Ironman Wisconsin - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Madison, Wisconsin
United States
Ironman North America
83F / 28C
Total Time = 12h 54m 16s
Overall Rank = 942/2176
Age Group = M25-29
Age Group Rank = 103/189
Pre-race routine:

This journey started in 2007 when I did my first Sprint distance race. I raced Pewaukee REALLY slowly and got done and feel like I was going to die. I told my wife Dani at that point that I would NEVER do an IM because those people are freakin crazy and I would probably only ever do a Oly. Well the year went by and I met more and more people on BT, especially some crazy group called the Donkey Nation. About 3 weeks out from IMMOO 2007 I finally got to meet the head Donk jszat and PeterAK and rode with them for a while on their last long ride. I then decided to sign up to volunteer for 2007. I watched throughout the day and by the time I got done at 9:00 I called Dani and told her that the good news was that everyone I knew finished, but the "bad news" was that I HAD to do an IM. 2008 brought more sprints and a couple of HIMs and another volunteer shift to signup for 2009 and 12 months of worry. I started training too early and ended up digging myself a little hole to get out of which thanks to the help of jszat, I feel like I got to race day as well prepared as I could. I was not worried, I was barely nervous, I was just ready. I think I was a little too laid back going in to race day and sort of felt a little "flat" on Friday's ride. I had some run injuries throughout the year that put my run fitness in question and really brought my original 12 hour goal in serious question. I raced the Spirit of Racine HIM this year and felt I killed the race and had the best HIM run out of the 3 that I had done. After that race I started to think that 12 hours was doable again, but I was not married to the goal and I would be thrilled if I got there, but I was not going to have a fit if I didn't hit it.

I got to Madison on Thursday the week of the race and met up with some Donks and other BT'ers for lunch (after getting a speeding ticket) and it was nice to meet those that I had never met before. Had a good time with everyone leading up the the race and was still got getting the nerves, just ready to go.

Race morning I woke up at 3:45 and had some PB toast with honey and some Infinit and Coke. Headed into Madison from Verona at 4:30 and got a good parking spot right by scoobysdad, so it was nice to walk in with Rich in the AM. Dropped off special needs on the way to the Terrace since we were close by. Headed down to the Terrace to pump up the tires and drop off nutrition and visit the mens room. Hung around with Danielle and talked to Craig, AJ, Ross, Joe, and many other Donks waiting to start. Special thanks to the Weningers for taking my water bottles and sandals as Dani had gone up to the top of the terrace to get a spot to watch the swim. Walked down the Helix with Ross and after watching the Pro start finally got in the water. The head Donk came by and chatted for a bit and then headed back to a different spot and Ross and I started to work our way to the spot that we wanted to start.
Event warmup:

Treading water and peeing waiting for the start.
  • 1h 10m 57s
  • 4224 yards
  • 01m 41s / 100 yards

We were treading water and I was watching the clock on shore and my watch waiting for the cannon. Then all of a sudden with no warning and the proverbial shat hit the fan. Everyone took off and on my first stroke I got drilled in the eye by the guy next to me. I thought to my self "crap, now I gotta deal with this", luckily my goggles didn't get knocked off and they were not leaking so I just kept going. The IM start was everything I had heard about I really got beat up for 2/3 of the first loop, I must have been right where most of the people were and there were defnitely some jags out there throwing haymakers and doing some HUGE kicks that I was worried about, but other than the first hit, I didn't have anymore that I was really worried about more just some bumping and jostling for position. It was a really amazing experience to look over when I was able to see the Terrace and all of the people lining the whole thing cheering us on. The first bouy was pretty much a repeat of the start as people were just bobbing around trying to spot the next turn bouy and once they found it we all took off again and the azz kicking resumed. Made it through the first loop in 33 and change which I thought was alright. Second loop went by a little more smoothly, but there was still some bumping. My shoulder started to really bother me on the second loop and I kept having to alter my stroke to try to stretch it out. NOTE: Don't chop wood 4 weeks before IM. Got out of the water and headed up to the strippers and found my guy who got the wetsuit off very quickly. Looked at my watch and saw 1:11 which I was a little disappointed with as this is my strong suit and I really thought that I had a 1:05 swim in me. Just after the strippers I saw the ONE and the ONLY Trixie cheering us on which made me smile and forget about the time a little. Started to jog up the Helix which was another amazing experience as it was just lined with people. Got to about the second level and saw my wife who was crying and I wanted a kiss, but I could only get close enough for a high five which was cool.
What would you do differently?:

Not chop wood 4 weeks before IM
Transition 1
  • 08m 57s

This is a long transition even if you are fast as it is a long ways to the change room. Got my bag and had a great volunteer help me with my stuff. Tried to take it easy as much as possible to get the HR donw some. Grabbed my stuff and headed out to the sunsreen appliers, got lathered up and hit the port o pottie. My bike was racked a long was down the parking lot so I ran with my shoes in hand. Got to the correct rack and ended up grabbing my own bike as there was a ton of people all there at the same time. Heard my name and looked over and saw my Dad and family friend Jerry standing on the other side of the wall, which was really cool to see them right there and made me smile. Grabbed the bike, headed to the mount line and took off down the Helix. Joked with the guys around me on the way down, but really don't remember what we thought was so funny.
What would you do differently?:

Not much, maybe move a little faster.
  • 6h 02m 18s
  • 112 miles
  • 18.55 mile/hr

Took off down the Helix and tried to settle in to a good pace. Felt good heading out, so I just rode what felt comfortable which watching the HR to try to keep it under control. I had a big group that was out right in front of me, so I had to really work on not getting in to a spot that I would be drafting, that meant having to pass some on the hills that may have hurt me later. Hit Verona and was ready to get on with it. Did the first set of rollers and felt really good and the temps were comfortable, but you could tell that it was going to get warm later. I really get bored on the first 30 miles or so of the loop section of the course between Verona and Mt. Hored, I don't know why, but I just think it is a tedious section and boring. Rode through that and did a lot of back and forth passing with the group that I had some problems with in the begining of the ride. Got to Mt. Horeb and was happy that I was getting to the part of the ride that I think is "fun". Rode through the rollers and the super fast decents and got to Cross Plains and got an absolute kick out of the aid station volunteers who looked like they were having a blast with their Vegas theme. Also had to smile here as I knew that the 3 hard hills were coming and that my family was going to be on Timber Lane and I was really looking forward to seeing them. Hit Old Sauk Pass and felt great going up it and was actually smiling and that made the fans cheer more. Got to the top and didn't think it was too bad, headed up the road and made the right turn on to Timber. I could see/hear Dani as soon as I got there and she ran along next to me screaming ahead to the rest of my family that I was coming and trying to get the crowd to cheer. She is usually a little reserved I guess you could say, but here cheerleading background came out and at one point I actually looked at here and said "who the hell are you" or something along those lines. Got to the top and continued onward. Midtown sucked, that is all. Finished the rest of the first loop and averaged 19.6 which I thought was awesome and for the most part I felt great. My stomach was a little upset, but I didn't think anything of it at first.

Stop at special needs before heading out on the second loop and I was a little worried as I had not peed yet on the bike section and my hand were shaking a little so I thought to myself that I needed to drink more. I was not looking forward to the boring part of the loop but I pushed on. At this point the legs were really starting to feel the pain and I was worried a little about what was to come ahead. The hills were feeling harder and my stomach was not happy. Got to Mt. Horeb and was a little unhappy but was ready to get to the hills and was hoping that those would put me in a better mood with all of the fans on them. Old Sauk was alright and I had to smile at the bagpipe guy, but the smiling didn't last long. I really wanted another gear, but didn't have one. Got to the top and here comes Timber. Again Dani, but also joined by 2 of my other friends, came running up the hill with me screaming their heads off like lunatics, but it was funny to hear. Midtown REALLY sucked this time and I just didn't have much left. Got back in to Verona and was thrilled to be heading back. Second loop was about a 19mph average.

The stick section back in to Madison was uneventful except for it's suckiness. Stomach felt like crap, legs were tired, back and neck hurt, everything was ready to be done. I could not stay aero very long so I rode much of this section sitting up. Got to John Nolen and was THRILLED to see the Terrace and the end of the trek. I knew that if I could make it through the bike without any major mechanical issues that I was going to be an Ironman and I had made it. I told myself at that point that no matter how much the run hurt I was going to finish. Rode up the helix, told a volunteer they could through my bike in the lake, and walked into transition.

I never peed throughout the entire bike
What would you do differently?:

Not go so hard at the beginning. Drink more water. Maybe try having my Infinit a little less concentrated and use more bottles. Not ride in the sun and heat. I don't know, happy with the ride, but I didn't do myself any favors.
Transition 2
  • 08m 36s

Headed into T2 and grabbed my bag on my way to the change room. My shin had started to bother me a little so I grabbed an ART guy and had him work on it a little, and it helped a little, but since this was a race he didn't have enough time to get it all. Again this volunteer was awesome and he laid out all of my stuff so that I could see it all and put it in the order that I needed it. Decided to chance shorts here as I was worried about chafing. Grabbed my fuel belt, hat and glasses and headed out the door.
What would you do differently?:

More quicker, but again first IM, so I don't care.
  • 5h 23m 30s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 12m 21s  min/mile

I knew that this portion of the race was going to suck no matter how well the 2 portions before went, and boy was I way off on that. Right out of Transition I saw Craig (firstnett911) and chatted with him for a little bit. Actually stopped and walked over to the fence by him as I was in no hurry to run. Decided to head out but first I hit the Port o Potty to pee for the first time since the swim. I knew then I was in a little trouble.

Turned the Garmin on as I left the Terrace and it didn't get the signal for about the first aid station. I looked down and it was reading 7:15 pace and I just about stopped running to try to get myself into where I wanted to be. At this point my stomach as screwed and I could not even entertain the thought of a gel or the Infinit I had with me. In fact water didn't even sound good, but I tried forcing it down. Ran until I got to my family and said hi to everyone and admired the HUGE Donkey Head the my Dad, Unlce, and Brother drew while I was out on the bike. It was AWESOME. Started to jog after that end ended up catching PeterAK who had passed me a long time back on the bike. He was walking so I slowed to ask if he was alright and he said he was in a bad spot and I felt the same was so I started walking with him. It was really nice to have someone that I knew that was in the same place I was and could keep me motivated to keep going. We both started running off and on at certain points and at some spots I would lag and others he would. Spent a LONG time with him (THANKS DUDE). Had a really good chat with cweninger outside the Stadium and he was a game changer for me as some bad thoughts were creeping into my head and he pushed me to keep going and change up my plan if I had to. Walked a whole bunch the first loop and finally started taking in calories again at mile 4ish aid station and that consisted of grapes and chips. Never trained with those and I think I ended up eating too many as my stomach started hurting in a different way later, but they got me through a majority of the first loop. Saw Dani and my Mom a bunch as they moved over to State St. to see me make the turn. I decided that I really don't like the trail portion of this run and the area with all the signs as I think the signs make that part seem longer to me. Just my thoughts so take em of leave them. PeterAK's sign was the funniest though and we bother got a good laugh out of it as we were STILL together at that point. I thin we actually hit 3 timing mats at the same time, State St., the farthest one, and the turn around. Saw the Fam on the way back towards the Capitol and stopped to say hi again. I found out later that a number of them were planning on leaving after I went by as they had to get back to Milwaukee, but after seeing me they stayed until I came back as I really looked like I needed the support, so I say THANK YOU to those guys. Hit the turnaround (tease) and then special needs where I dropped the fuel belt as I wasn't using Infinit at that point anymore.

Started the second loop and ran up to the Family cheering section and this time the people that needed to leave let me know that, so i hugged everyone and said goodbye before pushing ahead, but not after my pops walked with me for a little with some good words of encouragement. THANKS DAD. Caught back up to Peter and continued with him for a while, but he ended up getting his running legs back to he took off at some point and I never saw him again. I on the other hand started having a Very had time with my asthma and between that and my stomach running just wasn't gonna happen. I used my inhaler more on this run than I have in the past year. Made it to Camp Randall and there are the Weningers and others at the Stadium Bar, so I say something stupid to them and flipem the bird (sorry guys) and head on into the Stadium, which was cool both times. Walked through it this time with some guy who was doing his 3rd IMMOO but was only on his first loop. Had a nice chat with him and walked a decent amount with him before my running started to come back. Hit the hills on Observatory, which I walked again and trudged on towards State St. Saw Dani and my Mom again and looked at my watch and I had about 1:15 to get to the finish under 13hrs. I didn't think I could make it but Dani told me that it took me 1:20 on the first loop to get to where they were and it was about 1 mile from there to the finish, so I told her I didn't know if I could do it, but told myself I HAD to. So I started running. Didn't do a huge amount of running, but more than I had to the point. The crappy part was that when I was running I was easily holding 9:15-9:30 miles and they felt really good. Then suddenly either my asthma, my stomach, or a cramp would force me to walk. In hindsight I had the urge to vomit from about mile 90 on the bike all the way to the end and I think it might have helped if I would have on the second loop of the run as I was almost there and I think I might have been able to get a normal routine of calories in and run more. This being my first though I was worried if I did I would be in trouble. Hit the Ford area and saw my message EEAAWWWSOME. Thank you to whoever put that in for me, but Dani was disappointed as she didn't get to town until Saturday and the message that she put in for me didn't come through. It started to get dark as we made the turn by the octopus so I tried to run as much as I could, but it got to the point that they started turning on the lights which I had hoped to be done before. Said hi to jmwebs at his aid station one more time and new that I was almost there. Hit the Kohl center aid station and ran even more and when I went passed where my family had been and they were not there I knew I was minutes away. I did walk just before State St. and through the last aid station but I ran from there.

The Finish....

So I made the final right turn and say Kimk who I wiffed on the high 5 with and got a little choked up. Got to the final left turn into the finish chute and saw my Dad, Uncle Jerry, friend Erik and brother Carl, and got more choked up. Then I could see the line. I have to say there had only been a couple of other moments in my life that I was that excited for. I slowed a little to let the guy ahead of me finish and looked behind me and no one was there. I started down the chute and once I was on the carpet I pointed at Mike Reilly to which he replied #348 Scott Goehner (he messed up the last name) from Wauwatosa, and then I held my hand to my ear for what felt like an eternity, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN. I actually got goosebumps typing that. Well, it hit me and I started to choke up more, but what really did it was seeing Maggyruth and her carrot arm warmers coming straight for me. At that point I lost it. I could not have thought of a better person to have catch me at my 1st IM. I cried a little on her shoulder before I pulled it together. bscharff then came over and gave me my shirt while my chip was removed and I got my medal and he took me to the photo area. Again, it was awesome to have friends in the finish area to take care of me.
What would you do differently?:

Not ride so hard. The only thing I think was daunting was that I had never run a Mary before this. Don't know if it would have helped but I wonder.
Post race
Warm down:

Got out of the finisher's area and it was still warm enough that I didn't get cold, so no space blanket. Also since I didn't run as much as I wanted to, I felt fine, save for the asthma that had me coughing my head off. Got hugs and pictures and stuff with the family and grabbed a piece of pizza which was awesome and a soda. I really wanted to go to the Great Dane for a beer so I headed to get my stuff. Got everything and headed to the GD with my Mom and Dani and had Mac and Cheese and part of a beer. the head Donk jszat came by and hung out for a while and Schmize and the always amazing Holly come down just as we were getting done so didn't hang out with them as much as I had hoped. Headed to my Bro's place and showered and surfed BT and ST for a while before crashing. GREAT DAY overall.

Now on to the thank you part of this Race Report.

First Thank You to my God for getting me through this and giving me the ability to do something I once thought was not possible.

Second Thank You to my amazing wife Danielle who came to volunteer last year, dealt with my nuerotic azz for the whole year, and then spent the whole day running around following me. I know that I am not the easiest person to deal with sometimes as I am a little anal retentive, but she puts up with me and I LOVE HER for it. You were the one pushing me through the last 2 miles as I just wanted to see you. Thank you Dani.

Third Thank You to my friends Erik and Molly who let me stay with them for 3 nights in Verona leading up to this race. It was awesome to have a "home" to go back to instead of a hotel and I think that hanging out with their family helped keep me at ease.

Fourth Thank You to jszat for being my Sherpa leading up to and through this race. You helped me through some tough times with the injuries and I really appreciate it.

FINALLY. THANK YOU to the Donkey Nation. You people are the best ever. I came in to this sport not knowing anyone that did it and hooked up with the most amazing group of people you could hope to meet. Without all of your support and your help I would have never done this. Some people may look at us wierd or think we are strange for our jerseys and such. SCREW UM. Thanks again DONKS.


P.S. I have come to the conclusion that I will probably do another one. After the 2 days of saying no way, but first I think we will be having kids.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Run skills, heat, this was my first. I don't know and don't really care, I had fun.

Event comments:

When I heard that it was $550 to sign up I thought they were crazy, but there people know how to make everyone feel like a rock start.

Last updated: 2009-01-28 12:00 AM
01:10:57 | 4224 yards | 01m 41s / 100yards
Age Group: 72/189
Overall: 6049/2176
Performance: Average
Suit: Sleeveless
Course: Counterclockwise rectangle couse 2 loops.
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Shot
Water temp: 75F / 24C Current:
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 08:57
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
06:02:18 | 112 miles | 18.55 mile/hr
Age Group: 81/189
Overall: 720/2176
Performance: Average
Wind: Little
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 08:36
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
05:23:30 | 26.2 miles | 12m 21s  min/mile
Age Group: 126/189
Overall: 1312/2176
Performance: Below average
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5