Polar Bear Run - 5K - Run5k

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Marietta, Georgia
United States
Polar Bear Run
50F / 10C
Total Time = 19m 42s
Overall Rank = /2000
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 3/
Pre-race routine:

I had all my stuff laid out from the night before. Up, showered, dress, then I watched to see what the rain was doing. I grabbed an extra set of clothes for after the race. I knew that I would be wet.
Event warmup:

One mile easy warm up. I think I need to increase my warm ups to at least two miles, since that is about when my legs start feeling solid.
  • 19m 42s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 06m 20s  min/mile

I knew this would be a special day, since these people looked fast, very fast. I remembered several of the runners from the Jiggle Jog, and I knew they WERE fast. The gun went off I we took off. I hammered the first 200 meters to make sure I cleared all the people. I did not want to get hung up in the crowd. My first mile was 5:45, and I was getting smoooooked. I eased off the pace on mile two, because I am a slacker like that, then hit it hard for the final 1.1 miles home. My time could have been a bit faster but with the rain I kept it at a hard pace, but not killing it. I am afriad of taking a bad step in the rain. Plus, about 100 meter out from the finish you have to cut a 180 from woodlawn in the parking lot, back to the actual finish line. I eased up on that 180 a LOT, then just cruised in. I could have caught the guy in front (3 second lead at the turn), but since this was a church event I did not want to have an ugly finish, so I just followed him in. There was no one behind me, so no worries. I set a new PR for my 5K race, so I was happy with that.

They do have "chips" to time the race, but they are the ones that go behind the race number. I am not sure when it pulls the time, but they had people wonding the chips after the finish. If that is the offical time, then it will be slow as the line at the finish did back up. Not that long, but it did back up a good 30+ seconds. I made sure to check the clock as I crossed. The last time I was was 19:41, then I crossed for a time of 19:42.
What would you do differently?:

I am notorious for easing off on the second mile. I hammer the first mile, then drop it in an very easy cruise control for mile two, then hammer the rest of the race. I need to "race' the entire thing.
Post race
Warm down:

Derek and I ran another mile, grabbed a bannana, some water, etc....

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The rain, and I think I need more than a one mile warm up.

Event comments:

Of course, I made Derek go to the awards in the gym. That was great as we got to see the various cub races. Those little kids are so funny to watch.

Anyway, I just knew that I was not going to pull an AG award today. These people were just too fast. Well, they got to the 25-29 male AG and first place 16:XX, second place 17:XX, and third place, slow guy in the 19's, Brian Wortham. I was like NO FREAKING WAY. Cool, trophy to go in my training room. Woo-Hoo!!!

Set a new PR, went sub 20 (that was the main goal), and 3rd place AG win. I would say it was a successful day.

I believe Derek also set a new PR at 22:15.

Last updated: 2009-01-22 12:00 AM
00:19:42 | 03.11 miles | 06m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 3/
Overall: 0/2000
Performance: Good
1 - 5:45 2 - 12:35 3.1 - 19.42
Course: Two and a half laps around the church. Course starts off with a false flat (Johnson Ferry), then levels out before you hang a right. From there you have a slight climb before you hang another right (woodlawn RD). Woodlawn is rollers, down, then up, down (waterstop on the second down) behind the church, then you climb to the light at Johnson Ferry. Hang another right, continue to climb until you reach the start line, then repeat.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5