CB&I Tri - The Woodlands - A New Perspective - TriathlonSprint

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Woodlands, Texas
United States
The Community Associations of The Woodlands
78F / 26C
Total Time = 1h 49m 11s
Overall Rank = 738/900
Age Group = F25-29
Age Group Rank = 42/51
Pre-race routine:

Nothing special here. Tried to eat without throwing up, but I'm not good at eating so early. So, I had a chocolate milk on my way out to the race and then had a few pickles and 2 jelly beans before the race. I should have had more jelly beans but my tummy didn't want them. We set up our transition area, I chatted with the girls around me and then we went over to the lake. We found Pam who we had met the night before down there and tried to calm her down a bit. Then after Chad started I saw Marsha from Synergos and since I hadn't seen her since November we had some catching up to do. Then they called over the orange caps and it was time for me to head over to the start.
Event warmup:

My plan for this race was easy. I hoped to do well on the swim. Then just take the bike easy and walk the run. My hip is still hurting but if I sit up on the bike (no aero) I think I can do it. I was sure I wouldn't be able to run, I was actually hoping the hip would hold out for a 3 mile walk, nevermind a run.
  • 09m 7s
  • 500 meters
  • 01m 49s / 100 meters

Well I really thought I did better on this leg. I started up front but couldn't get out to the outside due to the way the course was set up. So, I ended up in the midst of the madness. I got cut off by a girl swimming sideways and that upset me because I had to stop dead in the water to avoid swimming right over her. I finally got out of the group about halfway to the bouy and had a nice open path for a while. Once I passed the bouy I caught up with some of the Clydes and had to start zig-zagging around people again. I sited really well on the way out, but after the first bouy it was straight into the sun so I couldn't see a thing which really sucked. I kept watching the small bouys on my side and used them to hope I stayed on course. That worked well for me. After rounding the last bouy it was sheer madness. I got kicked hard in the chest which was a wonderful feeling but I kept fighting until the very end. I really thought my time here was much better then it was, so that was a bummer.
What would you do differently?:

I thought I did well, just upset it wasn't as fast as I thought it would be, the time is almost embarrassing.
Transition 1
  • 02m 20s

Well as I can't run, I just took my time here. Walked to transition while taking off the cap and goggles. Then got to the bike, quickly dried the feet and put on the shoes. I decided to try no socks. I know, I know, nothing new on race day, but as I wasn't really racing this one at all and it's one of the shortest bikes I'll do for a long time I figured what better time to try riding sockless then today? Put on the helmet, gloves and sunglasses and walked slowly to the start line. Then took my time getting on as I couldn't lift my leg quickly to get it on the bike.
What would you do differently?:

Not be injured ;-)
  • 47m 37s
  • 15 miles
  • 18.90 mile/hr

For me it was a good bike. I hadn't been on my bike in 3 weeks, so I couldn't expect much out of this. However, I thought I did rather well. I had a really strong first 10 miles although I was fighting a massive headwind all the way down Woodlands Parkway. It was brutal! I burned out towards the end of Woodlands Parkway but kept a decent pace on Lake Woodlands.

The first 3 miles of the race it was me and the boys. I only saw one other female (and I passed her!) in the first few miles. Then around mile 3 2 girls caught me but didn't go far. I kept right with them and was proud because one of the girls was riding the Cervelo P2 that I want and my old Lemond kept up just fine for 10ish miles. The 3 of us leapfrogged our way around town and down Woodlands Parkway through the brutal headwinds and caught tons of men along the way. Then we caught a huge pack of them while going into a strong headwind and I lot the other 2 because I couldn't get through the pack quick enough. At that point I was burning out since I hadn't been on the bike in forever so I took it slow. On Lake Woodlands other girls started passing me, but I still didn't see any other 20 years olds so that was cool to be riding with all the 30 somethings.
What would you do differently?:

Train a bit more. A 15 mile ride should not burn me out, but as I haven't been on the bike my endurance wasn't where it should be. Then the wind really hurt.
Transition 2
  • 02m 6s

Much better transition then last time. I got off the bike too early as I couldn't tell which line was the dismount line. Then I walked it all the way in (no running here!). I got to the transition rack, put my bike on it and I kept telling myself "take off your helmet stupid, take off your helmet stupid". I took my helmet and gloves off, then put my shoes and socks on. Put on my race belt, grabbed my drink and was off, blazing fast walking 15min/mile to the run course.
What would you do differently?:

Get off at the actual dismount line rather then before. Not be injured so I could run with the bike.
  • 47m 57s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 15m 25s  min/mile

This was where I gained a whole new perspective on this sport. Let me start by saying this. I LOVE triathletes. They are some of the most wonderful people in the entire world. I took off walking and not power walking. Slow walking. I saw Ike right away and was glad to see a familiar face. Then I turned onto Lake Woodlands. Everyone was yelling "run, run, you can do it!". It was humiliating. Absolutely humbling as people of all sizes and shapes ran by and all the volunteers and spectators tried to get me to run. I couldn't run. I knew I couldn't run, not on my hip. Then I saw Chad across the street. I yelled his name a few times but he was chatting with Mike Kimbal and didn't see me. Once there was no one around I tried running 3 steps and knew that was the worst idea I'd had all day. So, I was walking again.

So, I kept on walking. Everyone was running by me. Then a guy on the sidelines starts talking to me. "Come on, run!" "I can't run" "Yes you can, there's no can't in triathlon!" "No, really, I'm injured and can't run" then I realized it was Stuart! I had no idea I knew this guy I'm arguing with and got a good laugh out of that. It was good to see another familiar face. So, I kept walking. Slowly. Then the most amazing thing happened. Daniel Mayfield ran by. He slowed down, offered me his hand and said "Come on, we'll run together, I'll get you through this". I almost cried when I had to say no, I can't run today. I was so touched. I kept walking. I saw Claire fly by at warp speed. That little girl is amazing and I cheered loudly for her. Then a woman volunteer started cheering for me. "You're doing great! But, aren't you supposed to be walking?" then I realized it was Mrs Miller, Erin and Kaily! I had to tell them no, I'm walking this one, but it was great to see them out there.

After what felt like forever I finally turned onto Grogan's Mill. A million minutes later I hit the 1 mile mark - 15 minutes 30 seconds. I swear it felt longer! I kept walking along and during this stretch I realized how amazing other triathletes can be. Just before we turned off of Grogan's a complete stranger grabbed my arm. She said "Come on, we'll run this together, you can do it". Again, I had to tell her no. The girl behind her asked if she could help me in any way. These are total strangers now, offering me their hands. It was so amazing, absolutely incredible that these people will slow down and try to help a struggling "runner". I started cheering even more and more for those passing me. I got pats on the backs from complete strangers. One man half hugged me as he struggled by. Absolutely amazing and tear-jerking that people are so caring out there.

Once back on Lake Woodlands I did my best to cheer on those heading the other way. I gave a high-five to a large man walking along. Cheered on all those struggling. I finally made the last turn onto Lake Woodlands. I couldn't wait for the end. I almost had to sit down twice I was in so much pain. But, I kept going. And people kept cheering. And then I saw Chad. He walked with me for a while until we hit the finishers shoot. I hit the shoot and didn't speed up at all. People were dead silent, looking at me like I had 8 heads. Then a big man started cheering for me. As though I was his best friend. I kept looking at him and he was looking at me, him cheering as I smiled huge. I kept walking along, no faster then before and others slowly started cheering. The guy kept on cheering for me, I didn't take my eyes off of him and we talked and laughed until I walked passed him and right after him was Stuart who threw out his hand for a high five and a great job, the cheering was catching on and got louder and louder and I walked over the finish line to a huge round of applause. It was almost surreal, absolutely nothing I could put into words. Listening to the dead silence and then slowly the cheering started spreading through the crowd - louder and louder. It reminded me of every cheesy sports movie ever, mostly Cool Runnings. I love that movie and can't watch it without crying. I guess this was my Cool Runnings moment. My eyes are watering writing this. I owe so many people a huge thank you. Most of them are strangers I will never see again, but they touched me today in a way I never expected when I started this walk.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. Not a single solitary thing.
Post race
Warm down:

None, my heart rate was completely recovered during the walk.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Faster? No one could catch me at my amazing 15.5 min/mile run speed!

Event comments:

After the race we walked around talking to friends we found - Angie, Stuart, Ike and Frank. We also found Pam. She was absolutely glowing, radiating with pride and gave me a huge hug telling me how much fun she had. I am so excited she made it through and enjoyed it. I hope our paths cross again some time. I just wish I had found Daniel to thank him, he has no idea what that small gesture on the run course meant to me.
Great race, great people, I will do this one again! However, this year it was the same weekend as the Vancouver marathon, so I hope that's not the case next year.

Last updated: 2008-02-23 12:00 AM
00:09:07 | 500 meters | 01m 49s / 100meters
Age Group: 4/51
Overall: 87/900
Performance: Average
Suit: Zoot Tri Suit
Course: A triangular course, the same we swam last weekend.
Start type: Wade Plus: Shot
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:20
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
00:47:37 | 15 miles | 18.90 mile/hr
Age Group: 11/51
Overall: 401/900
Performance: Good
Wind: Headwind
Course: Through the Woodlands
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 75
Turns: Good Cornering: Below average
Gear changes: Good Hills:
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 02:06
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Bad
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:47:57 | 03.11 miles | 15m 25s  min/mile
Age Group: 51/51
Overall: 829/900
Performance: Good
Course: Through the Woodlands again
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5