Comments: Not my favorite swim. 10 seconds between swimmers wasn't enough for having to share a single lane for 2 directions of travel. Everyone was way too bunched up. Without a warmup, I redlined from the start and suffered thru the swim. Glad this one was short. What would you do differently?: Not be a moron Transition 1
Comments: Pretty good T1. Actually could have been faster. My bike was on the 3rd rack from the bike exit and directly in front of the stairs down from the pool. What would you do differently?: Go faster I guess Bike
Comments: Passed 12 of the 32 people that started ahead of me on the bike and wasn't passed by anyone. Didn't feel like I was 100% yet and struggled with a high heart rate after bombing the swim. Took 2-3 miles to settle down and much of that was climbing, which made it tougher. Settled down around mile 6 and started picking people off. I wasn't really aggressive on the bike today and should have gone harder. One reason I didn't push harder was that I hadn't had a chance to pre-ride the course so I never really knew what was next. There were a lot of turns for this length course and some were at really bad times, like when you are coming down one of the best/steepest downhills running 35mph and come around a corner to find yourself 100yds from a 90 degree left hand turn. Almost forget---had a few issues with volunteers on the bike. This was a first time event and the volunteers had never helped with something like this before. They were waving us thru intersections but didn't see to ever check for cars first. One guy waved me out in front of 2 vehicle running close to 60. Fortunately, I took a quick peak as I made my left turn. Swung into the oncoming travel lane long enough for them to blow by and then dove back into the right lane to avoid the car coming head-on at me. What would you do differently?: Not peg my hr on the swim and then be more aggressive on the bike. Transition 2
Comments: Timing mat didn't pick up so T2 is part of run. Run
Comments: I personally thought that I had a really crappy run. Legs from the knees down felt like they weighed 800 lbs with all the hills. This is probably my second best sprint 5k, possibly my fastest when you figure that this includes my T2 as well. What would you do differently?: Keep running even harder Post race
Warm down: Went backwards thru the course to about the one mile marker and met up with Karen and then ran the last 2 miles with her. What limited your ability to perform faster: Me as always Event comments: For a first time race, this went pretty well. The swim could be tweaked a little and the volunteers just need better briefing. This course attracted a lot of beginners because of the short pool swim but this was definitely not an easy course for newbies. Lots of climbing on the run and bike. Last updated: 2008-05-15 12:00 AM
United States
Set Up Events
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 69/212
Age Group = Clydesdales
Age Group Rank = 3/5
Got up at 5am, finished getting Karen and my stuff together. Loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly...oops, I mean headed off to the race site. Hour drive over. Got a spot right near the front door. We got checked in which took a while and got our chips. Set up TA's then went and got bodymarked.
None....one of these days I'll learn that I do better with a warmup