Comments: Swim felt great...could have easily turned it up and swam 1min maybe 2min faster. Felt nice and warmed just from that short swim before the race. Once in the water I was concentrating on a nice glide and visualizing myself at transition, next thing you know it was done. What would you do differently?: Swim faster, pick up pace...and what is drafting? That sounds like it might help. Transition 1
Comments: Came in from swim and tossed goggles and cap to the side. Put on sunglasses then helmet. Ripped off rest of wetsuit and bent over to put on shoes. Much faster than sitting on the ground although the road bike shoes took awile, but it was a decent T1 I thought. What would you do differently?: wear race suit or tri top. Bike
Comments: Guys on Tri bikes were blowing past me...at least 5-10mph faster. Left arm got a little numb around 10 miles. Had to sit up forst 3/4 miles to fix sunglasses (nose piece was coming off) What would you do differently?: Go harder, I had more in me. Transition 2
Comments: Transition felt great. What would you do differently?: drink swig of water while there. Run
Comments: I need work on the run. Admitedly this was what I worked on the least. Ran comfortably, trying to simulate what would keep me alive for next weeks 10K portion. What would you do differently?: Run faster, leave it all on the run, esp last mile. Post race
Warm down: Ice on head, oranges, bannana. What limited your ability to perform faster: THis was my forst race so I felt great. This is how I will measure myself so I expect to be faster in all areas in this distance. Event comments: Not much for goodies for such a high race fee ($125) Last updated: 2008-06-24 12:00 AM
United States
City of Carlsbad
65F / 18C
Overall Rank = 472/817
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 61/89
Stayed local in San Diego for the race. That was a great idea. Had a nice steak dinner the night before. Turned in early enough but only actually got about 4hrs sleep I suppose due to stress of the race.
I went for about a 200yd jog in wet suit and swam about 75yds...that felt great. Got my HR up to 133 right before the brief...then 3 minutes later we were off.