Summer Breeze 5k - Run5k

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Charlotte NC, North Carolina
United States
Charlotte Track and Triathlete Club
78F / 26C
Total Time = 26m 56s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Not much a pre race routine for was raining pretty hard time we left the house to head to the race..GyGy once again was jock-strappin for me. It was coming down in buckets a we drove toward to course..I was not sure the race was gonna happen at this point...rain, thunder, lightning...WTF! This cannot be happenning!! Got about 2 miles away from the site and I saw some clearing in the clouds about where we were headed...I thought maybe we will be ok...then I saw a rainbow...the sun was out on one part of the sky and the other was rain clouds and was weird...but I only hoped that rainbow which was in the direction we were headin was a good pot of gold maybe?? rain??...PR!! I could only hope...I have not done any training since my tri last weekend...I needed this run to happen!!
Event warmup:

Arrived at Freedom Park around 6:50...womens run was to start at 7 PM - mens at 7:30. It was still raining when we was not lookin good at this point. There were lot's of people running around, umbrella's out...looks of confusion...GyGy nad I sat in the car waitin on my budy Luis to show up - he was running with me once again. I started putting on my shoes and race stuff in the car...just incase the storm let up and we got to run. Finally - I asked a runner walkin by about what he had seen, herd...he said the women were linin up and were gonna be starting about 5 to 10 min later then planned...due to weather and some heavy water on one part of the course...but they were I figured so would we. The rain had let up by now...and Luis was was gonna happen...let's race!! I made my way to the chip tent...said hello to some friends from the sponser..Inside Out Sports....ran into to Keith on my way to the start...he was chillin on his bike...just spreadin the coolness that he GyGy had someone to hang with while I QCTC was represented!!! Basically...waited around chatting with GyGy and Luis and Keith waiting for the race to start...which the 1st of it was uphill..woo hoo..nuttin like a hill on the start to get your hr pumped!
  • 26m 56s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m 40s  min/mile

I had a good run...I was pushin myself harder then usual...I was out for a PR today....and I was determined to make it! By the time I passed the 1 mile marker the clock showed 8:16!!!! I was running a 8 MIN MILE!! HOLY CRAP wonder my HR was so hi...but I pushed on...2nd mile marker..17:16...still good...I was getting a lil tired around 2-1/2 miles...I was anerobic the whole damn run pretty much....and I left Luis behind back around 1 mile marker...he told me to go 4 it!! When I got to entrance of Freedom Park I was elated!! I was almost done!! ...rounded the last curve and I could see the time clock...25:47...I was like NO WAY...Iam gonna get this done in less time then I thought!! I would have been happy with 28 or 29 min...but at this pace ...I was looking at 26 to 27 min...I got about 300 feet from the finish and I kicked the after burners in...I was watchin the clock now...and I did not even see GyGy and Keith cheerin for me as I crossed the finish...all I could see was that clock and I wanted to cross it before it hit 27:00...and I did!!!...close call..but I made it PR This was a tough run for me...but I know why...and I was comfortable for the most part during the entire was a PR run for me....and I made it
What would you do differently?:

Post race
Warm down:

Hung out with Keith, GyGy,and Luis - had some bread and some beers!!! stretched out...

Event comments:

I kicked butt - set my PR - and had a good time...

Last updated: 2008-06-16 12:00 AM
00:26:56 | 03.11 miles | 08m 40s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
HR was way high...but I felt ok and just went with it
Course: Mainly flat..with some long rollin hills...through the Myers Park area of Charlotte..lot of trees and shade....nice
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4