![]() Swim
Comments: This swim was so much better than my Oly at Auburn. The warm up helped alot, but also, my suit felt better, and I could move my arms normally. Our wave only had about 40 women so it wasn't too crazy. Started out on the left (outside) and in the back, our buoys were to the right, which made it much easier for me to sight! For some reason, my legs kept getting bumped, but I ignored it and kept following the pack. I was actually drafting someone who was the perfect pace but she suddenly slowed down, darn. At this point, I lost the pack, but it was fine. I know I stayed on course pretty well. I never saw the kayaks, like I normally have in the past. I did roll over to breathe on my back about 4x but resolved not to backstroke and I just took 5 deep breaths and continued swimming. Pretty proud of myself even though towards the last buoy, the wave behind started to come up on me. Kept calm and headed for shore. What would you do differently?: not much. maybe actually practice ows instead of always having an excuse not to go (too cold, too late, etc) ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Not sure about the time here but I had a few difficulties getting the pebbles off my feet. Wetsuit stuck a bit even with copious amounts of body glide. What would you do differently?: I know this takes practice. I'm always a bit exhiliarated to be out of the water and on land, so I need to get over the excitement thing and just move on to the next step. ![]() Bike
Comments: Felt really strong on the bike through mile 15, and then started to fade a bit. I think there were more hills coming back than going out but that could have been an illusion. Overall a really strong bike for me. I was trying to break 1 hour but that will have to come with more biking experience. Only 3 people passed me which was pretty cool, two were in the wave behind me so they were smoking fast. I tried to just focus on my own cadence and breathing. Finished my bottle of cytomax. Sipped every 15 min or so. What would you do differently?: Not much, just need more training. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Ate a gu, switched shoes, choked on some water and put on the hat and sunglasses. Grabbed the garmin but couldn't remember where the watchband was. Oh well, ran holding the darn thing again. Not really sure where those enduralytes went and I really was a bit drained from that ride. What would you do differently?: Plan a little better in transition set up. I had 1 1/2 hours before we started after all. ![]() Run
Comments: Really wish I had remembered my enduralytes because it was super hot and I was laboring a bit. But kept up with one woman running a nice pace who also had a 43 on her calf :), until the final 1/4 mile and then she took off. I kept my pace and was really happy with the end result. What would you do differently?: pop a few enduralytes in transition or at the 2 mile point ![]() Post race
Warm down: Stretched, walked around a bit and ate some pasta, salad, fruit. Watched more finishers. What limited your ability to perform faster: Stomach issues from day before limited hydration ability. Forgetting where I put those endurolytes (that I later found in the car) Swim experience (esp OWS) Event comments: I really liked this venue. The organization was great, the participants super friendly and the course just challenging enough for this distance. AND the giveaway top from Skirtsports was Awesome! Made for women, BY women. Driving 2 1/2 hours there and then back...Ouch, not so fun, but I would definitely do this race again in the future. Last updated: 2008-07-23 12:00 AM
United States
TBF Racing
86F / 30C
Overall Rank = 42/297
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 8/42
Yesterday and last night, suffered from major stomach issues which I thought were nerves but turned out to be food poisoning. yuck. I wasn't even sure I would do the race, but decided to wait and see how I felt in the morning. Tried to drink lots of water this week, but this took alot out of me. Woke up at 4 am and felt okay. Had yogurt and cereal. No coffee like I would normally have and felt okay. Got in the car for my 2 plus hour drive to Sac. Yikes, that was way too long to drive at that hour alone. Miss GPS lady kept me company. Ate a banana in the car. Got to the site, racked my bike, etc, and decided to go ahead with the wetsuit.
Got in the lake about 30 min before my wave started to practice my sighting, get the wetsuit to fit comfortably (last tri my arms felt really restricted). Met some ladies who showed me how to draft. That was cool and I resolved to try that out or at least follow bubbles.