Comments: seemed longer than 500 meters, based on my and others' times, but was a nice swim. Was breathing a little fast for the first 200m or so, but then relaxed. Transition 1
Comments: Guessing this was part of swim time? Bike
Comments: felt good and no flat tire!!! Probably should have ridden harder, but wasn't sure how the run was going to go Transition 2
Comments: included in bike time? Run
Comments: legs were dead for about 1.5 miles - felt pretty slow (even for me), but sill ran under 9:45. Post race
Event comments: Field was 90%+ collegians. May be my only chance to say I placed first in my age group! Great weather for a race. A nice warmup. Last updated: 2008-03-27 12:00 AM
United States
Overall Rank = 128/145
Age Group = W 45-49
Age Group Rank = 1/1