Comments: Better than I expected, but I think I could have done better. I registered at the very last minute and as a result was in a lane with swimmers whose projected swim times were 10-15 minutes. I never really felt as though I was in a comfortable pace as I was either swimming slow or trying to make up time. What would you do differently?: Sign up earlier and try to get in a lane with projected times close to my own. Harder training. Haven't been in the water in over three weeks. Transition 1
Comments: Took my time here. My friend had already finished his race and we talked while I got ready about how his went. Bike
Comments: Two lap course. First lap felt pretty good. Second lap felt off. I may have been too concerned about the upcoming run. Got a cramp about mile 5 and it did not go away until about mile 8. It was an open course, so traffic was still flowing and I twice had to stop and wait for someone who failed to pay attention to the police and turned in front of me. To the biker in all blue that passed me like I was standing still. Thanks for the motivation. What would you do differently?: Harder training. Maybe a different/new bike. I'm riding on a Panasonic 14 speed from 1989. Has biking technology changed that much in 20 years that a new bike could make a big difference? Transition 2
Comments: Seemed to go okay. Run
Comments: Mile 1 felt pretty good. Mile 1-1.5 which was almost entirely up hill felt terrible, as I was desperate for a drink of water at the top. Thank God for aid stations. Mile 1.5-2.8 felt good as it was back down the hill and I found a female runner that ran at a decent pace and congratulated everyone that was running in the opposite direction. I tried to sprint the last .3 miles, but it ended up being a pretty pathethic sprint. What would you do differently?: Longer runs, more hills in training Post race
Warm down: Grabbed my bike and walked to the car. What limited your ability to perform faster: Training. I have been training half heartedly, trying to convince myself that I'm not a competitive person and that I just wanted to finish. I learned (and probably knew all along) that I am a very competitive person who just didn't train hard enough. Event comments: I'm happy with my performance since this was the first triathlon I've participated in. I'm looking forward to the next one (July - Olympic) and will probably try another sprint one at the end of the summer and try to better this time. Last updated: 2008-06-07 12:00 AM
United States
60F / 16C
Overall Rank = 110/389
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 0/
First triathlon, so I was very excited and nervous and did not sleep well the night before. Woke up at 5:15, ate some toast with peanut butter, and drove to the rec center to watch a friend compete who was starting at 6:20. My race didn't start until 8:00.
Thought my race started at 8:15, so a desperate run back to the car to drop off/pick up some last minute items was all the warm up I did.