Comments: swim results only not given. Transition 1
Comments: I had a hard time buckling the chin strap and gettin my glasses/helmet coordinated. Need to practice this to smooth it out. Very slow. What would you do differently?: practice Bike
Comments: I know I can work on this...most of the bike training I have done so far is on a stationary bike...Need to spend more time actually riding. HILLS! What would you do differently?: Ride more! Transition 2
Comments: I wore my running shoes to ride the bike, so this transition was pretty fast. What would you do differently?: I was being SO careful not to take a header off the bike at the dismount area that I came to almost a complete stop before I got off. My rack was pretty full when I got back so it was a bit tough to fit it. Run
Comments: I didn't want to start fast and poop out so I actually ran really slowly the entire way..I just didn't want to be a walker. What would you do differently?: Run FASTER!! Especially the second half of the run. Post race
Warm down: It was the coolest thing to have my friends and husband there at the finish. Just walked a bit and drank water and gatorade. What limited your ability to perform faster: This was my first race-and my goal was A-not to freak out and hyperventilate at any point, and B-to finish feeling strong-not being carted off by paramedics. C-not finish Last!! I accomplished these goals. I felt relaxed and mentally prepared. I enjoyed the event and left feeling ready to do it again...only better! Event comments: I have nothing to compare it to...but for me, it was a great time. Last updated: 2008-03-17 12:00 AM
United States
Overall Rank = 344/378
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 10/15
Got up at 4:15am and had coffee, water and peanut butter toast - drove down and arrived 1 hour before my start time. Got body marked and set up my transition area-watched the first couple of waves do their first T and then went to the pool to watch the swimmers
Not much-a little stretching. Mostly tried to stay relaxed.