Cox Rhode Races Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Providence, Rhode Island
United States
Cox Rhode Island
40F / 4C
Total Time = 00m
Overall Rank = 0/
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Laid out all of my stuff the night before. Carb'ed up 48hours before hand, morning of had my coffee and bagel. Drank a bit of water and headed to the race.
Event warmup:

It was misting/pouring and back and forth between the two. Parked with the Team-in-Training people, went over to Providence Place Mall, used the bathroom and got on the shuttle bus. When i got to the race site, I got my stuff and checked in. There was a building most people were using to stay dry/warm.

We were kicked out and then kicked out of a 2nd building as well. Everyone then had to stand around in the rain/cold. There were 10-12 porta-potties outside which would have been sufficient with 1/3 the people there were present. The line was 1/5 mile long. It was bad. The girl singing the national anthem messed up.

I had a CarbBOOM! about 20min before the late race start. I felt great and was ready to race.
  • 00m
  • 13.1 miles
  •  min/mile

My first 5 miles were great. I was right where I wanted to be. I had my gel just after mile 5 at the aid station so I could have a small drink of water to wash it down. Shortly after my my knee started hurting so I walked a bit and then tried to run and could not without very bad pain. I stopped tried to move my knee around a bit and decided to try to run again.

I could not so, I was at just about the halfway point and decided I would powerwalk and shoot for 2:30. However by this point I could no longer walk without pain. There was the only medical tent apparently someways back. I hobbled back and told them I was done and that my knee hurt to bad to continue.

All I wanted was a ride to the finish so I could go to my car and go home. They said the only place they could take me was to the hospital. They checked me out and said I probably needed an MRI or X-ray and why not get it now. The hospital was closer to the finish anyway. I got into the ambulance on my own power.

I got there and debated whether to check-in or call a cab. figured the medic guys were right about the X-ray, and checked in. I have insurance after waiting I got in waited more the only Dr on duty then wrote a prescription for Ibprofen and told me to call my Doctor back home in a few weeks if its not better. I explained that I had rested the past two weeks. He then discharged me and told me I was misled into coming.

I then called a Taxi took it to my car paid the lady. Skipped all postrace activities, drove to REI exchanged my trail shoes for a different pair picked up some other stuff from their anniversary sale.

Ate at Pei Wei (only location in New England), had a beer and drove home.
What would you do differently?:

No idea, not mess my knee up two weeks prior. Everything I did prerace was awesome, I felt great. My first 5 miles I was just a tad faster than my gial pace which was good.

Post race
Warm down:


What limited your ability to perform faster:

My knee.

Event comments:

I would race it again. I skipped everything post race including picking up my shirt/goodie bag I had sent to the finish.

I was mad at myself. My 'injury' is from running two days back to back. I always ran every other day without problems then decided to run 2. MY own fault I tried to push it but I really did feel awesome.

Now it is beautiful outside and I feel like I wasted the day.

Oh well.

Last updated: 2008-04-23 12:00 AM
00:00:00 | 13.1 miles |  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Bad
I did 6.32 miles including walking back in 52:46. Avg HR 178. Mile 1 8:18 Avg HR 167 Mile 2 7:53 Avg HR 180 Mile 3 7:51 Avg HR 182 Mile 4 8:15 Avg HR 184 Mile 5 8:00 Avg HR 180 Mile 6 8:42 Avg HR 182 Started walking The rest of the time was walking around, I was right where I wanted to be until about 5.7miles in. Mile 6 would have been under 8min/mile.
Course: From what I ran it was good except for a short bit that was pot-holed and rough.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? No
Course challenge Just right
Organized? No
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]