Comments: I had trouble in the beginning finding a free spot to swim through. In fact because it was so foggy I tried to stay near the buoys and got caught in lot of crowds. Overall I felt really good about my swim. Plus it was cool to swim where River Country used to be. Brought back some childhood memories. The water temp was perfect. What would you do differently?: nothing. Transition 1
Comments: The run back from the lake felt pretty long and through sand, carpeting and then wood chips. What would you do differently?: Need to practice clipping in to pedals faster. Bike
Comments: For me that pace was the best pace I could have hoped for. I know it's not fast at all but it really is an improvement for me. What would you do differently?: Nothing. I really gave it all I could. I want to get up to 19-20mph but it'll come with time. Transition 2
Comments: This went pretty smoothly for me. I had put on bike shorts over my Tri shorts in T1 and I'm glad I did. I'm glad I remembered to take them off. Run
Comments: I was surprised I was able to keep that pace because I felt like I was getting slower in my training. What would you do differently?: Shed 15 pounds. Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: I think I probably should have taken in some nutrition before or during the race. I could have focused more on my biking in training. Event comments: The volunteers were great and the race course was challenging. The only bad thing I could say is that instead of pulled pork sandwiches and beans, I would have preferred just a bagel, oranges, or bananas. This was my first Oly distance and I really enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you volunteers!!! Last updated: 2008-09-22 12:00 AM
United States
Overall Rank = 288/
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 21/39