Comments: I think I could have done better as far as my swim - I lost my rythem at about 250 yards...I tried to do what I did in training but that was not to be in the race today. I rolled over and attempted to regain my composure and breathe...I just could not focus...mind was racing as was my hr...so I used whatever method I could to get a grip..breast stroke, side stroked a lil bit...eventually round the 400 yards mark I found a lil sanity and got back into the freestyle swim and finished out decent...out of the 4 people in the final lap I was the 1st one on the ladder.. What would you do differently?: Try and keep a steady pace and not get into the "race"...sorta keep what I did in training and apply it..breathe easier..I could not seem to catch my breathe..and I was exhaling alot more and quicker then I should have been. Mostly - remain calm and stay on my stroke and breathing. Transition 1
Comments: All my transition gear was soaked - it was raining hard when I came out of the pool into T1....nuthin was dry. This made for a miserable T1 ...and I honestly did not care about the time I took...I was still catchin my breathe from the swim...puttin on wet shoes & socks and a wicking shirt over my tri shirt...to attempt to keep from gettin too cold on the bike course..hada few shot blocks and a gulp of G2 drink and then I took off.... What would you do differently?: Nothing that I can think of - had my gear been dry I would have been in and out of T1 is 1:30 easy..or earlier....with everything being wet and cold..it just made it almost impossible to make good time....this became a race not about time now - it was a race of survival.... Bike
Comments: This ride was alot harder for me I think because of the elements...had it been dry like it was for the earlier riders I think this would have been a totally different ride....my time would have been better since I would not have bee cold, wet, and miserable....being tired I can handle...but adding cold and wet on top of that with stiffening arms and hands...it was again..a race for surviving at this point...if I could make to the run then I can warm up....and lastly..had I not taken the spill I would have done better...I have some nice war wounds to remind me of my 1st tri now. I was nearing the end of the bike course, maybe 1/2 mile to go then for some reason I lost my line and went off -road..I went thru some puddles and thought "no big deal..i can just pop back on the road"..well...not so..my tire gave up it's grip and down I went on my left side..and quick it was....I got up and scaned myself for damages...I felt the sting of embaressment and picked my bike up..it was still functional...I was still functional...just cut's and scrapes....I was not going to go out like this!! So - I jumped up, picked up my sad sack LOL...and off I went..I did not even bother to get me feet back in the toe cages...I only had about a couple of football feilds length and I was done. The volunteer at the corner yelled at me " are you ok??"...I just shook my head and faked a smile as best I could and then pedaled on.... What would you do differently?: Not fall - stay on target!! One of my fellow club members saw me later and laughing said "ya know the bike is much easier to ride vertically and not horizontally"...lol. Of course - had it been dry..would have made all the difference in the world that day...but maybe..just in case there is rain chance I might have benfitted from a lightweight rain/wind proof shirt or jacket...the one I had was just a wicking shirt and it was soaked when I put it on..I had nothing else..so it was better then nothing. Transition 2
Comments: T2 was not bad - better then T1 - all I needed to do was get bike racked, the helmet off and race belt on, quick swig again on the G2 for thirst and off with that soakin wet shirt I had wore durin the bike course...then I was out... What would you do differently?: Nuthin - could not have done any better - accept I would not have had to deal with extra time rippin off the wet shirt...other then that..it was the better of my TA's.. Run
Comments: My run felt pretty darn good considering I was cold and stiff when I got into T2 and started my run...again..weather was the real winner this day..Mother Nature seemed to be throwing all she could at us rookies to she if she could break us...not I ..I said..you ain't countin me out of this...even though I was tired and could not explain where I found this energy to run up all the hills I did ( I did not run/walk it - I saw some folks doing that on the hills ) I just pressed on...and when I passed folks coming the opposite direction I would smile and wave and some would speak and offer encouragement...all I could do is smile back and reply..the last 1/2 mile I was joined by my wife who had already finished her race..she told me she would come back and look for me on the run course and cheer me on to the finish...and she did..it was really great seein her there and she made me feel that much better...I then was the zone and I felt really good upon entering the woods that lead to the athletic field and the finish...I knew then I was gonna make it....she told me 'smile for the camera"...lol..I rounded the last turn and saw the finish line....and it was all I thought it would be....people cheering, friends rooting me on and my wife there as well waitin for me to cross the line...I herd and saw some of my friends as I crossed the line and herd the 1st timer go off - I herd my name called as I approached the actual finish..2nd mat, timer goes beep!!! and it's over!! I made it!! I am a a TRIATHLETE!!...it was an awesome finish and I did it with a smile. What would you do differently?: Nadda..I felt like I did the best I could have on the run..considering what I had been thru on the bike...this was by far my easiest event of the day.. Post race
Warm down: Was greeted by hugs and congrats from wifey, friends and then I proceeded to inform them of my horrific accident back on the bike...and showed them the scars of proof!!..LOL...one of my buddies showed up to cheer me on as I crossed the finish..he was soo happy for me..he is inspired to attempt this next year..all because of me...he runs up and gives me a hug..and was like "dude...that was freakin awesome"..LOL..and it was !!! I hugged my wife and told her thank you...w/out her help I would not have been here...then we made our way over to the food tent..I woofed down a bananna, a granola bar and some bottled water...at this point..I just wanted to get warm..it was cold and I was wet and getting colder. So we headed out to the aquatic center for the awards ceromony and to warm up. What limited your ability to perform faster: Elements basically - and realistically - time and expierence. I started training for this race in Janurary...I have never competed in any tri-sport ever..swimming, biking, or running... ( have done a few 5k's and one 10k a long time ago - but none were competative ) I also think the only harware issue may have limited my performance would have been my bike - I need a road bike..mine is a 100 dollar Walmart ripper..mountain/trail bike at best...with street tire on had put on it to give me better speed...but it's heavy as lead...I plan on investing in a real road bike for me and GyGy for future races...I said I would race this one for my 1st tri...after I ridin this bike I know I could improve on road bike. Swim - just bascially keepin cool, breathing under contol, and swim like I swam in trianing....Masters class is going to help me get this part of racing on point and ready for more distance and better form. Event comments: I am glad I did this race - it was my 1st Triathlon and I will never for get this one..it was tough, the weather turned for the worst on us, we could have quit..but none of us did..we stuck it out and made it...we were the elites that day..if you ask me ...we made it thru the crappiest parts of the race and we did with a smile...we ..novices, first timers, and rookies...all champions this day. I accomplished my goal..I had completed my 1st triathlon and if I can make it thru this kinda day...well..there ain't much I cannot accomplish. I took a spill on the bike course, but ya know what, I picked myself up and moved on...that to me was my defining moment....I overcame and made to the finish. It was a great day to be a triathlete...the initiation was tough but I made it!! Last updated: 2008-03-06 12:00 AM
United States
47F / 8C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = Novice
Age Group Rank = 0/
Morning started wakin up at 5AM - I slept pretty good...GyGy on the other hand did not. Got the coffee brewing, got dressed, collected my gear and my thoughts, grabbed a bananna & granola bar for chow and my coffee and headed out. Had to make a pit stop for wifey halfway there, I think it was the pre-race jitters getting to her, lucky for me we stopped at Starbucks!! gimme a Grande expresso depth charge, kick it into hi -gear, gonna wake the hell up, and run race this morning cup of joe I ordered....the barista looked at me and I am sure she was thinkin "what is the nutcase doing up at 6 AM in the morning"...LOL..I was thinkin "what am I am doing at Starbucks at 6AM...OH yeah..I gotta race today!!!". Got my java - and my wife and we continued our journey. Arrived at race site around 6:30ish..parked and started unpackin gear. There were lines of cars rollin in now....oh yeah...it is race day!! and I was starting to feel the reality of it. We headed over to the tranistion area, GyGy made a quick stop at the bike check tent to ensure our work on the rear tire was safe ( she had a blown tube which we changed last night ) all good!! Picked up our timing chips and race packets. My number for my bike had no adhesive..bad omen!!..so I found some duck tape and made it work!! LOL We both went to our spots in the transition area...it was quite the site...people chattin, bikes everywhere, ya know the scene...adrenaline starting to flow and all I was doing was settin up my tranny. LOL. Met some fellow victims, hum, I meant althletes and chatted about what was ahead for us today...most of the conversation ended like this " I just wanna finish this race"...novice talk..LOL..where as alot of the other folks are " I gotta beat my time from last year or beat so and so's time from last year"...lol. For me..no time to really beat, just keepin it simple..finish and do it with a smile!! After I got my stuff setup GyGy walked over and she was done - we decided to mingle amongst the growing crowd and find our brothers and sisters from the QCTC..ran into most of them..Eric, Karen, Alice, Dia & Ralph, Keith...the gang was all here and everyone was gettin amped now...it's gettin close to start time! We headed inside to get body markings done, again the masses were pouring in now...people everywhere..in the pool, in the hallway...lol...some folks looked like they were lost..well..most of them did. Body markin done - we stepped inside to see the scence in the pool. There were some people in the pool warming up...alot of folks standin round...it was nice and warm in here...it was gettin cooler outside....we made on more stop in the tranny area to make sure we had all we needed then headed in - time 7:45am - the tran's area is closed and the race is about to start.!!! we went back inside and found a spot to hang out and watch the elites do what they do best....these folks are awesome to watch. Inspiring for sure..some may call it intimidating or depressing...but you have to admire them for what they are..the best of the best and they worked hard to get there...so it's really cool when you see them in action. Time now - 8AM -the first swimmer is off and it's going to be a great race...he moves thru the lanes like a fish...smooth and quick...time he exits the pool - according to the clock I looked at 7:40 seconds!! It may have been quicker accordin to some of the folks I was standing with admiring his time..but needless to say..I was humbled and admired what I just witnessed..the elites killed it!! Then we moved outside to see some of these folks come out of T1 to bike course....again..these folks are no joke. I felt bad for one guy - he was the 2nd one out of T1 and he was having issues when mounting the bike - he eventually walked off the mount line andback into the tranny area...found out later that his chain had broke on him...poor soul! But like a true athlete he decided to do the run anyway and he did it with all the speed and strength he had....I give that man much respect..he could have just wrote off the whole day...but he chose the higher path...good for him!! ..So by now - weather was noticably cooler...but no precip of any type....that was all to change time us rook's got out there...for the worse. Back inside to the pool now - we watched some fellow QCTC's make their laps in the pool, Eric, Keith, and then Alice and then Dia, GyGy and Karen. Eric and Keith looked strong in the pool and made good times - Alice - OMG - she is a freakin machine in the pool!! I watched her prowess as she passed 4 swimmers in one length..she was motorboatin it man...GO Alice! Eventually it came to pass that GyGy and Dia had to hit the water as well - their numbers were called and it was go time soon for these 2. Ralph and I watched them as the slipped into the warm up lane - and then as they moved into start position and then start...GyGy 1st - Dia right behind her. Both of them came out of the gate lookin strong and smooth. I watched asmy wife began her 500 and then I had to get myself ready for my attempt. So - rooted for GyGy on her first couple of her turns and video some of he swim and then I handed the coachin and picture duty over to Ralph...and headed for the locker room to change and get ready for my swim....
I popped a view energy jelly beans, changed in the locker room, put on my HR monitor and tri shirt..and made way out to the pool area again. Stopped and talked to Ralph for a bit, gazed out over the endless line of swimmers in the pool, arms flappin, feet kickin, people hooting and hollering for friends, family, whomever...I watched and soaked it all in.."this is what it's all about - this is really gonna happen for me" My number range was finally called - I gave Ralph some knuckles and headed over to the start....talked to some of the folks over there..ya know..about this and that...most of the conversatoins were " I just wanna finish this"..ahh the wise words of a novice...just finish..simple yet meaningful. I checked in as my number was confimed and then minutes later my section was called to enter the warmup lane - goggles on, one last good luck to my compadres in the water beside me, jumped in the cold water BRRR and got ready for the race...waded up to the starting point...waited...waited..then 1-2-3 -GO!! started my watch and I was officially into the race!!