A Run Through Time Marathon - RunMarathon

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Salida, Colorado
United States
Chaffee County Running Club
40sF / 0C
Total Time = 4h 37m 25s
Overall Rank = 14/??
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 7 and had a pop tart for breakfast. Also had a gel right before the race started.
Event warmup:

No warmup.
  • 4h 37m 25s
  • 26.72 miles
  • 10m 23s  min/mile

I probably started out running a little too fast at the start. After about 4 miles the dry jeep road became snow packed. Several cars had driven on the road, so there were good tire tracks to run in. The course would remain snow covered until the last couple of miles of the race. The traction was good for the most part, but there was a few spots with icy sections. At 6 miles there was an aid station where I filled my water bottle up. The course gained over 2000 feet over the first 8 miles ending with a rather steep hill.

From miles 8 to 12 (the turn around at Turret) was some rolling hills with Turret about 600 feet lower than the high point of the race at 8 miles. I tried to run the uphills easily and then pick up the pace on the down hills.

At Turret I drank some water but did not refill my water bottle as it was still half full. I ran the entire climb out of Turret but again tried not to push too hard on the uphills. I also ate a gel coming out of Turret. I was feeling good at the top of the climb and tried to pick up my pace as the course was descending again.

At the last aid station at mile 17.5 I filled my water bottle. From here the course continues on a slightly rougher jeep road, but again there had been car traffic, so the snow was packed. I was following another runner in front of me when suddenly we ran into a bunch of runner coming back down this road. We all had missed a turn, so we proceeded to run back down the road. I ended up missing the turn by about 1/4 of a mile (the reason why the marathon race distance is report as longer than 26.2 miles).

Once we got back to the turn off the course conditions got real interesting. For the next 5 miles the course was covered with snow ranging from 2 to 6 inches and with some places over a foot deep. The section was rolling hills again but with an overall elevation drop. I walked most of the uphills because of the bad footing with the snow. There were also several other sections that I walk because of the depth of the snow and I was post holing in it.

The trail was most clear of snow for the last three miles as the course quickly dropped about 1500 feet into town. I tried to pick up my pace for this section, but the top part was technical trail with lots of loose rocks. As I dropped lower towards the finish, the trail because less technical and I could run faster without worrying about the trail conditions.
What would you do differently?:

Not all that much. Perhaps start out just a little bit slower and try to pick up the pace a little more through the mid section of the race.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around the finish area cheering on the other runners.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The course conditions. The snow really slowed me down and took a lot of energy.

Event comments:

If you like trail races, this is a fun early season race. Typically there is not any substantial amount of snow on the course.

Last updated: 2008-02-02 12:00 AM
04:37:25 | 26.72 miles | 10m 23s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 14/??
Performance: Good
Mile 1 Pace 8:21 Climbing | Mile 2 Pace 8:45 Climbing | Mile 3 Pace 9:41 Climbing | Mile 4 Pace 10:34 Climbing | Mile 5 Pace 10:47 Climbing | Mile 6 Pace 9:58 Climbing | Mile 7 Pace 9:43 Climbing | Mile 8 Pace 9:59 Climbing | Mile 9 Pace 8:03 Downhill | Mile 10 Pace 10:33 Climbing | Mile 11 Pace 9:24 Downhill | Mile 12 Pace 7:55 Downhill | Mile 13 Pace 10:20 Climbing | Mile 14 Pace 11:11 Climbing | Mile 15 Pace 8:53 Downhill | Mile 16 Pace 10:57 Climbing | Mile 17 Pace 10:11 Climbing | Mile 18 Pace 9:52 Downhill | Mile 19 Pace 12:48 Deep snow on trail | Mile 20 Pace 13:50 Deep snow on trail | Mile 21 Pace 16:42 Deep snow on trail | Mile 22 Pace 11:52 Deep snow on trail | Mile 23 Pace 11:14 Deep snow on trail | Mile 24 Pace 11:35 Snow and technical downhill | Mile 25 Pace 9:25 Downhill | Mile 26 Pace 8:20 Downhill | Mile 26.7 Pace 9:00 Downhill |
Course: This race is a trail race that starts and finishes in Salida, CO. The first half of the race runs from Salida to the ghost town of Turret on a well maintained jeep road. The course climbs about 2000 feet over the first 8 miles. The terrain for the next ~4 miles to the turn around is rolling hills. At Turret the course backtracks for about 6 miles on the same jeep road. At about mile 17 the course continues on a rougher jeep road for about 2 miles. The section is rolling hills also. Around mile 19 the course continues on single track back towards the town of Salida. This segment of the course is mostly down hill to the finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4