Colder Boulder - Run5k

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Boulder, Colorado
United States
Bolder Boulder
54F / 12C
Total Time = 20m 6s
Overall Rank = 2/40
Age Group = NA
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up 45 minutes late at 6:45am... my alarm clock didn't go off for some reason! :( Skipped the shower got dressed, ate breakfast and was out the door ASAP. I wanted to be in my car and on my way to Boulder at 6:45am not just waking up!

Had the usual for breakfast - Uncle Sams cereal and strawberries and the half a Clifbar an hour before the race.
Event warmup:

Got there at 7:40 am. My wave start time was at 9:00 am so I had a little time to kill. I always like being really early and soak in the atmosphere of the race course. I did a lot of stretching and jogging in the field house before hand. My knee had been giving me some trouble earlier in the week and I wanted to avoid injury at all costs!
  • 20m 6s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 06m 28s  min/mile

I went out for this race to take first in my wave group of 50.00 - 51.59. Last year I got 50:22 in the Bolder Boulder. I have been training really hard since then and I had a feeling I really had good chance to win this thing! Also, I have always wanted to run a sub 20 5k my whole life and I have still never done so. Last week I hit a new PR on the Turkey day 5K of 20:16 in Highlands Ranch and I felt like I held back on that race so if I pushed it right, I could finally hit a sub 20 5k!

I was going to try to pace myself and run 6:26 on mile one, 12:52 on mile 2, and hit mile 3 at 19:18 and that would put me at 19:58 on the full 5K if I kept that pace. This was the plan...

I sized up my competition right away and saw the top 3 I had to beat immediately before the start. You can usually tell by body build who is an avid runner and these 3 were built for speed.

The gun went off and immediately 5 guys shot out front. The additional 2 that I hadn't sized up as competition weren't really a worry to me. I could just smoke'em later, (and I did at mile 1!)

I passed up 2 of the lead pack and had 3 left to go just before mile one. I looked at my watch at the mile one marker and I had way negative split! I was at 5:49! Ouch! I knew I was going to pay for that later...

I eased up a little and still plucked off 2 more in doing so... on the hills of course! I love to pass on hills... it really crushes a man's ego when you surge on a hill and they're just hurting! I offered words of encouragement though as I passed them. Something like, "Good job" or "Keep it up, you're doing great!" Now... I had one left to go!

I hit mile 2 and my watch read 12:00 flat! I wanted to be at 12:52! Damn! Another negative split! I was going to be hurting this last mile and still had one more to catch!

This kid was fast and just kept pulling away with each step. I later found out he was 15! He looked to be 18 if I had to guess. Anyway, he got 19:48! WOW! If I had paced better and not pushed so hard I would have only been ten seconds behind him but I went out too fast and I fell apart the last mile... Oh well, you live, you race, and you learn!

I still got a PR out of it!
What would you do differently?:

I would have stuck with my personal pace and not gone out so hard! I really got caught up in the lead pack and just wanted to run fast and not smart. Lesson learned!
Post race
Warm down:

Jogged the field loop twice and then walked and streched for several minutes.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Over doing it on mile one big time and my knee was still buggung me a bit!

Event comments:

I always love Bolder Boulder ran events! They really have got there act together!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2008-11-24 12:00 AM
00:20:06 | 03.11 miles | 06m 28s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/40
Performance: Average
Course: Many rolling hills on the CU campus. You don't realize how many hills that campus has just walking it... but when you run it - IT'S HILL CITY!!!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %0
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4