Comments: This was a fast swim being in the bay where the currents can be either a blessing or curse. The first wave went off and started heading straight for the buoy without taking the current into consideration ... let's just say it was painful to watch. It was like running on the treadmill or bike trainer - these people were going no where. The current was moving about 3 knots from what I can gather, hence the speedy swim. What would you do differently?: Need a new wetsuit. Strengthen my shoulders and lats; practice swimming fast in order to get fast. Transition 1
Comments: My rack was really close to the swim exit. The only problem I had was with the wetsuit getting stuck on my timing chip. Other than that, I had to put on my race belt; garmin; sunglasses. I need to work on my transitions ... its free time! Bike
Comments: This was my first Oly riding the P2C. I would say my performance was good considering the amount of climbing that we encountered. I was able to stay aero most of the time except for when my speed got under 15 mph. According to motionbased, elevation gain was ~2500 feet. Avg 19.6 mph on this course is a nice speed. For all the power geeks out there: Entire workout (204 watts): Duration: 1:15:16 (1:15:18) Work: 921 kJ TSS: 96.4 (intensity factor 0.877) Norm Power: 219 VI: 1.07 Pw:HR: 0.81% Pa:HR: -10.8% Distance: 24.876 mi Min Max Avg Power: 0 530 204 watts Heart Rate: 139 168 152 bpm Cadence: 37 174 89 rpm Speed: 2.3 33.1 19.9 mph Pace 1:49 26:06 3:01 min/mi Hub Torque: 0 452 77 lb-in Crank Torque: 0 836 200 lb-in What would you do differently?: Need to get faster in the off season Transition 2
What would you do differently?: pay more attention to the ground at the bike in area ... the pavement was not so nice to my bare feet! Run
Comments: The run started off really slow. glutes were sore from the ride (still getting used to be being aero and the different muscles affected). It also didn't help that 1/4 mile out of transition we started climbing and climbing and climbing. I was able to get in a good rhythm at around mile 2 and started to really feel better at mile 4.5 -5.5. Post race
Warm down: They had a bunch of free food for everyone. Had a nice burrito, stretched and layout in the sun for a bit. Event comments: This was the first year for this event. I was impressed with the amount of volunteers, the goodie bag, and it was a beautiful location. Last updated: 2008-08-24 12:00 AM
United States
60F / 16C
Overall Rank = 85/404
Age Group = 35-40
Age Group Rank = 19/69
Left the house at 4:45 and headed to Marin which is an hour away. Ate oatmeal with a scoop of muscle milk for protein. Had some warm English Breakfast tea.
light stretching