FoxCities Marathon - RunMarathon

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Appleton, Wisconsin
United States
Community First
60sF / 0C
Total Time = 8h 00m
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Up at 4:30, ate an English muffin with PB&J, a banana, and a generous bowl of yogurt. Got to the race start at a RIDICULOUSLY early 6:00 am for an 8:00 am start.
Event warmup:

Marathon porta-potty lines. Then over for a prayer with Team 413, which is a Christian athlete group. I had to pee a little before the prayer (not sure how that's possible, I'd already done the lines 2 or 3 times.) But I figured the prayer would be short...WRONG! It was more like a sermon. SO I didn't make it to the pp, which means I tried to run the first 3 miles with my legs crossed. (not really. But I thought about it.)
  • 4h 36m 40s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 34s  min/mile

I went with the 4:30 pace group. I was hoping to do a little better than that but I knew that better than 4:30 probably wasn't realistic...anyhow, I started the race having to pee and it got worse fast. At around 1 1/2 miles a woman in my pace group suggested I use the woods, but the woods was really just a couple of vacant lots and we were right next to a church (outside which the entire congregation was singing hymns to us - SUPER cool!). So I had to hit the 3 mile portapotty, which means mile 3 was long and miles 4 and 5 were quicker while I caught up to the pace group. The pacer's plan was to run 9:40 miles and walk the aid stations for the first however many miles that it worked, and he pretty much stuck to it. Around mile 16 I just couldn't take the walk breaks, which were getting longer and longer, so at mile 16 I joined a bunch of folks who started with us but were getting a little ahead. At 18 miles they dropped me and I ran the rest of it alone until about mile 25 1/2 (more on that....)

A word about Randy, our pace leader. What an AWESOME guy! Kept the group more or less on pace until I went ahead at mile 18...since I finished ahead of them at 4:36 and change they obviously didn't finish on time but I know of at least one injury and I think he may have stayed back. But I heard later that the group mostly fell apart anyway...which was what Randy expected to happen. But every time it got quiet and you could tell people were starting to hurt he'd say "OK, time for a story" then launch off into a story from one mary or another he'd done (I think he's over the 50 marathon mark). What a guy. I wish I'd seen him after the race so I could have thanked him. I wonder if I can get a message to him via the running clubs website...hmm.

Around 20 miles I realized my feet, ankles, and calves hurt, I mean hurt bad. Not exactly unheard of in a marathon granted but this felt like barefoot running or something. Remember the shoe saga of two days ago? I learned a big lesson. I also had a nasty stomach cramp, I don't know if I drank too much or what. I didn't think so...I think it was just a side stitch. And of course, my quads hurt. All this together slowed me down more than I wanted it too for the last six, mostly the last three....spent those 3 miles telling myself I will NEVER, EVER do another marathon and I am NOT signing up for IM. Period. (those evil thoughts went away immediately post race, as always). Finally gave in and walked a little of mile 24, and around 25 1/2 miles a felt a hand on my shoulder and a voice say "come ON, you GO girl!" It was Lori from my pace group, whom I'd spent the first 18 miles with. Who could walk with that kind of encouragement???? So we brought it in together. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the finishing pic, we may both be in it. Coming in to the finish line I looked for Mark but didn't see him, then I heard him yell just in time to blow him a kiss :)

So, 6 minutes slower than my goal, but still a PR.
What would you do differently?:

Post race
Warm down:

Get my chip cut off. Hug Lori. Limp to a tree, spread out my mylar blanket, kind of fall to a sitting position, and stay there for a while. Then walked to the van.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I'm just never going to be a fast marathoner. I might get a few minutes faster than this someday.....

Event comments:

23 well stocked aid stations, including 2 with food and several with fruit/food, 4 or 5 medical tents, TONS of enthusiastic volunteers, lots of shuttles for racers AND spectators. Decent goody bag included a finisher's tech t-shirt. Post race food was limited in variety but there was plenty of it.

I would HIGHLY recommend this race!

Last updated: 2008-09-21 12:00 AM
04:36:40 | 26.2 miles | 10m 34s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: Begins in Menash, winds around through the Fox Valley, and ends in Neenah. Had a few small hills/bridges but was overall pretty flat and residential. Local bands and cheerleading squads were dotted along the route, which made it especially fun. Up until today I thought cheerleaders were annoying....but they were awesome today!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4