Comments: Good short swim - got bumped around in a crowd twice - slowed me down a little What would you do differently?: Nothing Transition 1
Comments: Need to shave off 20 or 30 seconds here What would you do differently?: Shoes on the bike - same as always Bike
Comments: Flat course with the wind at your back. Can't ask for much more. Kilo-Dave even thought I was Macca (as he went blowing by me). The only glitch on the bike was coming into town where I had to stop at the main intersection. The officer directing traffic looked at me and said "I have no idea what I'm doing" - fortunately the light turned green just after that. What would you do differently?: More time in the saddle. Watching AJ and Kilo-Dave go by, you start to realize what it takes. Transition 2
Comments: Slowest T2 for the top 10 finishers. What would you do differently?: Need to get out of the shoes prior to dismount. Run
Comments: A little faster than last race but not where I want to be. This seems to be a mental thing. Post race
Warm down: Watching Brian and Julia finish. Event comments: I missed 4th OA and 3rd for men by less than 40 seconds. I'm slowly getting there. Congrats to Brian on his 1st tri and thanks to Kristine for her support out there on the course. A great way to spend a Sunday. Last updated: 2008-05-19 12:00 AM
United States
Z&F Sports Management Inc.
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 5/23
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 1/2
The Breakfast of Champions - Coffee, PB&J & a Banana. Signed up for the supersprint despite teh upcoming HIM.
Short jog and short swim to get used to the water.