![]() Swim
Comments: see race novel below. What would you do differently?: NOTHING!!!! ![]() Transition 1
What would you do differently?: WOW...bring Jeanne to EVERY RACE! ![]() Bike
Comments: see below. What would you do differently?: NOTHING! FELT awesome ![]() Transition 2
What would you do differently?: nothing. ![]() Run
Comments: novel tells all. What would you do differently?: not a thing...... ![]() Post race
Event comments: IRONMAN CANADA – Ann S. Yes, it almost took me as long to write as the race it's self. I hope you enjoy. (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) August 31, 2009 Must have coffee or wine or something. It is my epic novel again. No short versions here!! Thanks..... Just like an awards ceremony...there are a few thanks before reading..... Thanks to the most awesome supportive husband ever - Steve. I admit it, I am spoiled. He cooked, cleaned, grocery shopped and did laundry by himself for the last 8 months...and NEVER complained. He was with me every step of the way. Thanks to coach Cheryl for a wonderful plan that got me to the start line and finish line. It was perfect. I believed in my training, trusted in Cheryl and did everything asked. I think I missed maybe one workout.....of course it was approved by Cheryl. Thanks to Barbara Rose for being a great bike training buddy. It was wonderful having a buddy to ride with each weekend - rain, snow and sun, hills and more hills. Congrats on her FIRST Ironman Finish. Michele for the many Sunday runs by 'my rules'. She kept me sane in several of my long runs. Many great memories of the wonderful stories. Lisa for the most proud, supportive friend I could possibly have - one of my biggest and loudest cheerleaders. For the last month she has had MY name on her blog title instead of hers! While she couldn't be at the race in person she was in my thoughts all day! Thanks to ME for having stuck with my training, not missing a workout, having a fantastic day. Not everyone is as lucky as I was on this day or in their training. I had no flat tires, no cramping, no FREAKOUTs (before, during or after the race), I had FUN and actually enjoyed the day. I did not cry, but did tear up a few times....the pre-race meeting where the bagpipes played and walked through the room, the start of the race again the bagpipes get me again, and then writing my race report reliving my day....... Thanks to all that supported me, cheered me, believed in me.....I thank you ALL...and now to the report. I finished. I am an IRONMAN. Total Time…. So here were my race plans..... Realistic / Stretch / Just finish Swim - 1:45 / 1:35 / 1:52 Trans 1 10 / 10 / 15 Bike 7:22 / 7:00 / 8:00 Trans 2 10 / 10 / 15 Run 5:15 / 5:00 / 6:06 Overall 14:42 / 13:56 / 16:30 ACTUAL TIMES: Swim: 1:38 T1: 6:55 Bike: 7:08 T2: 8:25 Run: 6:15 Total Time: 15 hours 17 minutes PRE RACE: Got up at 4AM on Sunday morning, also dubbed 'Christmas' morning. All my bags, including cooler bags were laid out on the fireplace hearth. Ate my 2 uncrustables, fortify drink and got my stuff ready in all the bags. I had put post it's on the outside of the bags to make sure I didn't forget to put anything in.....that worked mostly. I had 2 special needs bags - these are the bags that 'get you through' it. They are there for you at mile 75 of the bike and mile 13 of the run. I had my dry clothes bag, which I put my wet suit, goggles, cap. I did the necessary bathroom break. Then it was time to go. Debbie, Steve and I headed to the car for the drive into town. It was dark, but the bright lights of the start line guided us. Debbie parked and Steve helped me carry my bags as far as he could then I was on my own. I walked down the street and was greeted by the volunteers telling us the yellow bags (bike needs) went on one side and the red bag (run needs) went on the other. There were boxes with numbers on the front....I promptly found the box with 2501 and dropped my bags into the box........ Then headed to body marking....at 5:10 AM it's busy but no line for marking. They marked my arms and front of my legs withh 2501. Then the back of my calf was my age..... Headed into transtion where I went to my bike. I pumped up the tires, I had let most of the air out the prior day due to the heat. Tires like to blow up on race day! Luckily mine were fine and pumped up no problem. I loaded up my 'bento' box with my food - Simbree (cashew / coconut), Payday bar (cut up) and fig newtons. I also loaded up my Aero Bottle with Gatorade laced with Carbo Pro and salt. I put my NUUN (electrolyes) in my water. Then I realized I left my Gu Flash in the fridge....whoops, guess forgot to actually read the post it on the bag! Oh well, I hadn't trained with it, so wasn't overly concerned. After all there are aid stations every 10 miles. Calm....that was my mantra, I wasn't going to stress. Kathleen found me.....told me she had tire issues....then Barbara Rose found me, she too had tire issue. Both were fixed ..and fine. The thought did cross my mind, that they had their issue pre-race, hopefully I wouldn't have one during the race! The 3 of us hung out sitting on the ground waiting to be told to go to the beach. It was a quiet time. I drank a 'baby' bottle of Gatorade and had a GU. I was ready! It was time......we went out to the beach. BR and Kathleen found Steve and Debbie before I did, we ran over got some pictures. Then Alecia from work found me. We hugged and went for more pictures. then it was good bye for the time being. THE SWIM: Kept on moving. My feet got touched a few times and that always surprises me as that usually means someone is drafting off of ME! Slow and steady I continued. Was really lucky, no one kicked me, punched me or anything. It was busy out there, but I just motored along. Thinking about the song - It's a Great Day to be alive....the sun still shining when I close my eyes.....wow, so lucky to be out here crusing along. Transition 1: As I leave the beach I head up to the grass, pulling of my swim cap and goggles. Pull of the top of my wetsuit and head to the wet suit strippers - yes, there are tons of volunteers at the ready to pull your wetsuit off of you! I wander around and hear - "Ann! Ann - over here!!" It's Patti K...from Raise the Bar! I was so excited to see someone I knew I gave her a big WET hug and you all thought I wasn't a hugger!!! Then I dropped down and off came the wet suit! Then I went to grab my Transition Bag. I had the BEST number - right at the start or a row! SWEET. Grabbed my bag and went into the Women's tent, where I was greeted by the MOST wonderful VOLUNTEER - JEANNE! She was AWESOME. So get this...usually you have to do everything by yourself in a triathlon. No chair, no help, nothing...well, folks this is an IRONMAN. Jeanne grabbed my bag, let me pick a chair and I sat down. Then SHE preceded to pull all my 'junk' out of my Transition bag. I grabbed my jersey since I figured that would be the hardest to get on my wet body. As I worked on putting the jersey on over my wet body making sure all my food stuff didn't fly out of the pockets...she got to work. She took my hand towel and wiped the grass off of my feet, put a sock on one foot, then put on my shoe....then went to work on the other foot. Oh my gosh! Then she gave me my gloves to put on, then helmet and glasses. Then she said..go, go...I'll get all this stuff cleaned up! Holy cow....I just patted her on the shoulder and said thank you so much....yep! That would be why my transition was less than 7 minutes...all because of Jeanne and she was all business - there to get me in and out! Wonder if she and Cheryl had a chat before the race.... THE BIKE: Yep, the usual...it's much easier to find your bike on the bike racks when you are in 2085 out of 2500 out of the water.....that means there are only 500 bikes left so you can find your bike so much easier. Granted I had a general idea of the location since the racks are marked, but it was dark and two hours ago since I last thought of where that bike was!! There my 'black betty' was.....ready to go for the ride of her life! Quickly turned on my garmin computer which talked to me every 20 minutes to remind me to eat / drink so that we could make the long, hilly 112 mile ride. Unracked her and then walked out of transition....again, you are greeted by the many crowds on the street out of town. Since you have your number/name bib on - you hear lots of GO ANN's! SWEET. Head up on main street, lined with crowds...it really does feel like your own little tour de france! The next turn would bring me to the Ann cheer squad - Steve, Debbie, Cheryl, Ruth and Ann J. The house we rented was right on the course...I crested the little hill and started waving so they knew I was coming! YAHOO!!! Steve squeaked the little Dino bike horn and Debbie took pictures......and the screams sent me on my way. Down the street I saw a BRIGHT NEON PINK sign...that said....Go 2501....I saw it then thought...hey that's my number! Yeah, processing a bit slow...it was JULIE, she'd made a sign. I yelled to her and she waved it at me then I saw Go Ann Go - #2501! How cool.......then I was headed out of town. My timer goes off and I grab my water with NUUN....this is like Alka Seltzer - you know plop plop fizz fizz. Well, usually you want to leave your water bottle open so the fizz fizz can escape out of the bottle - NOT in your mouth. I forgot to open the bottle, so it exploded into my mouth and I had a nice little choking fit.....and it was just as we were heading up a little hill. I was passing someone so said coughing on your left ....that got a laugh out of a fellow racer. After 2 miles later I recovered from my coughing...needless to say the bottle top was now open! We headed up the first major hill about 10 miles out of town. It didn't feel nearly as bad as July thankfully! Again, I have ridden this one twice and definitely ridden hard ones in training, before I knew it I was up and over it. Then it was into the valley, paranoid about getting a drafting penalty I ended up passing folks and going a little faster than I wanted. But was feeling good and my heart rate was reasonable. I was on track..... After the nice downhill we made a turn and got on highway 97 headed for Osoyoos...I hit a bump on a bridge and there went my Gatorade bottle with some of my nutrition! Of course I was more worried about the rider to my side crashing due to my bottle flying out...luckily she made it by it without crashing! Whew! Thankfully there would be an aid station in the next few miles and I could pick up another bottle of Gatorade....just missing a few calories and salt. :( I successfully grabbed a Gatorade as I passed a volunteer. This made me nervous, I thought humm, we don't train for this. I have never RIDDEN through and aid station and grabbed a bottle before and I have heard lots of horror stories about crashing. I did it and got a good girl from the volunteer! Whew...ok now I had done it. I kept my head up for other riders and called out names - It's all about communication! Weird to call out fellow racer names like I have always ridden with them - but remember names are on the race numbers! Made it to the 'famous' Husky station in Osoyoos, which marks the end of the 'easy' part of the Canada Ironman course. Here's where the training pays off or the course KICKS your ASS! I stopped at the aid station right before the start of the climb. A wonderful volunteer held my bike while I popped into the port o potty. Then I dumped Gatorade into my areo bottle on my handle bars. I also topped off my food storage in my 'bento box'. (this is a food holder on the top tube of my bike that holds lots of food). Grabbed another water and put NUUN in...left the top OPEN. Then headed up Richter....and to the camera man! Yes, those race guys are real nice...they side mid way up Richter and take your picture. I got a great one! Yes, I AM here for the pictures, apparently someone else was too - there was a guy who at one point said...great photo op and took out a little camera and took pictures of the view! Now that's my kind of racer.... :) ![]() ![]() We crested the hill and then it was DOWNHILL! YAHOO no headwind or cross wind to speak of...so I let go of the breaks and FLEW! Here is where I think I was just in a zone, thinking of the out and back section and yellow lake, cause I really have NO RECOLLECTION of the rollers. I ate, drank and just kept going. I am pretty sure I took a couple of power gels from a couple of the aid stations I passed, just to supplement my food and keep my energy up. I did pass Sister Madonna somewhere in here as I remember seeing her and then heard someone call her name - she is the oldest racer and is just beautiful. Again, I have done this section of the ride 4 times so I know it well. I see the 'legs' ladies again and yell to them. They leap frog us pretty much the whole section. I can hear / see them coming (I and probably one other guy have a rear view mirror on our helmets) and raise my arm cheering. They yell out - 'we are loving you Ann'!!! I was loving them and the distraction. Before I knew it I was at the turn off to the out and back section. This is where you see LOADS of fellow racers. This is also where you see lots of struggling faces. I just kept pedaling. There are two 'dog ears' on this section - meaning you do two out and backs then get on the main road again. This section is full of little 'false' flats and hills. Finally we get to the turn around and they call my number....I head to my special needs bag and I am SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS. Special needs is an interesting place. Normally it should be about 1/2 way into the bike ride, Canada it is at mile 75....well past the 1/2 way point and folks are tired. A girl in front of me was straddling her bike, savoring Pringles. Another gal fell off her bike trying to get to her bag. I am not going for a 'win', so I do take advantage of special needs.....Waiting for me.....I have a silver cooler bag packed with 4 blue ice things. Much to my surprise my frozen Gatorade bottle is STILL mostly frozen. I get some ice cold Gatorade and think...this will taste really nice on Yellow Lake climb as it should be thawed right about then and STILL be ice cold. SWEET. Then I take my WET, COLD wash cloth from the Ziploc bag and wash off my face and arms.....ahhhhhh what an AWESOME treat. This is absolutely the best feeling ever! Then...I take my 'frosted' cookie from a Ziploc container. ![]() Yes, it too has survived the travel from the start of the race. I savored 1/2 of the cookie, didn't want to chance making myself totally sick. Then I was off to go get the last hill - Yellow Lake! I was like a new person out of special needs, it was like I was starting again. WOW talk about a second wind....I was fine on time so could afford to enjoy special needs and not be stressed about cutoff times. I was on schedule. Yellow lake is coming......traffic is backed up on the road...again, the shoulder of the road is LINED with people yelling for you to go and you are almost there.....and I am almost there! It was not nearly as bad as July! Really, having all those people cheering for you and just looking around keeps you going. Finally that GREAT sign again and we were headed down around yellow lake to the most glorious downhill ever. Yes, if you were sitting in traffic that was me....screaming ALLLLLLL the way down the hill at 31 mph! YEHAW!!!! It was fun passing all those poor cars stuck in traffic! Near the turn off to town I passed a guy and said....Weeee that was fun, I wanna do it again. He wasn't impressed....so I pedaled on - yes, it was my time and I love the bike. It is like I read....you make that turn back on the highway 97 going into Penticton and you have wings. You are almost done with the bike....you have done it well within the time frame. I looked at the clock and started pushing a bit harder hoping I could make my 7 hours but fighting with myself as I knew I still had to run 26.2 miles! I get into town and I hear - hey I think that's Ann - Cindy (a Penticton local) who I stayed with this summer for two races saw me and was cheering her head off along with her husband Seann! That was cool. I pull into the 'dismount' area and hear the song - Walk 500 miles by the Proclaimers - Honest, I am not lying! I did laugh at that. Here's me after 112 miles....Sean (fellow North Bend person) captured me getting off the bike and No, I actually didn't pose for the picture. That is a true smile. It was a GREAT ride and my training totally paid dividends. I wouldn't have changed a thing. It really is ALL ABOUT THE BIKE! I am back...and rack my bike. Again, I LOVE my number. I easily find my bike to run bag and head into the changing tent. Another volunteer takes my bag and we find a chair. Here's where all modestly is lost. I and many other women opt to change shorts....so yep, you basically strip down and change your clothes. I put on my 'crazy' fancy pants...change my socks and shoes. This volunteer isn't Jeanne, but she helps me be organized. I hear numerous gals say they are so glad to be off the bike ~ me....well, I LIKE the bike so me, I'd rather do another leg of the bike instead of a 26.2 mile run..... Again, I had my silver cooler bag packed with 4 blue ice things - my gatorade bottles are still mostly frozen, my wash cloth was also still cold. Again that wash cloth was heavenly! I wash my arms and face off. My bandanna was still cold also. I started carrying a bandanna a few runs ago to wipe off sweat from my face and have something I could get wet...later in the day this would be what keeps me going! Turn on my garmin computer. Put on my fuel belt and head out for the last long leg. THE RUN: Yep, just like I read the first couple of miles you are feeling OK! How could you not?!?! You just finished 2 legs of the race.....you are on the last part of your IRONMAN day. I have my awesome pants. If you don't want to be cheered on, DON'T wear anything to get attention...me, I wanted to drink it in and give the spectators something to remember...along with me! YEP, FANCY PANTS were my clothing of choice....Really, you can't miss them. I heard, love the pants ~ go Ann so many times! It kept a huge smile on my face. Mile 1 or somewhere I saw Ruth, Ann J, Jeff K and Kaitlin. That was a nice lift. They said Barbara Rose was just ahead of me. I was feeling good. I heard the finish line and heard names of people finishing! I think the first woman was coming through....yep and I was just starting my run. The nice pants kept coming...I started calling back that they'd be back in 6 hours in case anyone didn't get enough of them the first time! Again, I passed saw Ruth, Ann J, Jeff K and Katlin on the way out of down town. Ruth asked me how I was....at that point - GREAT! Still flying high from the ride......I continued down Main Street. Had a posed photo for the photographer....yes, again I am all about the pictures! Now you see the pants?!?
Spoke with several athletes...many liked my pants. Just kept ticking the aid stations off. Kathleen caught me some where out on the road....we ran just a bit together and then she headed on. Saw Barbara Rose too. Did pose for a picture again! Finally made it to special needs at 3 hours...again, had yet another silver cooler bag packed with 4 blue ice things. I had not used much of my fuel belt bottles, so didn't trade them out...in fact dumped one. I got my long sleeve shirt in case I got cold. Then again - the BEST thing ever - my cold wet wash cloth! Washed my face and let a big ahhhh out. A young gal who had commented on my pants was beside me - she let out a big sign to my ahhh. I said to her....I am tossing this wash cloth...so if you want it you are welcome to it. Might be gross to wash your face after me, but you are welcome to it. She said are you kidding, I don't care, I would love it! She said, she'd offer me her 'treat' but it was a toothbrush....and yeah that would be GROSS! We bundled up our bags and then headed back ....we were 1/2 done with the run and we were going to FINISH! I hear.........Guns and Roses - Paradise City. ![]() WRAP UP: Yes, I did have an EXCELLENT 'Christmas' Day! Here's some stat's which got me to this wonderful day.... 2009 totals My last ride of 126 miles where I climbed 8000 feet. It was hard work, but well worth it to build my confidence...Hills of Kirkland Route is AWESOME training for Ironman Canada. It really is about the training and IRONMAN day is about celebrating that hard work and I was lucky enough to have an AWESOME Day. I wouldn't have changed a thing and there was nothing I could have done better or differently. And....no, I did NOT sign up for next year. Of course there will be a few 1/2 Irons, 1/2 Marathons and my first stand alone marathon on Oct 18. But next year.....I will enjoy my 20 year anniversary to my greatest supporter.....Steve. Pictures: http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=45838&BIB=2501&S=230&PWD= There will be more pictures posted soon. My own GREAT personal photographer, Debra Feinman. Last updated: 2008-08-29 12:00 AM
Ironman North America
Overall Rank = /
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Age Group Rank = 0/
see novel at the bottom.....