Comments: Okay my swim time isn't great. Will have to check the official results. and yes, I breast stroked the whole thing. However, I did much better than others who were front crawling or back stroking. some of the back strokers got incredibly way off course. I was prepared to front crawl but there was a millisecond of panic and I just told myself to keep breast stroking to keep going. I never went off course and I never stopped swimming. I also had loosened my goggles a bit and didn't have problems with leaking OR with blood vessels breaking any worse than they were. What would you do differently?: Um, front crawl the whole thing! Transition 1
Comments: Slow, I'm sure. I walked after leaving the lake because I needed to catch my breath. What would you do differently?: Run after I get out of the lake? Bike
Comments: About, I don't know, 8 minutes in to the bike course, the dicey bike course, I road over something, probably a pot hole and I heard a 'sssss'. So here's the deal, I rode on what I thought was a single flat tire up to, say, the 4km point when I decided to check on my tire and potentially do a DNF. Not a single flat tire: both. Here's what I know about changing a tire: zero. When I learned that there was no vehicle at the turn around point, I decided all I could do was attempt to cycle back in to town. So, I didn't cycle the whole 10k (probably 8) but I did cycle on two tires without any air in them so it was likely as difficult. I will have an official time on this, though, which I'm sorry about. Since I didn't get carried back in a truck, I figured I may as well do the run. I tried to tell some volunteers what happened but they didn't know what to do, so I just kept racing. What would you do differently?: Bring a cell phone, learn to change a flat tire. Transition 2
Comments: Official results - happy with the run. What would you do differently?: Maybe I shouldn't have done the run, since I didn't do the whole bike course. Legs felt much better than in my first tri. Post race
Warm down: Grabbed a couple of snacks and left with my family. The kids had been very good and waited since 6:30 a.m. What limited your ability to perform faster: Bike with two working tires. Event comments: Bike course was in poor shape but I should have driven it first to check it out! Last updated: 2008-06-27 12:00 AM
Multisport Canada
14C / 57F
Overall Rank = 14/29
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
woke up at 4:45 a.m., earlier than my alarm. All that I had to do was pack my wetsuit as I'd left it out to dry the night before. The whole family was coming so the most time was spent rousing the kids and making sure their snacks and entertainment were packed!
Arrived early, one of the first. Starting setting up my stuff then found out I was setting up where the Olympics would be setting up. Moved my stuff. Eventually got in to my wetsuit and then my hubby zipped me up. Chatted with a few people.
Got a little wet in the lake. At the pre-race meeting, the race director was talking about all of the potential hazards on the course: the lake, the bike course being 'dicey' due to construction (um, for me it sure was), etc.