Comments: Having 8 people in a lane was a little crazy. What would you do differently?: I would have been more aggressive and tried to pass. I'm guessing it wouldn't have helped much as we all got out of the pool in a line together at the end. Everyone seemed pretty close to the 11-12 minutes predicted time. Transition 1
Comments: We had a little run from the pool to the transition area but I messed up by running to where I had originally put my bike instead of where I had moved it to once I realized the bike racks were numbered. I also spent too long getting on my bike shoes b/c these weren't the normal shoes I wear. What would you do differently?: Been more focused on where my bike was located--it was actually really close but I added time looking for it. Bike
Comments: My cyclometer said 12.78 for the distance. I wonder if the course was a little long? What would you do differently?: I should have road the course Friday night which I had planned to do but no one at the packet pickup had the course map. Next time I will print it off and take it along. I could have road a little harder, too. Transition 2
Comments: This transition was much better. I couldn't find my sunglasses (stuck on my helmet) so that added a few extra seconds but other then that I felt pretty fast. Run
Comments: I like flat runs better :) What would you do differently?: Run faster of course. Post race
Warm down: Crossed finish line, hugged husband and the boys, drank a water then carbo loaded on the free beer. Visited with Valerie and Paul and Shannon and Oucky. What limited your ability to perform faster: This wasn't the best race ever but not the worst. Actually feel okay about it considering it was the first race of the year. Event comments: Very enjoyable low-key race. My only complaint was the mess up with putting so many swimmers in one lane. Last updated: 2008-05-14 12:00 AM
United States
60F / 16C
Overall Rank = 98/378
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 6/32
Drove to the race and ate a bagel with p.b. and coffee. I brought Chase (9 year old) along and he didn't want to wake up.