Comments: swim seemed to go by really fast. It was at the end and I was tired but I still managed to go quite quickly during the swim. What would you do differently?: better breathing. Transition 1
Comments: I really have to learn how to get on the bike with the shoes attached to the bike and not on my feet. What would you do differently?: Keep the shoes on the bike and not put them on my feet Bike
Comments: drank too much water and payed for it. I burped and the water came back up. But I spit it out and just kept on going. I felt like I made up a huge amount of ground. one of my fastest time on the bike for 12 miles. :) What would you do differently?: better run so I didn't have to make up so much ground. Transition 2
Comments: T2 was actually bike to swim. But got the bike shoes off and racked the bike. I still had to stop the bike and unclip, not good. I really need to learn how to take the shoes off and ride in. I was able to get in and out of transition quickly and it was probably the best transition of the day. I almost forgot to take my race belt off. My legs felt like bricks and I could barely walk let alone run to the pool but some how I managed a slow jog. I made up for it in the swim though. :) What would you do differently?: Take shoes off and ride in. Run
Comments: started in front ended in the middle. For the first mile I couldn't shake this weird feeling in my stomach. It felt like butterflies but worse and I felt almost sick. After mile 1 I was better but I had lost a lot of ground. I then decided to keep with the middle of the pack and make up the time on the bike. I wish I would have pushed a little harder on the run. Ipods were allowed. I also wish that I had my Ipod, it might have helped for the run. What would you do differently?: Brink Ipod and water. Post race
Warm down: Did a little stretching and cheared people in until I found my friend. What limited your ability to perform faster: lack of water on the run. Event comments: Good race. Its a fast race. the winner finished in 49 minutes. Last updated: 2008-10-07 12:00 AM
United States
36F / 2C
Overall Rank = 87/1200
Age Group = 20-24
Age Group Rank = 16/72
had a coffee and a plain dry bagel. mmmm ;). I got to the race about 1 1/2 hours before the start and the weather was a whopping 26 degrees (that's in farinheight). I set up my transition area and went to go check out the festivities. I won myself a pair of sunglasses from a spin the wheel thing and drooled over the other merchandise that was at the different booths. when it got close to race time I stripped and went down to the start of the run.
did a little stretching my muscles would not loosen up. I chatted with a few people to try and keep the nerves at bay. before I knew it the starting gun went off and away we went.