Community First Fox Cities Marathon - RunMarathon

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Menasha, Wisconsin
United States
Community First Fox Cities Marathon Festival of Races
65F / 18C
Total Time = 3h 11m 16s
Overall Rank = 61/1026
Age Group = m35-39
Age Group Rank = 11/88
Pre-race routine:

Raced up to packet pick up Sat before the event and grabbed some grub with the Yamse. Mexican place same as before High Cliff. Yes, folks you wont die if you dont eat all pasta the day before an event. After a nice meal and hitting the grocery store to get some final stuff, headed to HammerOZZs where I was hooked up with a nice bed with Bratz sheets, a jab taken cuz of a running joke I have with my kids about no Bratz in the house. Appreciated the cozy bed and hospitality, laid out all my stuff the night before checking and rechecking everything then hit the hay. Woke up at four, drank an Ensure and back to bed til around 6. Part of a Clif bar, banana and some Shot Blocks. Listened to my Ipod a bit before rolling out of bed and came up with my final final race plan after a few different opinions from myself how I was going to approach the day.
Event warmup:

Parked right near the start, jogged a bit, drove HammerOZZ nuts more than likely as I checked and rechecked everything. Had on arm warmers but saw Rob and Amy and nixed em last minute. Shuffled to near the front and waited for the gun.
  • 3h 11m 21s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 07m 18s  min/mile

The gun went off and the final final decision for my race plan was to find a comfy pace between 6:50-7:10 and stay there. After about a mile or two into the race and some chit chat, met a few peeps that were planning on 7's and shooting for a 3:05. I bounced around peeps at first drafting off of folks, not that the wind was as bad as Vegas, but still had a little here and there and tried to practice better race tactics. Right around where the half mary split up, we had a nice crew going and everyone kept right around 7s. The chit chat and working with others made the first few miles zip by.

After going through my fuel belts first two bottles, I started filling em up so I had at least two of the three full most of the run. I like being able to sip as need be and the previous blow ups make hydration a priority. I also doubled my gel intake from Vegas from 3 to maybe 7 or 8 as I broke off schedule later as the sun peeked out and warmed things up and as all the glycogen was spent later in the race. Probably a consistent on every 30 at the start and then cut to 20-25 mins after two hours. The use of S-caps also accelerated a bit towards the end as I tried to throw what I had to fend off any cramps that came about. I got the tell tale right forearm cramp about mile 16, so stomach cramps around 18 and the same fun groin cramp about mile 20 or so, but nothing so dehabilitating I couldnt go on or knock it back with some gel or a S-cap and some water. I ran with a dude from about mile 5 to 19 or so who was also shooting for a BQ under 3:15. We chatted a bit and I opined about maybe needing to roll the dice a bit with 5 to go as it was getting hotter. Still, as the race went on I felt it was better to keep a steady pace as I was well on target and didnt want to do anything stupid to screw it up.

About 7 miles to go, all I needed to do was churn out 8s or less and I would be golden, so kept it steady and saved the gambling for another day. The guy I was running with got a bit a head of me as I filled up the fuel belt with all three bottles for the last 5 or so as I didnt want to burn any more time at water stops. The front half I didnt hit em so much but the latter made a point of ingesting some water at most of them as well as filling a bottle if I was below two. It might sound like overkill but I didnt see the crash I normally have at races.

About mile 23 after seeing mutri and travisvb I tried to turn it up a bit but the swelling of my feet and tired legs couldnt muster a ton. I also started pouring some water on my gourd as it was getting a little bit warmer out there. I caught back up to my buddy and said lets bring this biznatch home but he didnt really stay along for the ride. Saw the Yamses with about a mile or so to go and tried to finish strong. Seeing the balloon arch felt awesome and I wanted to try to hit the 3:10:59 for the official not old guy BQ, but in all honesty knowing I had 3:15 to play with, I probably left about 2% out on the course. Still, was very happy to run it out and not have a meltdown.


43:05 10k 1:32:53 half 2:23:22 20m
What would you do differently?:

Nada. I had doubts about my plan, my history with meltdowns, my ability to pull it off but I did it. For this race, I did what I had to from a training standpoint, pacing standpoint and everything. My self doubt gave me a bit of a whatever happens happens attitude and in the end, its just a race. Having put aside the BQ or bust mentality, I eased back the pressure and just told myself lets see what we can do and be smart. Like I said, I probably left some time on the table being slightly conservative in those last five or so, but 2 or 3% is probably no exaggeration for where I was trained and how I was feeling that day. In the future to decrease time, will probably use a variation of this plan or the next level up which had you do many longer longs with a max of 26 at an easier pace. Made it seem easier to grunt out those last few miles.
Post race
Warm down:

I felt like complete crap more or less but no major cramping, just wrung out. Saw Hammer and his fam and the Yamses and they said they would meet me at the end of the food tent. I am an Arbys man and it was sheer hell for me not to be able to throw down one of the roast beef sammiches they had o'plenty of, opting for some gatorade, water, an orange and a banana. My gut just didnt want anything. I would get my revenge later at the drive through on my own dime later though dammit. Just tried to keep moving then until we got to a picnic table in some shade. Laid on top of the table a bit to cool down/let the fluids soak into my legs as I drank up the stuff from the tent and some Ultragen.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Big fat monkey on my back from dehydration, self doubts, wanting to finish one out with no fade. Again, not too much in the tank and could have tried a richer pace at the start but I dont think we would have as happy an ending. I think I nailed it pretty solid for this particular day.

Event comments:

Funny how an event in Appleton, Wisconsin can kick the crap out of what they do in Vegas. I cant remember enough about Madison to compare, but thought this was very well run with lots of volunteers, aid stations where they all dressed like TV themes and a pretty nice course. I cant say I could fully appreciate everything as I was focused on the goal at hand (which also makes for a boring race report, so thanks if you stayed around this long) but I never felt out in the boonies or unsupported during this like I did during Vegas. Two thumbs up to match the width of the blister on my right middle toe. Damn that hurts!

Last updated: 2008-08-09 12:00 AM
03:11:21 | 26.2 miles | 07m 18s  min/mile
Age Group: 11/88
Overall: 88/1026
Performance: Good
Course: Nice course around Fox Cities. Pretty flat though there are some rollers and elevation net shows 11-18 uphill. Nothing too beastly, but a decent course and think I enjoyed it.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3