Comments: What the hell happened. I totally lost it and should have done a lot more OWS swims because I was not prepared for this to say the least. My time was nothing like I had in the pool What would you do differently?: More OWS training Transition 1
Comments: This first time transition took some time but with some tweeks I can get this time down for sure. No loops for shoes to be on bike with rubber band so just decided to put them on in transition area. What would you do differently?: Cut time down with practice Bike
Comments: I need more hill training but overall I took advantage of having a tri bike whenever possible. What would you do differently?: Train more on hills when necessary Transition 2
Comments: Quicker transition time for sure and took off for run in decent time. What would you do differently?: Cut time down wherever possible. Run
Comments: Hills were a little tough but overall I think I did quite well on this run course. After 2 events I think my time was really good. What would you do differently?: Train a little quicker to pull out a 7 min run time. Post race
Warm down: Stretching and walking around while cheering on my other racers. What limited your ability to perform faster: Newbie experiences Event comments: Although this was my first race ever I would say i'm addicted and looking forward to getting in another race soon. My next is in July and looking to train for it after a day off to rest from the Sprint yesterday. Last updated: 2009-02-03 12:00 AM
United States
Enviro-Sports Productions
57F / 14C
Overall Rank = 266/700
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 36/171
Woke up around 4:30 and left the hotel to the site. Ate a bananna and a health bar and a bottle of water.
Stretched a little on my left and shoulders for the swim and felt water temp to be sure I was good to go.