Comments: My tried and true goggles decided to fog up and leak within first 200 meters. I could not see buoys so just tried to hang with someone. I stopped 5-6 times trying to adjust them but not happening. I know I was all over the place and just happy to get it done. Wet suit strippers were awesome. What would you do differently?: Goggles worked great on an earlier week swim. I put anti-fog on them the night before.Go figure. Transition 1
Comments: Long run with bike to start.Stayed steady with new cleas as I had not run this far with them on. I wasn't sure how much slippage there might be. May consider having bike shoes on bike but this will take a lot of practice. What would you do differently?: Nothing Bike
Comments: My heart rate was 160 at start; needed to calm down and ride comfortably hard not knowing how legs were going to be for the run. Kept HR 145-150. Being in last wave, I passed a lot of folks hoping not to acquire a draft penalty. The bike felt really good, stayed in aero for 15-20 min then stood for 20-25 pedal strokes. Drank 1 1/2 bottles gatorade and a gel. No GI issues. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Steady pacing and cadence was my main concern, not knowing how hard to go I was very happy with bike. Transition 2
Comments: No issues in T-2. What would you do differently?: Nothing Run
Comments: I left the Garmin on bike so it was a run by RPE. Started slow and immediately felt tightness in both hips/femur area. As I increased pace the discomfort became a dull pain so it was a matter of tolerating it to aid stations walking through them and pushing on. I dissociated most of run, thanking volunteers, talking with other runners, and when I did focus it was on my breathing effort which became my pacing guide.One gel with caffeine handout at mile 3. No GI issues. The announcer called your name, age and hometown as you approached the finisher's chute. I had enough left to smile at end knowing I gave it my best effort. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Post race
Warm down: My first triathlon medal and plenty of refreshments; pizza washed down with a couple Ultras and ice cream for dessert. What limited your ability to perform faster: Hip/femur pain. Event comments: The first time for this venue but well organized event. Will defnitely return. Last updated: 2009-01-07 12:00 AM
United States
71F / 22C
Overall Rank = 255/785
Age Group = 55-59
Age Group Rank = 6/14
After coming home from volunteering at sprint yesterday, worked on legs/hips with Trigger Point roller and ball with some relief. Slept well, only up once. An hours drive to Galveston, ate a bagel, drank a Boost and a large cup of French Roast on the way. Arrived 6:10a, set up. Bike rack last row away from bike start but close to swim finish and run start.
50+ group men/women and relays in 9th and last wave!! Wave starts 4 min apart. I waited to last minute before transition closed to put on wet suit and the 5 minute walk along the bay to swim start.Almost missed the Star Spangled Banner. No warm-up worried about oyster shell bottom that had cut the feet of a few swimmers in sprint yesterday.