Comments: This was the second best part of the day and the WORST part of the day. RD calls our wave to the water. It was about a 75 yard swim to the the start line. We all get out there and are still talking garbage to anyone that will listen. One guy turns around and yells at the 20-29 year old women starting behind us “I ate at Denny’s this morning”. My plan was to sit in the back on the outside and wait a few seconds after the gun to go. This was a mistake and nearly ended my day. The gun (actually horn) went off and I waited before going. I got started and knew right away I had a problem. I could not stick my face in the water and swim normally. I just wanted to look forward. Then, incredibly, I started to turn my head to the left to breathe…even though my face was out of the water looking forward and I could breathe just fine. The people around me didn’t bother me too much. I just could not stick my face in the damn water. Halfway to the first turn I got outside with nobody in front of me for at least 10 yards. Still couldn’t do it. As I was coming up on the turn I look off to my left and see a guard on a surf board. I’m getting tired a lot faster than I have in any training and I think I might need to call the guard over. A split second later I realized what just went through my head and thought if I do that than what were those last 18 weeks of training for. At the turn I looked behind me to make sure I was outside of everyone’s path and stopped dead in the water. I floated there for a few seconds and said out loud, stick your face in the water or your day is done. I took one big breath and stuck my face in the water. Game on! It got fun real quick. I was passing people left and right. Then somewhere near the last turn I turned to breathe and there it was…a green swim cap. I caught someone from the wave in front of me. The thought that this could happen never crossed my mind. Then a couple more of those green caps. Before long though the pink caps from the girls starting behind us started catching me. I knew that would happen though so it didn’t really bother me. Something else I never suspected would happen. As I was closing in on the finish I went to breathe. One of the women had come up along side me and was taking a breath out of her right side. We were face to face less than two feet apart. Good thing there wasn't any mistletoe out there or I would have kissed her. What would you do differently?: Not start in the back of the pack for one. Next time I'm outside still but up front. I'm really interested to see what the first 200 of the next start is going to be like. Transition 1
Comments: I like strippers and there ain't a thing my wife can say to make me stop talking about them. They were AWESOME! As this was my first tri, I didn't worry too much about transitions. I just wanted to experience it before I decide how to attack it. I know I'll improve here. I've been riding sockless off and on and running short distance sockless too. But I didn't feel comfortable yet doing this race day so I went with socks. Actually I put on a new pair for the bike and the run. The bike socks were soaked when I took them off in T2 I did do a quick check to see which of the guys I walked over with still had their bikes racked. What would you do differently?: I think no socks is it. I like a nice simple area...not a lot of clutter. I might slap on some sunscreen next time. One thing about the time is I don't know where the clock started. It had to have been at least a 100 yard run from the water to the the transition entrance. Bike
Comments: My triathlon learning curve spiked on the bike. I rode by myself for 90% of my training. The other 10% was with guys who were a bit slower than me. So, I figured if I could average 15 on the bike then I’d be in good shape. Wrong...I passed a lot of people; unfortunately most were on the side of the road fixing flats. My bike is a roadie with no aero bars. The wind that was out there was in our face on the way out. It seemed that anyone who had a tri bike or a roadie with aero bars was just flying by me. I know I’m slow but didn’t realize how slow. I’ll chalk this one up to poor planning and lack of experience. The transition was in a huge parking lot. There was a ~100 yard strait away going out and the inverse coming in. But the mount/dismount was only ~20 feet wide. There was a logjam when I was going out. Worse, I watched the sprint on Saturday, same dismount line, and there were people nearly crashing trying to stop. Maybe the dismount line could have been marked a bit better earlier on. At the pre-race meeting the head official clearly stated that the bike course was the right hand lane, not the shoulder. You could ride in the shoulder but if you were riding on the white line that designates the right side of the travel lane then you were ok. When I got out there it was weird because the white line was evenly dividing the travel lane (actual course) and the shoulder for a good part of the course. So it seemed as if I was riding down the middle. I moved over to the shoulder but noticed a lot of debris. I felt bad riding the white line because it looks like I was in the middle but there was no way I was going to ride the shoulder and increase my chances of getting a flat. Nobody said anything but one girl did pass me on the right. The last 1/2 mile had a good number of spectators on it. Very cool to see them and hear them. What would you do differently?: Buy a tri bike. Spend lots more time training on the bike. Ride faster. Transition 2
Comments: Rank was much higher than T1. What would you do differently?: Not wear socks. I think my time would have been around 1:45 if I didn't. But again, time and experience will help this. Run
Comments: I haven't run 10 minute miles in a long time. I did here. I have no problems chalking it up to my first time putting swim bike run together. I could have pushed it to 9:30, maybe 9 minutes on the first lap. By the second lap I was cooked. The volunteers were AWESOME. So was the crowd. The last 1/2 mile had a good number of spectators on it. The last 1/10 was packed. Very cool. Mile 3/6 (loop course) was along the beach where the swim started. At mile 3 I heard DADDY! I knew the voice of course and looked off to my left. There was Jack, my 4 year old son! First time I got to see him!! At mile 6 I looked out at the swim course and thought damn that was a long time ago... but I did it! What would you do differently?: Run more in training. Run off longer rides in training. Ride more on my new tri bike that I'm going to get tomorrow. Post race
Warm down: Drank beer. Hung out with my family. Drank beer. Looked for Morgan Johnson after my wife left to practice post race pick up lines. Didn't find her. Drank beer Hung out with some folks at the Houston Racing Triathlon Club. Drank their beer. I wasn't hungry at all. Drank beer What limited your ability to perform faster: I did of course. But it was my first so I'll let it slide... this time. Event comments: AWESOME!!! No other way to describe it. I'll be back and I'll be racing at other events put on by this company. Last updated: 2009-01-04 12:00 AM
United States
74F / 23C
Overall Rank = 543/784
Age Group = Clydes
Age Group Rank = 38/59
This is long and may be boring, probably some typo's ...you were warned.
My first triathlon!
I've never swam at something in the water like a buoy so Saturday after the 1/4 course was set up I jumped in the water. Did about 250 yards and felt great. No problems spotting, wetsuit felt a little tight in the arms but I got used to it pretty quick and not a shark in sight! When I got to the first turn I rolled on my back just to take it in a bit. I was absolutely fine but some lady that was cruising by me stopped and asked if I was ok. I've read all over this site how the majority of triathletes look after each other especially on race day but still, when this happened I was amazed. Thanks for looking out! Rest assured I'll do the same.
There were lots of folks out there watching a bunch of us swim. When I got out at least a half dozen people quizzed me on the conditions. Is it cold, was there a current, how was the chop, etc...they definitely confused me with someone who knew what they were doing but that's ok, I played the role just fine.
I was going to join the BT group for dinner but I had to go my favorite place in Galveston ..the real Mario's for a big plate of spaghetti and bowl of minestrone. From there it was back to my hotel room, by way of a few beers at the hotel bar of course. One final pass over the checklist then I packed the transition bag and hit the rack.
Race day morning. Up at 4:40 alarm went off at 4:45. Amazingly I wasn't nervous. I felt really good about my training, went over my gear about 5 times, but I think it was the swim the day before that really put me at ease.
For breakfast I ate a banana and a 1/2 a bagel. I could really tell that dinner was doing me good. So far my plan was working.
Transition opened at 5:30 and was a 10 minute walk from the hotel. I headed out at 5:15. It was really dark except for the street lights. A mist was blowing off the Gulf so all the lights had that weird halo around them. Several others were heading over but all were dead silent. The only noise was the sound of our bikes click, click, click....
I was near the front of the line when the transition opened. I didn’t know if I needed my ID to get in so I asked the guy in front of me. He advised no but suggested I put the sticker on my bike as they will be looking for it. I turned around to look at my bike and the girl behind me was already pointing to my top tube. She explained where the best place to put the sticker on my bike would be. Again, more awesome people!
I got marked and headed off to my stall. Something I didn’t expect was the placement of the stall numbers, evens on one side and odd on the other. A girl told me it didn’t matter what side I put my bike on just as long as it was near my number. Well I ended up racking it on the seat on the same side as my number, thankfully. Not a few minutes later a USAT official came by and asked me if I knew the owner of the bike three stalls down. I didn’t but he asked if I would make sure he racks his bike correctly or he’ll have to give him a penalty. I'm thinking crap, is mine racked ok. I politely called the official back over. He looks at me and instantly knows what’s going on. He explained in detail what he was looking for. Funny thing was as he walked away I noticed a couple others re-rack their bike. I’m an adjunct professor and the first thing I always tell my students is don’t be afraid to ask questions because more than likely there is some else in the class that has the same question. So I’m paying that girl in the water yesterday forward already right?
Now the transition area was getting a bit more crowded. The guys around me are getting settled in and introductions begin. We all knew what was lying ahead of us and we were all in the same boat together. For the next hour we sat around bs’ing and adjusting our bike and running shoes approximately 500 times each. At one point I was looking down the aisle and noticed this guy wearing a polka doted tri outfit. I’m thinking, man I recognized that outfit from a guy on BT. I walked over and introduced myself. Sure enough I was right. All this time on here and I finally get to meet a real live BT’er. Good to meet you Smilford!
Transition closed at 7. As a group we made the ¼ mile walk over to the swim start. Most of us forgot that 45-49 were going off with the clydes. When we got there, this stocky little fellow walks over with the same color swim cap and boy did he get a ration of sh*t. All in good fun of course. I noticed a guy in the water warming up w/ a BT tri top on but he looked real serious so no introduction’s there.
There were lots of families standing around with the competitors when the RD made a few announcements that I couldn’t hear. Next was the national anthem. I served this great country so I’m always a sucker for this part, but this was one of the cooler one’s. There I was standing on a beach with my wetsuit strapped on looking out over the bay. I remember glancing over and looking at 75-100 triathlete’s who had been warming up standing in knee to waist deep water with their hands over their hearts. Awesome!
We were the 5th wave, the last of the men. Once the 3rd wave went, RD put us on deck. That was the point my the nerves ramped up.
ummm *shrug*