Great Bike Ride - CycleOther

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Perth, Western Australia
City Of Perth
22C / 72F
Total Time = 1h 49m 29s
Overall Rank = 1068/2987
Age Group = Female
Age Group Rank = 92/575
Pre-race routine:

Got everything packed & ready the night before. Got up at 6am. Fed the dog, cat & fish. Wanted to have porridge for breakfast but the saucepan was still dirty from Sef's baked beans the day before (husbands are useless at cleaning up after themselves LOL) so I had Special K + skim milk instead. And of course my coffee. Can't live without that! Drove into town and parked in Sef's underground work parking in the city.
Event warmup:

Rode down to the start line from Sef's work. Went to the loo. Lined up and waited for our turn :)
  • 1h 49m 29s
  • 53 kms
  • 29.05 km/hr

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE THIS RIDE! All the roads are closed and we have right of way even through red traffic lights so its just ride, ride, ride all the way without stopping. I'd put myself in the 25-30 average speed group, but people always overestimate how fast they're going to go, my group (R) was full of MTBs so I went up into Sef's 30-35 average speed group (K) which turned out to be a very good decision. Last year I passed HEAPS of slow people at the start, but this time I was with people of my own ability. They let groups of 100 go off every minute, so we waited our turn and then we were off. I gunned it and got up to a good speed early on. I drafted where I could, there was a fair amount of wind so this helped a lot. I also used aero bars where I could, but couldn't use them all the time because there were so many cyclists around, a lot of the people didn't know how to cycle in a group on the roads. There is that massive b*tch of a hill in Mosman Park, I was amazed how many people get off and walk up that hill. I was thinking "come on dudes its NOT THAT HARD!!!". There was a hand-cyclist really struggling up the hill, swearing and grunting to himself. I wanted to give him some encouragement but I didn't want to sound patronising so I didn't say anything. At the top of the hill there's always an official photographer, I always looked knackered, this time I wanted a good photo, I found I still had enough energy to get my bum out of the saddle and power up the last few metres. How vain am I? LOL! I hope its a good photo, I'll buy it if it is :) Anyway theres not much to say for the rest of the ride except I gunned it, drafted and used aero where I could. I had a Powerbar that I'd cut into 1/4's and I ate two pieces on the ride. I had my fuel belt on and had the Powerbar pieces in there, the zipper stuffed up so it was really hard to get the Powerbar out, I finally managed it and then stuffed the rest into my bra because I couldn't be bothered fiddling with the zipper anymore. I really need to get a bento box. OR just wear a cycling jersey when I am cycling LOL. My aim for this ride was to beat last year's time of 2:04, I wasn't sure I could do it at first, but early on I realised I was doing really well so I just kept on pushing. I really gunned it hard down Riverside Drive at the end and I'm pretty sure I did 1:49 and some seconds. I can't wait for the official results!
What would you do differently?:

Not a lot. Just keep cycling and keep getting faster :)
Post race
Warm down:

There was a bit of rain just after I finished so we sheltered at the event site and shared the rest of my Powerbar. Then we rode back to Sef's work, stored our bikes in the car, then had some breakfast in the city. Then I made us go home before the shops opened so I wasn't tempted to buy any dresses or shoes ... LOL :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I was going pretty damn fast, thankyou very much :)

Event comments:

I'll be back!!! Although if things go to plan I may be with child this time next year, so my power-cycling aspirations may need to temporarily go on the back burner :( We'll see ...

Profile Album

Last updated: 2008-11-02 12:00 AM
01:49:29 | 53 kms | 29.05 km/hr
Age Group: 0/575
Overall: 0/2987
Performance: Good
Wind: Strong
Course: Start in the city. Ride to Fremantle along the Nedlands and Mosman Park side of the river, then come back up the other side of the river, through Applecross, over Canning Bridge, down the freeway, through South Perth, over the causeway and back to the start line.
Road: Smooth Wet Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5