Comments: crazy start. narrow entrance into the lake and got swam over a bunch. felt comfortable and sighting wasn't so bad. Transition 1
Comments: pretty uneventful. went pretty smoothly What would you do differently?: nothing Bike
Comments: thought i was going out pretty hard. alicia and barb passed me like I was standing still. i passed alicia on the downhill only to get passed again by her on the hilly road. she has gotten so good on the bike. sure keeps me on my toes. Transition 2
Comments: pretty quick transition What would you do differently?: nothing Run
Comments: was tired, but i just kept going. ended up doing really well. almost felt like i had to vomit. just kept remembering it was going to be over soon. Post race
Warm down: walked around and got sponged off a bit. What limited your ability to perform faster: doing all the other races this past week Event comments: love the club races Last updated: 2009-01-08 12:00 AM
United States
Hudson Valley Triathlon Club
68F / 20C
Overall Rank = 32/49
Age Group = women
Age Group Rank = 7/17
barb got to my house at 3. packed up the car and left. got to the site and checked in. waited until the racks were set up and set up my transition area. chatted with all my friends that i haven't seen since last year.
rode my bike a bit in the parking lot just to make sure everything was cool. swam a bit in the lake.