Comments: My swim didn't feel all that bad bud looking at my time I somehow got slower than last year. A bit confused by that since I am way faster at swimming than last year. I know was sick coming into this one but I didn't really feel like it hurt me that much on the swim. Guess I still have a lot of work to do. What would you do differently?: Get better at swimming! Transition 1
Comments: Fastest T1 I have ever had, kept gear very minimal today and was able to blaze right through the transitions. What would you do differently?: Not sure, this was the best I have ever done, pretty happy with it. Bike
Comments: Felt pretty good on the bike, kept a good pace, maybe could have pushed just a little harder. What would you do differently?: Ride harder Transition 2
Comments: Super fast transition again, probably fastest T2 ever for me also. What would you do differently?: nothing Run
Comments: First time ever the run wasn't my strongest event. This is where my being sick kicked my butt. As soon as I started the run I couldn't breath and got a really sharp pain in my stomach, felt like I got shot. Everytime I expanded my lungs I could feel the pressure against the spot in my stomach and it hurt bad. I actually had to stop and sit down for a little bit. Eventually got myself going again and trotted my way in but I was never able to really let my legs work the way I wanted to. My time actually ended up being faster than I expected on the run though, I felt like I had run much slower. Pretty curious to see how I can run these days when not sick. What would you do differently?: Not get sick. Post race
Warm down: went home and slept until the next morning! What limited your ability to perform faster: Being sick. Event comments: Fun race, happy I did it even though I was sick. Last year this was the first race I ever trained for so it was neat to finally get to repeat a race. Really wish I could have been healthy for it, but oh well. Last updated: 2008-05-30 12:00 AM
United States
City of Carlsbad
Overall Rank = 264/817
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 24/56
No real pre=race routine, was feeling pretty sick in the morning so just slept in as much as possible then drove to the race and got ready.
jumped in the ocean and got my suit wet, that's about it