Comments: I need to get in the groove like I ended up last year. What would you do differently?: Swim faster Transition 1
Comments: I did fine until I had to mount the bike. The second time was a charm. I'm so impressed with my new Tri bike (sic) What would you do differently?: Use my tri setup on my steel Lemond. Bike
Comments: I made great strides last year on the bike. With all my success, I decided to buy a Tri bike (a QR I got fitted at BikeSource). I have ridden it some, but not a lot, with the weather and back problems. I may just hang it up this year and go back to my 20lb.Lemond RB for the rest of this tri year. What would you do differently?: Use the road bike and push the hills. Transition 2
Comments: Awful T2- not sure- I think I did only a minute. What would you do differently?: n/a Run
Comments: The back, the back, the back. So what, I finished- thinking I would take a DNF at race start. What would you do differently?: Run when my back feels better. Post race
Warm down: I drank water, but if my boss wasn't there, I would have drank several brews. I only say that because I'm calling in sick Monday.....I'lll wait until I finish mowing the lawn before taking the Percodets... What limited your ability to perform faster: hmmmmm.... quads, hams, calves, lungs all minor and my lower back 7-8 on pain scale. Event comments: Well done Tri!!!. I always like a race where I get a medal for basically sucking... Seriously, I had no plans of doing this race up until Thursday, and even then, I intended on DNF'ing when I came into T2. So I'm happy I sucked it up and finshed. I have the Boulder sprint Sunday. I'm 90% not doing it. Last updated: 2008-06-07 12:00 AM
United States
65F / 18C
Overall Rank = 192/378
Age Group = 55-59
Age Group Rank = 2/2
Get up at 5:00 AM and drive 4 miles to the Rec Center. Setup, that's it.
Put a Ben-Gay patch on my back as soon as I got up.
Bathroom LOL