Comments: Cold swim, but not as cold as Boulder Reservoir 2 weeks ago. Still, it was a difficult swim. Hands, feet and face were numb. I didn't feel smooth; never really got into a groove and didn't feel like I was getting a good pull. I've noticed the cold water makes me feel a little short of breath...feels like I have to breath more to get the same amount of oxygen? I don't feel I had a great swim, although, no major breakdowns. This turned out to be a MOP swim, which is as good as it gets for me right now. I'm inclined to say the course was a little short, but overall swim times were not unusually fast. What would you do differently?: I didn't really sight very well,and consequently meandered a bit more than I would have liked. Missed several opportunities to draft. Again, stood up and waded too soon at the end of the swim. Transition 1
Comments: Slower transition, again. I just don't do so well when I'm cold. What would you do differently?: Remember my towel. I think I need to practice my T1's...seem's to be a recurring theme that my times are slow. Bike
Comments: Long bike for this early in the year. I've only got a hand full of training rides over 35 miles so far this year. That said, I felt good for the first 25 miles, but started to fade the last 10...I had to back off the pace. My glutes, in particular, were screaming and I was absolutely ready to get off the bike. I could not have gone any harder, without seriously hurting my run. As it was, I suffered a fair bit on the run. Was passed by three on the bike, and passed three...just not many on the road. What would you do differently?: Not much. Obviously, my training base limited my ability to hold the pace for the entire distance, but I expected that. Transition 2
Comments: Good transition for me. Jumped off the bike, volunteer handed my the run bag, racked the bike, change shoes, grab run belt and go. What would you do differently?: nothing Run
Comments: Well, the wheels officially came off on the run. Not totally unexpected as I knew after the long bike, I could potentially be hurting on the run. I did. Felt pretty good the first mile or so, then really started to run out of juice. Suffered the last 2 miles...stomach hurt, felt dizzy, overheated a little and just generally not very good. I didn't walk, but pace slowed considerably. For the first time in a race, I actually considered walking. What would you do differently?: I've been running pretty well in training, but I was not ready for a fast run after a 36 mile bike. I felt like I hydrated and took in calories on the bike, but probably not quite enough of either. this run was 1:30 slower than I had anticipated. Post race
Warm down: Hydrate, sit in the shade, rest, try not to puke. Ate some pancakes about 30 minutes after finishing. What limited your ability to perform faster: Overall, this was a pretty good race for me. My strength is the bike, and the long bike suited me well..even if it about killed my run after. My performance was limited by insufficient training, really all three disciplines, but most noticed on the bike and run. It is still early season though, and I am encouraged by the progress I've made since I took this sport up less than a year ago. Event comments: This was a revival of an old race that hasn't run for a few years. As with most new races, it takes a while to get the word out. Only a total of 70ish participants; 23 for the sprint and 46 for the Oly distance. That said, this was a pretty fast and seasoned group of racers. Not the ususal crowd of first timers for this race. I like the venue, although logistics are challenging as a shuttle was needed to get from the finish back to the swim start. Ended up having to hand around the finish for a couple hours to get a ride back to the Lake where my car was parked. then drive back to town to pick up my bike. Overall, good race, I hope it grows. Last updated: 2008-05-11 12:00 AM
United States
Z&F Sports Management Inc.
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = 4/23
Age Group = M45-49
Age Group Rank = 1/2
Woke up at 5am. Breakfast of oatmeal, toast, juice and coffee. Hit the road about 5:45am, arived at Jackson Reservoir 7am. This was a point-to-point race; swim in the lake, jump on the bike and ride 36 miles to town, then run. T1 was at the lake, and T2 was in town. Before the race start, we put our run stuff in a bag which was transported to town and handed to us as we rolled into T2. Also, after T1 we bagged up swim stuff(wet suit, towel, etc)for transport to town.
The weather was great; beautiful sunny Colorado morning. Didn't want to get into the wet suit too soon (warm), so I ended up with just a couple minutes of swim warmup, maybe 100m. Honestly, with the water as cold as it was, I wouldn't have been up for much more than that. Quick pre-race meeting, line-up and go at about 8:30am.