![]() Swim
Comments: I started off towards the back. I know my history in OWS and it isn't good so this was more of a hard practice than a race for me. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could swim that long without having a panic attack, hugging a kayak or having to back stroke at any time...I did it !!!THere was a group of waer polo players on the course passing a ball around, they helped me when I got a little too far out and had me swim in more. Had some goggle leaking issues so I did have to pause a couple times to empty the wate out of the goggles and get my bearings. My foot cramped up at the turn around and I thought I'd be in trouble swimming back but we swam with the current on the way back in so I didn't have to work as hard and I didn't have any problems to keep going. There were a few instances I thought they had moved the bouys out farther..it was nice to hit the turn around and finish bouys.. What would you do differently?: Site more... ![]() Post race
Warm down: Jumped on dock and saw that there were a small handful of swimmers behind me and was thrilled to NOT be DFL!! What limited your ability to perform faster: Hunger...I ate breakfast at 6 AM and was feeling hungry by the time the race started..I didn't pack any snacks along cause I thought the race started a bit earlier...Had to push the hunger sensation out of my mind on the swim so it was not the focus...just keep swimming, breathing every 3 strokes and sighting as best I could with leaky goggles Event comments: They weren't too well organized. Started out with 4 waves then decided to do 2 waves. No biggie...except the guy on the dock figured the race # was our seed for the wave. Race #'s were assigned by when we signed up to do the race. So then they had to differentiate wave 1 from wave 2...We had cap colors based on gender...so the answer?? Put a big blob dark circle on the cap for wave 2 people...Not well thought out. Noone had a megaphone...Tri club had a group out doing a preride there too cause this is the site of a tri in 2 weeks...Cool, I got to scope out the race venue in advance and am going to ride it next week :) Last updated: 2008-04-20 12:00 AM
United States
85F / 29C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Let me prefce this race report....this is not an A race by any stretch of a wild imagination...I signed up for this race for the sole purpose of getting my head out of my arse about open water swimming. Using the wetsuit is the pits...Swimming in cold, dirty rivers stinks too....BUT, I really want to keep at this so I got convinced this swim would be a good event for me. Therefore, my sole goal in completing this event is just that...complete the swim without hugging a kayak or having a panic attack in the process.
Got to the site early ...in fact so early I got to volunteer and help with body marking. That was one of my long term goals so it put me in a happy frame of mind...Now to volunteer at a big race with cold water so I can be a wet suit stipper :)
Watched the kids 400m swim...they were amazing, fearless even...
They let us in to warm up and I did swim about 100 yards to get the brain cleared and remind myself that the river was as warm and inviting as it was last week at tri club OWS practice. Hung around the dock and talked to Jen...I was talking to another girl pre race that had neve done any OWS before and kept reminding her of the stuff I was tellng myself about my anxieties...didn't see her post ace to see how she did.