to the race start. We had rented a condo about 2 miles from Moody Garden and it was nice to get outside early and get in a relaxed ride to calm the nerves. Got body marked and found my numbered spot in transition. The whole race was very well organized, with very well marked transition. Each row was marked with large letters and plenty of spacing between bikes. Ate a cliff bar, drank water, chatted with people.