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Charlotte, North Carolina
United States
72F / 22C
Total Time = 30m 8s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = Old Farts
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

I am gonna make this a short rr = I really did good for running this race today considering I was sick with this virus that attacks the gastro system of it's victims and it's nasty! Anyway - I was sick last weekend and part of this week so I am just feelin normal again. I dropped almost 10lbs since I got sick so I was lil lighter for this run then I was for Cooper!! LOL. Pre race - met up with my running buddy Luis in the parkin lot at CPCC - we chatted, made fun of some people, ya know, stupid typical guy stuff and made our way to the packet pickup. We both looked like crap, unshaven, tired, we both did not get to bed till the wee hours of the mornin....so...he and I were like " is this a walk-a-thon" cause it's gonna be for us!! :) Found the packet pickup tents/lines - crowd startin to gather now...it's around 7:40 AM - so we get our t-shirts, chips, and what not and head back to the parkin lot to put away the non-essentials and get ready for the run. On our way back from the parkin lot the kid's fun run has begun and their were some trail blazers in front..one kid for sure is gonna be the winner...he's got the look and speed.. GO LIL MAN GO!! :) For food this morning - I had a handfull of Honeycomb's cereal and some sports drink on the way to the race = hydrate, hydrate, hydrate..I have been dehydrated all week from being sick....so...we make it back to the start and move to the back of the pack ....cause that is where I feel I plan on being on this run...hangin back and havin fun with it.
Event warmup:

Nothing really - just hung out with my buddy chatting and catchin up about work, life, training..etc...just killin time till we start. Talked about the sickness I had been dealin with last weekend and that I would be happy if I finish this race in one piece. I had all intentions of run/walkin it since I have not ran in about 3 weeks and am recouping from a nasty energy draining virus....but...I ended up just runnin it the whole way...
  • 30m 8s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 09m 41s  min/mile

Like I stated before - run started off decent, hr was good, I felt good had my mp3 player cranked and was gettin in the zone. Into the 1st Luis and I started passin people...I figured this would be the case since we decided to hang back...no problems there..I mean we ran Cooper just a few weeks ago!! If you can weave thru that kinda crowd then this is nothing! Then after the 1st mile I saw I running about a 11 -12 min pace...I was like "WTF" I ran faster then that at MAP and at Cooper!! Well...I stepped it up into mile 2...and my hr proved that...way higher then where I should be or would like to be ....but again...shot of reality here folks..no running since Cooper and being sick all weekend and part of this week...I was lucky to be running period! LOL...the last mile was not too bad accept for my calf starting to cramp on me again...mostly downhill so that was good the last curve around the stadium leadin to CPCC campus - all uphill! Ugh...so..past the 3 mile mark and I knew I was close then...I looked at my watch..hmm I may still get this done in 30 min!!! COOL!! When I passed the 2 mile marker clock was at 21:00..I was like..I can get the last mile in and make it !!
What would you do differently?:

Not get sick and run more prior to race.
Post race
Warm down:

Water, banana, orange, stretched out - more sport drink, I was thirsty after the run...then we headed over to the International Pancake House!! ..that was our victory/hardware!! Some good food!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of training and being sickly for so long this past week and weekend....that really drained me. I have not been able to train all week cause of this crud..and last time I attempted to run after Cooper I got the cramp in the calf...so..todays run was just an attempt to get back in it....I was happy I completed it...regardless of my time...

Event comments:

I had fun, it was about what I expected as far as my results and how I felt on the run..consider what I have been thru this week and I was good to just show up and run this race.

Last updated: 2008-03-07 12:00 AM
00:30:08 | 03.11 miles | 09m 41s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
This is the time from my chrono off my watch - the race results have not been posted yet - it may actually be a minute more...but considering my condition and lack of running in the past few weeks - I was quite pleased. My hr monitor tells me I have some base rebuilding to do...I know that...but this was a race...1st mile was good - 2nd, hr shot up since we had some hills on the route, mile 3 - I was already anerobic by now so I just sucked it up and ran it out....again...my left calf started to cramp on me!!! ARRGHH...I guess I need to have my shoes checked?
Course: Course was decent - there were some tough but short lil hills ...but other then those, nice course..shady for the most part....started at CPCC - then ran past Elizabeth Traditional ES and through the Elizabeth part of Charlotte, then back down the same route to CPCC and around Memorial Stadium up into the plaza of the CPCC main campus for the end
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3