Lake Compounce Sprint Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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bristol, Connecticut
United States
58F / 14C
Total Time = 1h 41m 12s
Overall Rank = 147/185
Age Group = Clydesdale
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

After properly planning and hydrating and eating this week and no Familial issues, Me and the wife got up at 4:00 am. Made a pb & j sammie and had a banana and some water, made a cup of coffee also, yeah that'll be the last cup of coffee on race day!! Sooo Off to the races, my wife turns to me and're absolutly nuts, it is like 48 degrees and you are going an hour away to go swim, bike and run...wake me when we get there.
Event warmup:

Got to check in, get body marked and time chip, set up transition, headed to John in pitch black, no line this time, i got smart and went before the bulk of people there. Do my duties, both, and go back to trans, talk to some fellow competitors, go wake wife up who is still sleeping in car with heat on, and then make way to lake and go do a little swim. Water is like 70 degrees, air temp is like 50, it was better in the water. Did a little swimming and stretching. Wife is bundled in full winter coat and i am in wetsuit and actually really warm. OK time to race!!!
  • 15m 19s
  • 800 yards
  • 01m 55s / 100 yards

Well, here i am and the only thing going through my mind is the cluster f$%k the last race was and was i better prepared for this one?? Well we were soon to find out. Group gathers to a wade RD gives some last minute instruction and BAM!!! Foghorn goes off, there it is the washing machine, it is soooo freeking cool!!! I hang back and let some room appear and then i start swimming, head above water for a little while while we all sort ourselves out, then i see a gap, and head down it is time to start swimming. I pass like 50 dudes doing everything from Breast stroke to crawl to doggypaddle to back stroke, i get in between to larger groups after being kicked a few times by breast strokers, and find a nice rythm. Next thing i know is all the swimmers are too my right and everyone is turning, so i go CRAP, right turn Clyde and have to repass about a dozen dudes i just passed, i get by the bulk and then just try to store energy and bring it home, 75yrds, head up figure out where your going and breath, just try to relax. Next thing you know, i am getting out of the water and the first of the women goes by me.....a 12 Year old Girl for chiminy sakes!!!! The race is on to T
What would you do differently?:

I need to not be afraid of swimming in groups, this will come in time, in the pool and my OWS i can go realistically 400yrs before having to take a breather for a few secs, i was takeing my sweetass time in the lake today, i wanted to have a good bike. I nedd to keep my head doem, sight every 6 or 7 strokes and finish 3 minutes sooner, i dilly dally too much, but i will learn, i wanna get into the wash machine and mix it up!!
Transition 1
  • 00m

Well after the swim we had a pretty good 1/4 mile run to the transition area, i walked half and ran 1/2 trying to make sure i had legs and lungs for the bike. I had preplanned to put my Tri shoes on in T1 since i had a short distance that was grass and pebbles to the bike mount area and i was not comfortable putting my feet in the shoes on the bike since they are new and i had not had alot of practice putting my feet in on the fly, everything went well, wetsuit came right off, helmet on, sunglasses on, socks on, shoes on, unrack bike, get to bike out.....ARRRGGGHHH i forgot my race belt w/number... IDIOT!!! So i stand my bike up at the left of exit, run back and grab my race belt (that cost me a few secs) and get back to my bike, mount and go---------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What would you do differently?:

see if i even need a race belt since i was marked in 3 places on my body, see if i can get my feet in my shoes on the bike and no socks to save a little more time, the rest of T1 went well.
  • 48m 32s
  • 13 miles
  • 16.07 mile/hr

So i get out of Transition and get onto bike, clip in and go!!! My legs from the get go felt a ton better than my first tri, i pass about 15 people and a bunch pass me, there are a few spectators and some have those cow bells that they keep ringing, they were actually nice to hear as the provided some encouragement to keep racing. One group was a group of little girls in front of some big house in the second development, they were awesome. I hook up with a cutie on a Tri bike and we go back and forth a few times, she climbs better than me and i would pass her on the downhills, finally she got away and i continued on. Somewhere on the second lap i had to pee, but there was really no where to go as it was an urban ride, i tried going on the bike but the plumbing would not work, so i just dealt with it. Later in the second lap an older gentleman goes by my on a Trek Hybrid and the only thing i could think of was the wicked witch of the west from the wizard of OZ and i started to laugh, people were looking at me like i was nutz. So the end of the bike leg comes and it is downhill to Transition, so i slip out of my new fancy dancy Tri shoes just like the pros and ride on the tops for a bit and then do a really cool flying dismount and do my best Macca imatation off the bike, grab the seat and go into trans.
What would you do differently?:

more bike training, the legs just could not keep up with the lungs. Get a cadence meter and maybe a Hr meter
Transition 2
  • 00m

So i go jumpin' of the bike get into trans, rack the bike bend down to get my running shoes and slide them on. I made a list of things to do before and while in transition, so this time i had no baby powder in my shoes and i undid my shoe laces prior to the start, so this went soooo much better than my first time around. I stand back up and realize i never undid my helmet, so i undo that bend back over let it fall, and grab my water bottle and i am off. YAY!!!
What would you do differently?:

after racking bike unclip helmet so i only have to bend over once. Other than that this was a good transition.
  • 37m 23s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 12m 01s  min/mile

OK so we all know i run like Sh!t, so i get out of trans and go jogging out of the lot, 1/4 mile out both calves cramp pretty bad and i still got to pee, damn, so i slow to a walk and try to jog a little and walk a little, as with the last race i get passed by alot of people, ALOT!!! The fronts of my shins are just starting to tighten up now as the cramps on my calves start to subside when a cutie pulls up next to me and gives me some encouraging words about pancakes and sausage, i reply something about beer and pizza, we laugh and she continues on (later i was to find out it was memeber Takeofftheskirt, Kira, so that was pretty cool as we had never met before) so i figure well my legs are killing me and i have to pee so my bladdre hurts, i make a hard right and go into the woods, boy did that feel good, back onto the course i start jogging again and another guy comes up next to me and slows, we chat a bit and he says i have a couple of extra GU's do you want one, i reply that i had never had one and he said that they would help pretty quick, especially with energy, so i figure what the hell, my legs cant hurt any worse, so if i get nauseous, it will be par for the course, so he asks what flavor since he had 5, so i went for the strawberry banana, the jury is still out about the taste and texture, he says adios and leaves, so i continue my jog walk and my legs are starting to feel little better, some people slow and chit chat, some go blowing by me, i get to the industrial park and it starts to go downhill so i start some more jogging, i get to the water station and two little girls are serving water, so i high five them , grab a water and down it, i go to the corner and it goes back up hill, so i walk again. At this point i know what the course will look like on the way back, one large hill and some downhills, so the method to my maddness is to walk the uphills and jog the flats and downs, that works well and i start jogging with another guy who was struggling, the guy with 69 on his cals slowly goes by us, we bust his nutz about his race number and trudge on. The last little bit was all downhill to the finish, my legs were starting to feel good at this point (guess the GU's really work). So i say adios to my walking partner and tell him i am running this one in and i start to actually run. By this point i can start to hear more cowbell and people cheering, so i do my Hulk Hogan impersonation and hold my hand to my ear as i go running past Volunteers, they are laughing, i give one volunteer a big cheesy grin and a photog yess hey do that again so i do and he snaps some pics, a girl go trotting past me and i can now see the finish, so i decide to run her down, not a chance but i am right on her heels and we are flying fullsprint soen to the finish, WATCH OUT FAT GUY COMING THROUGH!!!! I finish right behind her, giver her a pat on the back, she was surprised to see me, we high five and say pleasantries!!!! Whoo Hoooo i am done 1' 41" 17sec!!!
What would you do differently?:

i need to run more, period!! get my running legs into shape and do more bike run bricks.
Post race
Warm down:

So i am done, i go find my wife, giver her a kiss, she congratulates me and we start checking out the vendors, get some water, a bannana, and an Italian Ice mmmmmmmmm. We wait for the medal announcement, check out the final standings, mill around a bit, look for other Bt'ers and then split for home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

i need to lose more weight, run alot more and bust my a$$ more on the bike, more big long climbs and less coasting breaks. Considering i just started training in the beginning of August, i am pretty proud of my accomplishments and am already looking forward to a full schedule next year, and destroying some PR's. This site and people here and Triathletes are a great family and i am proud to now be considered one, Thank you all!!!

Event comments:

The RD should have delayed the race 1/2 hour, the fog lifted and it would have been an easier swim. Meet more Bt'ers, maybe make a place to meet and have a meet and greet. I will definately do this race next year to beat my PR, goal is 1' 30", after that there are some great Oly's and HIM's the same weekend so we will see.

Last updated: 2008-08-18 12:00 AM
00:15:19 | 800 yards | 01m 55s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/185
Performance: Average
Suit: neosport Sprint
Course: swim out past two buoys, make right go a little ways to another buoy, make another right and back in. Lotsa fog and very hard to see.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 72F / 22C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Below average
Time: 00:00
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Average
00:48:32 | 13 miles | 16.07 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/185
Performance: Good
Wind: Headwind
Course: 2 loops i would call it flat and rolling, the only hills were the start out of Transition and a couple of small hills in the developments. IMHO this was a fast course.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Too much
Time: 00:00
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
00:37:23 | 03.11 miles | 12m 01s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/185
Performance: Bad
Course: 1 lap through park lot out into the employee entrance, out through an industrial park and back home, hill going out and coming back. Fast downhill finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Too much
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4