Tri For Your Cause - Triathlon

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Boulder, Colorado
United States
55F / 13C
Total Time = 1h 26m 47s
Overall Rank = 31/116
Age Group = M45-49
Age Group Rank = 4/7
Pre-race routine:

Slept OK, got about 6 hours of good sleep. Woke up at 5:15am, stayed in bed till 6:00am just thinking...mental prep. Up, dressed, breakfast of oatmeal and a piece of toast, tall coffee and out the door at 6:40am. Arrived at the race venue about 7:25am, body marked and got a choice spot in the the Transition area.
Event warmup:

Not too much, ran about a mile, easy pace with a couple pickups. A little swim practice waiting for my wave to go off. Would have liked to get a bit more swiming in, but it was just too damn cold.
  • 12m 10s
  • 500 meters
  • 02m 26s / 100 meters

Man the water was so cold....take your breath away cold. Face, hands and feet were numb right away. No major problems with the swim, just very cold. I really felt....inefficient, like I was putting in the effort but not getting the anticipated propulsion. I found it hard to get a good pull as I couldn't feel my hands, and my kick was worthless. Didn't ever feel like I settled into any groove...
What would you do differently?:

Aside from the obvious, which is more/better training...I should have swam farther in at the finish. I quit swiming and waded in from about waist-deep water. Just too cold and I needed to get my face out of the water. I know that I don't tolerate cold well, and my performance suffers, so perhaps expecting anything more for this scenario is unrealistic.
Transition 1
  • 02m 40s

Real slow transition, I knew it would be after that swim. I couldn't grab the zipper cord for the wetsuit top until my hands warmed a little, so I was slow getting that off. Slow getting the suit off the legs also. I dryed off, put on a long sleeve jersy and fumbled with the zipper(cold hands). Not a great T1, but I didn't realy care, just wanted to be warmer on the bike.
What would you do differently?:

I really don't know that I would have done anything differently, faster maybe...duh
  • 46m 36s
  • 17 miles
  • 21.89 mile/hr

Pretty pleased with the bike, pushed hard from the start and felt I had a solid effort. Don't think I could have gone much harder, not this early in the season. I passed quite a few of riders and was not passed. Overall, it was a good bike for me at this point in the season.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. Wish I would have had a better training base, but that's water under the bridge now. In retrospect, I probably should have had a gel on the bike or finshed the 16oz of Cytomax. I think I left myself a little short for the run.
Transition 2
  • 00m 54s

Better (than T1), but not great. Got bike racked fine, shoes went fine, but the jersy zipper got stuck. Grabbed hat, race belt and off on the run. Not bad, but certainly room for improvement.
What would you do differently?:

Wish I hadn't needed to wear a long sleeve jersey...hard to get on, hard to get off.
  • 24m 30s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 07m 54s  min/mile

Not a great run. Really had nothing left in the tank for the run. Not unexpected. Got passed by five, and couldn't respond to any of them. I tried to pick up the pace several times, just didn't have it.
What would you do differently?:

I'm really not too worried. The run results honestly reflect where I'm at with my training. Decent base training, but no real speed work. Also, as my bike fitness continues to improve, my run will get better.
Post race
Warm down:

Just walked around, drank some water. Ate a sandwich about 30min after finish.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Training and the cold water. Overall, it's about what I was expecting, no major disappointments. Still mostly working on base training, and not much on speed. The limited amount of bike miles YTD (just over 600) probably hurt the most. While I had a reasonably good bike, it took alot out of me and I didn't have much left for the run. Until I put in a good 4-5 weeek block of 125-150m/wk on the bike (with interval work), my run after will continue to be mediocre.

I noted that just an improvement of 2 minutes overall, would move me up 10 places overall, and into 2nd for age group... crazy. Thats 30 sec on both the swim and run and 1 min in T1..absolutely doable. One of these days I'll put it all together and have the race I'm capable of, hopefully this year sometime.

Event comments:

The race itself was well done. Well organized and the course is great. My disappointment has to do with timing and results problems. Preliminary data was not accurate for post-race age group awards, and complete, final results were not available until Wednesday morning (three days after event). This race would rate a 4, otherwise.

Last updated: 2008-04-16 12:00 AM
00:12:10 | 500 meters | 02m 26s / 100meters
Age Group: 5/7
Overall: 61/116
Performance: Below average
Suit: Desoto T1 two piece
Course: Out & back around one buoy. About a 200 yd run from water exit to the transition area.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 53F / 12C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 02:40
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Below average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
00:46:36 | 17 miles | 21.89 mile/hr
Age Group: 2/7
Overall: 15/116
Performance: Good
Wind: Some
Course: Loop, mostly flat, a couple tight corners, good surface.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:54
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Average
00:24:30 | 03.1 miles | 07m 54s  min/mile
Age Group: 4/7
Overall: 46/116
Performance: Below average
Course: Fairly flat, out and back, about 2/3 gravel and 1/3 paved.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 2